16,586 research outputs found
New model for vortex-induced vibration of catenary riser
This paper presents a new theoretical model capable of predicting the vortex-induced vibration response of a steel catenary riser subject to a steady uniform current. The equations governing riser in-plane/out-ofplane (cross-flow/in-line) motion are based on a pinned beam-cable model accounting for overall effects of bending, extensibility, sag, inclination and structural nonlinearities. The empirically hydrodynamic model is based on nonlinear wake oscillators describing the fluctuating lift/drag forces. Depending on the potentially vortex-induced modes and system parameters, a reduced-order fluid-structure interaction model is derived which entails a significantly reduced computational time effort. Parametric results reveal maximum response amplitudes of risers, along with the occurrence of uni-modal lock-in phenomenon
Florida's West Coast inlets: shoreline effects and recommended action
This report responds to the 1986 Beaches Bill which, in recognition of the
potential deleterious impact on Florida's beaches of inlets modified for navigation,
mandated a study of those inlets with identification of recommended action to reduce
the impacts. This report addresses west Coast inlets; East Coast inlets are the
subject of a companion report.
There are 37 inlets along that portion of Florida's West Coast commencing from
Pensacola Bay Entrance to Caxambas Pass at the south end of Marco Island. Compared to
those on the East Coast, most West Coast inlets have not had the deleterious effects
on the adjacent beaches, yet all modified inlets without proper management have the
potential of impacting unfavorably on the adjacent shorelines. Moreover, at present
there is interest in opening three West Coast entrances which either have been open
in the past (Midnight Pass) or which have opened occasionally (Navarre Pass and
Entrance to Phillips Lake).
A review of inlets in their natural condition demonstrates the presence of a
shallow broad outer bar across which the longshore transport Occurs. These shallow
and shifting bar features were unsuitable for navigation which in many cases has led
to the deepening of the channels and fixing with one or two jetty structures. Inlets in this modified state along with inappropriate maintenance practices have the
potential of placing great ero$ional stress along the adjacent beaches. Moreover.
channel dredging can reduce wave sheltering of the shoreline by ebb tidal shoals and
alter the equilibrium of the affected shoreline segments. The ultimate in poor sand
management practice is the placement of good quality beach sand in water depths too
great for the sand to reenter the longshore system under natural forces; depths of 12
ft. or less are considered appropriate for Florida in order to maintain the sand in
the system.
With the interference of the nearshore sediment transport processes by inlets
modified for navigation, if the adjacent beaches are to be stabilized there must be
an active monitoring program with commitment to placement of dredged material of
beach quality on shoreline segments of documented need. Several East Coast inlets
have such transfer facilities; however. the quantities of sand transferred should be
increased. Although an evolution and improvement in the technical capability to
manage sand resources in the vicinity of inlets is expected, an adequate capability
exists today and a concerted program should be made to commence a scheduled
implementation of this capability at those entrances causing greatest erosional
stress on the adjacent shorelines.
A brief summary review for each of the 37 West Coast inlets is presented
including: a scaled aerial photograph, brief historical information, several items
related to sediment losses at each inlet and special characteristics relevant to
State responsibilities. For each inlet, where appropriate, the above infor~tion is
utilized to develop a recommenced action. (PDF has 101 pages.
Nonlinear multi-mode interactions in subsea risers undergoing vortex-induced vibrations
This paper investigates nonlinear multi-mode interactions in subsea risers undergoing vortex-induced vibrations based on a computationally efficient reduced-order fluid-structure interaction model. Cross-flow responses as a result of a steady uniform current are considered. The geometrically nonlinear equations of riser motion are coupled with nonlinear wake oscillators which have been modified to capture the effect of initial curvatures of curved cylinder and to approximate the space-time varying hydrodynamic lift forces. The main objectives are to provide new insights into the vortex-induced vibration characteristics of risers under external and internal resonances and to distinguish nonlinear dynamic behaviors between curved catenary and straight toptensioned risers. The analyses of multi-mode contributions, lock-in regimes, response amplitudes, resonant nonlinear modes and curvatures are carried out and several interesting aspects are highlighted
Using Intelligent Agents to Manage Business Processes
This paper describes work undertaken in the ADEPT (Advanced Decision Environment for Process Tasks) project towards developing an agent-based infrastructure for managing business processes. We describe how the key technology of negotiating, service providing, autonomous agents was realised and demonstrate how this was applied to the BT business process of providing a customer quote for network services
Vortex-induced vibration of catenary riser: reduced-order modeling and lock-in analysis using wake oscillator
A new reduced-order model capable of analyzing the vortex-induced vibration of catenary riser in the ocean current has been developed. This semi analytical-numerical approach is versatile and allows for a significant reduction in computational effort for the analysis of fluid-riser interactions. The incoming current flow is assumed to be steady, uniform, unidirectional and perpendicular to the riser plane of initial equilibrium curvatures
Improving wafer-scale Josephson junction resistance variation in superconducting quantum coherent circuits
Quantum bits, or qubits, are an example of coherent circuits envisioned for
next-generation computers and detectors. A robust superconducting qubit with a
coherent lifetime of (100 s) is the transmon: a Josephson junction
functioning as a non-linear inductor shunted with a capacitor to form an
anharmonic oscillator. In a complex device with many such transmons, precise
control over each qubit frequency is often required, and thus variations of the
junction area and tunnel barrier thickness must be sufficiently minimized to
achieve optimal performance while avoiding spectral overlap between neighboring
circuits. Simply transplanting our recipe optimized for single, stand-alone
devices to wafer-scale (producing 64, 1x1 cm dies from a 150 mm wafer)
initially resulted in global drifts in room-temperature tunneling resistance of
30%. Inferring a critical current variation from this
resistance distribution, we present an optimized process developed from a
systematic 38 wafer study that results in 3.5% relative standard deviation
(RSD) in critical current () for 3000 Josephson junctions (both single-junctions and
asymmetric SQUIDs) across an area of 49 cm. Looking within a 1x1 cm moving
window across the substrate gives an estimate of the variation characteristic
of a given qubit chip. Our best process, utilizing ultrasonically assisted
development, uniform ashing, and dynamic oxidation has shown = 1.8% within 1x1 cm, on average,
with a few 1x1 cm areas having 1.0% (equivalent to 0.5%). Such stability would drastically improve the yield of
multi-junction chips with strict critical current requirements.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Revision includes supplementary materia
Violation of the Leggett-Garg inequality with weak measurements of photons
By weakly measuring the polarization of a photon between two strong
polarization measurements, we experimentally investigate the correlation
between the appearance of anomalous values in quantum weak measurements, and
the violation of realism and non-intrusiveness of measurements. A quantitative
formulation of the latter concept is expressed in terms of a Leggett-Garg
inequality for the outcomes of subsequent measurements of an individual quantum
system. We experimentally violate the Leggett-Garg inequality for several
measurement strengths. Furthermore, we experimentally demonstrate that there is
a one-to-one correlation between achieving strange weak values and violating
the Leggett-Garg inequality.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure
Locally Optimally Emitting Clouds and the Origin of Quasar Emission Lines
The similarity of quasar line spectra has been taken as an indication that
the emission line clouds have preferred parameters, suggesting that the
environment is subject to a fine tuning process. We show here that the observed
spectrum is a natural consequence of powerful selection effects. We computed a
large grid of photoionization models covering the widest possible range of
cloud gas density and distance from the central continuum source. For each line
only a narrow range of density and distance from the continuum source results
in maximum reprocessing efficiency, corresponding to ``locally
optimally-emitting clouds'' (LOC). These parameters depend on the ionization
and excitation potentials of the line, and its thermalization density. The mean
QSO line spectrum can be reproduced by simply adding together the full family
of clouds, with an appropriate covering fraction distribution. The observed
quasar spectrum is a natural consequence of the ability of various clouds to
reprocess the underlying continuum, and can arise in a chaotic environment with
no preferred pressure, gas density, or ionization parameter.Comment: 9 pages including 1 ps figure. LaTeX format using aaspp4.st
The ATLAS-SPT Radio Survey of Cluster Galaxies
Using a high-performance computing cluster to mosaic 4,787 pointings, we have
imaged the 100 sq. deg. South Pole Telescope (SPT) deep-field at 2.1 GHz using
the Australian Telescope Compact Array to an rms of 80 Jy and a resolution
of 8". Our goal is to generate an independent sample of radio-selected galaxy
clusters to study how the radio properties compare with cluster properties at
other wavelengths, over a wide range of redshifts in order to construct a
timeline of their evolution out to . A preliminary analysis of the
source catalogue suggests there is no spatial correlation between the clusters
identified in the SPT-SZ catalogue and our wide-angle tail galaxies.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to Proceedings of Science for "The many
facets of extragalactic radio surveys: towards new scientific challenges",
Bologna, Italy 20-23 October 2015 (EXTRA-RADSUR2015
Radio Frequency Models of Novae in eruption. I. The Free-Free Process in Bipolar Morphologies
Observations of novae at radio frequencies provide us with a measure of the
total ejected mass, density profile and kinetic energy of a nova eruption. The
radio emission is typically well characterized by the free-free emission
process. Most models to date have assumed spherical symmetry for the eruption,
although it has been known for as long as there have been radio observations of
these systems, that spherical eruptions are to simplistic a geometry. In this
paper, we build bipolar models of the nova eruption, assuming the free-free
process, and show the effects of varying different parameters on the radio
light curves. The parameters considered include the ratio of the minor- to
major-axis, the inclination angle and shell thickness (further parameters are
provided in the appendix). We also show the uncertainty introduced when fitting
spherical model synthetic light curves to bipolar model synthetic light curves.
We find that the optically thick phase rises with the same power law () for both the spherical and bipolar models. In the bipolar case
there is a "plateau" phase -- depending on the thickness of the shell as well
as the ratio of the minor- to major-axis -- before the final decline, that
follows the same power law () as in the spherical case.
Finally, fitting spherical models to the bipolar model synthetic light curves
requires, in the worst case scenario, doubling the ejected mass, more than
halving the electron temperature and reducing the shell thickness by nearly a
factor of 10. This implies that in some systems we have been over predicting
the ejected masses and under predicting the electron temperature of the ejecta.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ, accompanying
movie to figure 3 available at
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