439 research outputs found

    Transition Radiation of Moving Abrikosov Vortices

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    We show that Abrikosov vortices moving towards the surface of a superconductor emit electromagnetic radiation into free space. The frequency distribution of the radiated intensity displays a pronounced maximum at microwave frequencies around v_x/lambda, where lambda is the magnetic penetration length. Coherent motion of a lattice of flux lines leads to constructive interference and increases the strength of the radiated power by a large factor.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure The new version includes a derivation of novel dynamical London equations for a moving Abrikosov vortex, as well as a detailed discussion of boundary condition

    Forward Electron-Phonon Scattering in Normal and Superconducting States

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    The sharp forward electron-phonon (FEP)(FEP) and impurity (FIS)(FIS) scattering change the normal and superconducting properties significantly. The pseudo-gap like features are present in the density of states for ω<Ω\omega <\Omega , where Ω\Omega is the phonon frequency. The superconducting critical temperature TcT_c, due to the FEPFEP pairing, is linear with respect to the electron-phonon coupling constant. The FISFIS impurities are pair weakening for s−s- and d−waved-wave pairing.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figur

    Neutrino oscillations: deriving the plane-wave approximation in the wave-packet approach

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    The plane-wave approximation is widely used in the practical calculations concerning neutrino oscillations. A simple derivation of this approximation starting from the neutrino wave-packet framework is presented.Comment: Presented at the 36th ITEP Winter School of Physics, session "Particle Physics", February 8-16, 2008, Otradnoe, Russi

    Conventional Superconductivity in Fe-Based Pnictides: the Relevance of Intra-Band Electron-Boson Scattering

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    Various recent experimental data and especially the large Fe-isotope effect point against unconventional pairings, since the large intra-band impurity scattering is strongly pair-breaking for them. The strength of the inter-band impurity scattering in some single crystals may be strong and probably beyond the Born scattering limit. In that case the proposed s(+-) pairing (hole(h)- and electron(el)-gaps are of opposite signs) is suppressed but possibly not completely destroyed. The data imply that the intra-band pairing in the h- and in the el-band, which are inevitably due to some nonmagnetic el-boson interaction (EBI), must be taken into account. EBI is either due to phonons (EPI) or possibly due to excitons (EEI), or both are simultaneously operative. We discuss their interplay briefly. The large Fe-isotope effect favors the EPI and the s(+) pairing (the h- and el-gaps are in-phase).Comment: 7 pages, no figures, explanations and argumentations improved, references adde

    Quasiparticle interference in multiband superconductors with strong coupling

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    We develop a theory of the quasiparticle interference (QPI) in multiband superconductors based on strong-coupling Eliashberg approach within the Born approximation. In the framework of this theory, we study dependencies of the QPI response function in the multiband superconductors with nodeless s-wave superconductive order parameter. We pay a special attention to the difference of the quasiparticle scattering between the bands having the same and opposite signs of the order parameter. We show that, at the momentum values close to the momentum transfer between two bands, the energy dependence of the quasiparticle interference response function has three singularities. Two of these correspond to the values of the gap functions and the third one depends on both the gaps and the transfer momentum. We argue that only the singularity near the smallest band gap may be used as an universal tool to distinguish between s++s_{++} and s±s_{\pm} order parameters. The robustness of the sign of the response function peak near the smaller gap value, irrespective of the change in parameters, in both the symmetry cases is a promising feature that can be harnessed experimentally.Comment: 16 pages, 16 figure
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