21,049 research outputs found
How Can Organizations Best Identify and Develop Talent for General Management (GM) Roles?
[Excerpt] Effective leadership is a unique competitive advantage. Companies with effective leadership experience a 15.7% equity premium while companies with ineffective leadership experience a 19.8% equity discount. Furthermore, it costs less and takes companies a shorter amount of time to develop talent internally over acquiring it externally. To ensure high potential (HiPo) talent succeeds in GM roles, companies can identify proper leadership competencies, identify talent that fits these competencies, and develop this talent accordingly
RF-source resistance meters
Several embodiments of RF source resistance measuring devices are disclosed. Common to all embodiments in the feature of the inclusion of at least one variable resistor, and a peak readout meter. In one embodiment, two ganged unloaded potentiometers are employed while another embodiment comprises an automaticnulling RF power bridge circuit with a variable rather than a fixed bridge reference resistance. A third embodiment comprises a calorimeter with a varible rather than a fixed resistor, while in another embodiment attenuator pads with variable resistors are employed
Simplified method for measuring the impedance of RF power sources - A concept
Bolometer detector and bridge circuit measure the RF power. A varied bridge reference resistor achieves maximum power transfer allowing the output impedance of the RF source to be determined from the known circuit parameters
What Organizational Changes Have Companies Experienced upon Eliminating Ratings within their Performance Management System?
[Excerpt] Over the past decade, organizations have begun to move away from traditional performance management processes (annual reviews, assigned performance ratings, a link to compensation) to remove “performance ratings” based on the perception that traditional PM is not working. As of 2015, more than 55 companies have removed performance ratings. Among those are some high-profile companies such as GE, Microsoft, Accenture, etc. (see Appendix A). According to a study of 244 companies in 2016, almost all companies in the study use ongoing feedback, 52% of companies have adopted ratingless reviews, and 34% of companies use ratingless reviews and ongoing feedback. 80% of participating organizations say that managers make decisions how to allocate rewards without ratings while staying within budget constraints.
The perceived impact of these new performance practices is high: 90% of companies that have redesigned performance management see direct improvements in engagement, 96% say processes are more simple, and 83% say they see the quality of conversations between employees and managers increasing. It is noteworthy that the positive impact may not all be attributed to the removal of performance ratings
What Indicators Exist that Lead to Employees Feeling Included?
[Excerpt] The concept of inclusion is something that most people are familiar with. However, the term often lacks the specificity needed to address it analytically. So, before discussing how to build and measure an inclusive workplace, we will lay out a brief foundation around the what and why of inclusion. To define what, we have chosen to base our study around the following dimensions of inclusion:
●Satisfaction of individual needs within a group
●Feelings of belongingness and uniqueness
As for why, studies show that inclusion improves creativity and attracts talent. These factors can be tied back to business success through lowered human capital costs and increased competitive advantage due to innovation and workforce excellence
Lead X-Ray Vests: Pros and Cons in Dental Radiography and Patient Education on Radiographic Technology
Problem: There is a greater need to emphasize and educate patients and providers about radiologic advancements and patient exposure. The tradition of placing lead x-ray vests on patients for all radiographs is no longer a necessity. Without the explanation of why lead aprons are no longer needed, unnecessary steps for the provider and potential harm to the patient could be caused.
Methods: This review of literature was assembled by analyzing data from primary and secondary sources through online databases. The most recent research on the risks and benefits of the use of lead x-ray vests towards patients in the dental office was examined. Articles included in this review were published within the last five years.
Major Findings: Studies show the use of lead x-ray vests is widely obsolete with most new types of radiographic technology.
Conclusions: Collimation and new digital radiographic devices have dramatically decreased patient radiation exposure by limiting the beam to a confined space on the patient\u27s oral cavity. There is also a risk that vests may pose a lead exposure hazard if not taken care of properly. The general patient population is widely unaware of these advancements in x-ray technology and of the ineffectiveness of lead aprons.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/denh_student/1020/thumbnail.jp
Detecting Oceans on Extrasolar Planets Using the Glint Effect
Glint, the specular reflection of sunlight off Earth's oceans, may reveal the
presence of oceans on an extrasolar planet. As an Earth-like planet nears
crescent phases, the size of the ocean glint spot increases relative to the
fraction of illuminated disk, while the reflectivity of this spot increases.
Both effects change the planet's visible reflectivity as a function of phase.
However, strong forward scattering of radiation by clouds can also produce
increases in a planet's reflectivity as it approaches crescent phases, and
surface glint can be obscured by Rayleigh scattering and atmospheric
absorption. Here we explore the detectability of glint in the presence of an
atmosphere and realistic phase-dependent scattering from oceans and clouds. We
use the NASA Astrobiology Institute's Virtual Planetary Laboratory 3-D
line-by-line, multiple-scattering spectral Earth model to simulate Earth's
broadband visible brightness and reflectivity over an orbit. Our validated
simulations successfully reproduce phase-dependent Earthshine observations. We
find that the glinting Earth can be as much as 100% brighter at crescent phases
than simulations that do not include glint, and that the effect is dependent on
both orbital inclination and wavelength, where the latter dependence is caused
by Rayleigh scattering limiting sensitivity to the surface. We show that this
phenomenon may be observable using the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) paired
with an external occulter.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures; accepted for publication in ApJ Letter
Design for Giving: Understanding What Motivates Corporate Philanthropy
What motivates corporate philanthropy? Since corporate giving is often fragmented, both in the sense of where grants originate within a company and where they are distributed, corporations typically lack a clear and comprehensive picture of their overall philanthropic expenditures and investments. In examining the giving patterns of corporations and other foundations, we have found that the vast majority of grants can be explained by three motivational clusters. Maximizing impact means managing the mix
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