160 research outputs found

    The Witch

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    This is a book review of Brandon Grafius, The Witch (Devil’s Advocates) (Liverpool, UK: Auteur Publishing in partnership with Liverpool University Press, 2020)

    Cryptographic Algorithms, Cryptocurrencies, and a Predictive Model of Bitcoin Value by Pls Regression

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    With the invention of Bitcoin in 2009, as a seemingly timed response to the ongoing financial crisis, the popularity of the cryptocurrency has since continued to grow. Just this year, the Security Exchange Commission approved Bitcoin for exchange traded funds, allowing major investment firms to begin product trading. With this approval, and during this very moment of writing, Bitcoin has entered a bull market and reached a record value of over 72,000 USD. In addition, the Bitcoin halving event in April of 2024 is expected to increase demand even further. It has been anticipated that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies will continue to grow in popularity as an alternate source of investment. The purpose of this thesis is to review two important cryptographic algorithms currently being implemented to validate and trade cryptocurrencies, SHA-3 and ECDSA. Furthermore, we provide a general overview of how Bitcoin, Ethereum, and their networks operate independently of third parties. Finally, a successful analysis using Partial Least Squares regression is conducted to predict the moving average price of Bitcoin with hope the methodology could be implemented in future trading strategies -- Abstract, p. ii

    Look at the destination marker

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    In lieu of an abstract, below is the essay\u27s first paragraph. When I got on the bus that day on my way to work I was surprised to see how few people there were on it. Usually it was crowded at that time in the afternoon, but today there were only three people

    Mineralogical Analysis of Aeolian Dune Deposits, White River Badlands, South Dakota

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    The goal of this study is to test our hypothesis that sand dunes in the White River Badlands (WRB), South Dakota, northern Great Plains, formed during one or more prolonged prehistoric droughts. WRB dune fields are located on tabletops north of the White River in southwestern South Dakota. These parabolic dunes have maximum relief of 30 m and open to the northwest, consistent with the dominant wind direction for the region. Currently, dunes are stabilized by a drought-adapted, mixed grass prairie community. Sand dunes form when 1) prolonged drought kills prairie vegetation, allowing wind to erode and transport sediment, forming sand dunes in drought conditions, or 2) local stream sediment supplies increase, causing dune formation under nondrought conditions. Thus, if mineralogical compositions of dune sands are equivalent to compositions of nearby stream sands, then dunes formed because of increased sand supplies, as opposed to drought. To test the hypothesis that WRB dunes formed in drought, the investigators made quantitative and qualitative comparisons of dune and stream sand compositions. Summers of 2015 and 2016, investigators collected representative samples from WRB dunes and the White River channel. Investigators analyzed sand compositions using two methodologies. First, using a petrographic microscope, investigators identified 300 grains in thin section from each sample to produce a statistically valid modal composition based on quartz, feldspar, and rock fragment content. Second, using the petrographic microscope, investigators identified distinct mineralogical associations in each sample for comparison. The presentation will include results of these quantitative and qualitative analyses

    Francis Thompson: The Man and the Poet in Sister Songs

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    Effect of muscle type and CO-pretreatment combinations on the colour stability, protein oxidation and shelf-life of vacuum packaged beef steaks

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    This study investigated the effects of CO-pretreatments on three bovine muscles: Psoas major (PM), Gluteus medius (GM) and Semitendinosus (ST) on colour stability and quality attributes under anaerobic conditions. Steaks were exposed to one of four pretreatments: 1% CO for 5 h, 5% CO for 5 h, 1% CO for 24 h, with 60% CO2, (balance N2) or untreated (control) and then vacuum packaged and displayed (28 days at 2 °C). CO pretreatments improved redness for colour labile muscles (PM and GM). The optimum CO pretreatment was 1% for 5 h as this induced surface redness while discolouring (a* = 12, C* = 16) by the use-by-date (28 days). CO pretreatments decreased protein oxidation (P \u3c 0.01), and had no negative effect on pH and spoilage bacteria (P \u3e 0.05). Applying a 1% CO pretreatment for 5 h effectively enhanced the colour of various muscles while not masking spoilage thus addressing consumer concerns

    The application of carbon monoxide in meat packaging needs to be re-evaluated within the EU: An overview

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    Carbon monoxide (CO) has many value-added benefits in meat packaging due to its colour stabilising effects and enhancement of meat quality attributes. The regulation of CO within meat packaging varies worldwide and remains a topical and controversial issue. CO is prohibited in the EU for use in meat packaging mainly due to fears it may mask spoilage therefore misleading consumers. The issue of consumer acceptance of CO was not considered. This article reviews the most pertinent literature to assess if the problems associated with the prohibition have been addressed. Applying CO pretreatments prior to vacuum packaging enhances colour while allowing discolouration to occur by the use-by-date, thereby addressing concerns about safety. Recent work showing European consumer acceptance of CO in meat packaging demonstrates its future potential within the EU. The information provided may support framing future policies intended to assure consumer protection, safety, choice and interest. Re-evaluation of permitting CO as a packaging gas within the EU may be warranted
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