952 research outputs found

    The Army, UN Peacekeeping Mission and Democracy in Bangladesh.

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    This article examines the role of the United Nations peacekeeping mission in Bangladesh in pushing the army in a certain direction with regard to holding elections and supporting political parties. It analyses the reasons why the UN peacekeeping mission has such a strong influence on the Bangladesh army and assesses the implications for future political developments of such foreign involvement. It further argues that whatever the limitations and excesses of democracy, army rule is no solution, rather it is necessary to strengthen democractic institutions and let democratic processes play themselves out. In this sense, the recourse to the army to bring in democracy in Bangladesh was not the best solution to the political impasse witnessed in 2007.Bangladesh; UN Peacekeeping

    Studies on the effectiveness of various insecticides and drying in controlling granary weevil (Sitophilus granarius L.) in stored wheat seed : a thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master in Agricultural Science (Seed Technology) at Massey University, New Zealand

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    This study was designed to examine the effects of various insecticidal materials and of repeated seed drying during storage on the population dynamics and survival of Granary Wevil (Sitophilus granarious L.) in wheat. The study was conducted in three parts. The first experiment examined the immediate and longer term effectiveness of the contact insecticide malathion and the fumigant phosphine along with influence of repeated drying to safe moisture contents on granary weevil infestation. Wheat seed was stored for 165 days at 25 C and 80% R.H. Treatments were examined every 30 days to study the developrrent of Sitophilus granarius populations and associated damage to wheat seed and evaluation made of the effects of drying, malathion and phosphine on the established infestation and on seed quality. Granary weevils increased by about a factor of X 10 every 60 days and did extensive damage to chemically untreated seed. Repeated drying reduced the rate of increase but did not eliminate the insect population. Malathion dust added to infested seed severely checked insect development and when combined with drying destroyed the infestation completely. Malathion also displayed considerable residual effect and had no adverse effect on seed viability. Phosphine was found to be totally effective in eradicating an established population of granary weevils from seed without affecting seed quality. In a second experiment malathion was sprayed onto jute squares at 2.5% and at one half and one quarter of this rate. Treated squares were stored for 90 days at 20 C, ambient RH of 70 - 90% or 30 C, ambient RH of 60 - 80% and the residual toxicity of the deposit was assayed with live insects at intervals after treatment. Malathion was also applied at 2.5% concentration to the outside of grain filled sacks which were then placed individually into large plastic bags into which adult granary weevils were introduced at 7 day intervals. After 56 days storage, counts were made of live and dead insects inside the sacks to assess protective effect of the malathion treatment. On jute squares malathion was completely effective at all concentrations and at both storage temperatures (20 C and 30 C) immediately after application and also after 7 days. Thereafter, it lost its effectiveness slowly over the next 90 days storage. In whole sack treatment malathion was found to provide only immediate protection at both temperatures and was inadequate after only a few days. In the third experiment wheat seeds, uninfested and infested with Sitophilus granarius, were mixed with ground neem seed of each of two species of neem ( Azadirachta indica and Melia azaderach) at 1 g per 20 g wheat and were stored at 25 C and 80% R.H. Seeds were examined for live and dead insects and germination assessed after 90 days storage. Little or no direct mortality of adults was recorded but there was indirect evidence of suppression of egg laying particularly with Azadirachta indica. Neem seed powder did not affect the viability of the wheat seed. This study has clearly shown the short term residual effectiveness of malathion, the immediate eradicant action of phosphine and the poor performance of the natural insecticidal chemical in neem seed on granary weevil infestation in wheat. The results also show the maintenance of low seed moisture contents in wheat to be a practical method of reducing insect populations. The role of granary weevil in damaging seed was clearly seen by X-ray photography and by the extent of types of abnormal seedlings found in positional germination tests. In the absence of effective control Sitophilus granarius has the potential to devastate wheat seed quality in terms of both purity and germination in as little as 90 days

    Reducing poverty and hunger in Asia:

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    Investment Priorities for Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction in Asia Shenggen Fan, Joanna Brzeska, and Ghada ShieldsAgricultural development, Rural development, Hunger, Poverty reduction, economic growth, Agricultural policy, Technology transfer, infrastructure, Decentralization, rural areas, Millennium Development Goals, Sustainable development, Climate change,

    Foodgrain price stabilization in developing countries

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    The government of almost every country has intervened in the market pricing of foodgrains to promote price stability. But the rules of the game are changing as countries abandon trade restrictions and protectionist policies in the wake of the Uruguay Round agreement of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT). Will food prices fluctuate more or less with trade liberalization? Foodgrain Price Stabilization in Developing Countries: Issues and Experiences in Asia, Food Policy Review 3, by Nurul Islam and Saji Thomas, looks at these issues from three perspectives. The first part reviews the literature and briefly summarizes the macro and micro policies that governments in developing countries have adopted to stabilize prices. It also considers alternative policies that do not seek to stabilize prices per se but deal with the consequences of price instability for food producers and consumers, such as crop insurance or futures markets. The second part focuses on the foodgrain price stabilization experiences of five developing countries in Asia, the circumstances underlying price stabilization policy for rice and wheat over time in each country, and the design and implementation of the schemes adopted. The third part examines the implications of the policies adopted for future price stability.Grain Prices Asia. ,Food prices Asia. ,Grain trade Asia. ,Price maintenance Asia. ,Food policies. ,

    Studies on commercial policy and economic growth

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    Information Panopticon as Disciplining Radical Content on Social Media

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    This research outlines the panopticon of information through da'wah content on social media as a form of discipline for radical and intolerant content. The research method used is content analysis of da'wah content on social media and sentiment analysis to see the response of netizens who comment on the content. The results of this research show that the panopticons mentioned by Bentham and Foucault have shifted to a data-based discipline. Panopticon is an advanced technology used to discipline people. Where people are exposed to the 'infrastructure' of prison buildings to keep an eye on prisoners. The theme of wasathiyah as content on social media is a mechanism for monitoring and disciplining all forms of radicalism and extremism that occur in Indonesia. The form of supervision is through content created by individuals or groups who are creators, which can be known through responses to da'wah content.

    Community Based Fisheries Management: Livelihoods Impact

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    This policy brief addreses the lessons learned and policy recommendations from CBFM-2. The Community Based Fisheries Management (CBFM) Project has been implemented since 1995 by theDepartment of Fisheries (DoF) with the assistance of the WorldFish Center. It has worked in a range of water bodies across Asia (Southern)-Bangladesh; including government owned fisheries (jalmohals) and privately owned fisheries in closed beels, open beels, floodplains and rivers. The second phase of the project, CBFM-2, supported by DFID, is now in its last year of operation and covers 116 waterbodies. It has resulted in the establishment of 130 Community Based Organisations (CBOs) through community development work by 11 partner NGOs

    Export Incentives and Responsiveness of Exports in Pakistan: A Quantitative Analysis

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