6 research outputs found
Model Pengelolaan Pembelajaran POMER Untuk Mengembangkan Bodily Kinesthetic Dan Interpersonal Skill Peserta Didik
Tantangan zaman membawa pergeseran paradigma pendidikan. Tantangan tersebut menjadi latar belakang utama pergeseran kompetensi peserta didik di sekolah. Pembentukan pribadi yang cerdas, mandiri, bermartabat, dan memiliki kesiapan untuk melakukan kerja menjadi capaian utama pembelajaran. Oleh karena itu, inovasi pengelolaan pembelajaran diperlukan dalam mencapai tujuan tersebut. Pengembangan bodily kinesthetic dan interpersonal skill peserta didik dikemas melalui pengelolaan pembelajaran sains (khususnya IPA dan Fisika) dengan model POMER (Planning, Organizing, Maximizing The Potential, Evaluating, Reflecting). Model ini dibangun dan dikembangkan dalam penelitian Research and Development. Hasil validasi ahli menunjukkan model POMER layak digunakan sebagai model pengelolaan pembelajaran sains dengan tingkat kelayakan 83,33%. Hal ini berarti pengelolaan pembelajaran sains dapat ditingkatkan untuk memaksimalkan potensi peserta didik. Model POMER lebih meningkatkan pengembangan potensi kinestetik dan interaktif peserta didik. Potensi kinestetik dapat dikembangkan dalam bodily kinaesthetic skill dan interaktif dapat dikembangkan melalui interpersonal skill. Penelitian direkomendasikan pada guru IPA dan guru Fisika dalam mengemas pembelajaran POMER untuk memaksimalkan potensi peserta didik melalui pengembangan bodily kinesthetic dan interpersonal skill
Ibm Penyusunan Penilaian Autentik Bagi Guru Sekolah di Ponpes Darul Fikri Bawen
Low motivation of teachers in implementing authentic assessment becomes the basis for IbM team to carry out extension activities. Authentic assessment has actually been around a long time, but this issue arose when the curriculum was launched in 2013. During this time, most of the teachers at school in the field only make an assessment test course, not many people touched assessment tests that are written. Through activities of IbM Authentic Assessment Preparation Training for Teachers of Pesantren Darul Fikri Bawen, participants are expected to conduct a written assessment, performance assessment, product assessment projects, portfolio assessment, and manage the mark using computer-based process. Prior to socialization, teachers must first take pretest and post test. Pre test shows an average score of 89.65 while the average of post-test scores shows 97.6. During the activities, the participants felt helped and gave a positive response to organized similar activities
Rancang Bangun Model Integrasi Kooperatif Tipe Jigsaw, Nht dan Stad pada Pembelajaran Fisika di SMA
The alternative often used by the teacher to create an atmosphere conducive for the students and involve them in learning process is applying cooperative learning model. But sometimes the application of this model is not the right solution. Because the un organizing application step make un conducive the learning atmosphere, and the effort to give chance for the students to direct involve in learning process become less. The objective of this research is to know how cooperative learning model engineering Jigsaw type, NHT and STAD can be applied or not in Senior High School learning. The population of this research is X grade students and the sample is the X-3 SMAN 1 Karangrayung - Grobogan. The research was in February 2014. The result of the expert validation of the NESG (Numbered Expert Student Group) learning model design from the two valuators got the percentage 80,76%. The valuation of the learning process in model achievement sheet got percentage 95,83%. Those result explained that the result product is good level. The result of the student achievement showed the increment, from the average 7,1 increase on 8,26. This increment in average level based on gain analysis with gain percentage 40%. While, the students respond of the NESG learning model got the average percentage 80,76%. Those result explained that the result product is good level. Integration cooperative learning model engineering Jigsaw type, NHT and STAD is NESG (Numbered Expert Student Group) learning model
Penerapan Model Learning Starts with A Question (Lsq) Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas XI IPA SMA Negeri 2 Demak Tahun Pelajaran 2013/2014
Classroom action research this used Learning Starts with a Question model . This research is motivated by the learning outcomes of students of class XI IPA-4 SMAN 2 Demak in learning physics is lower than other classes. This study aims to improve student learning outcomes class XI IPA SMA N 2 Demak of academic year 2013/2014. The subjects were students of class XI IPA-4 SMA N 2 Demak totaling 40 students, consist of 12 male students and 28 female students.Classroom action research through three cycles of learning. Where each cycle consists of planning, action, observation, and reflection. Data collected through testing, observation method and documentation method.The results showed this learning by applying Learning Starts with a Question (LSQ) model to improve learning outcome student at each cycle. The conclusion of this research is the application of Learning Start with a Question (LSQ) model to improve learning outcomes student class XI IPA SMA N 2 Demak academic year 2013/2014