9 research outputs found

    Karakter Tanaman yang Mempengaruhi Hasil Tanaman Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.)

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    Yield variety of physic nut is one of the factor that cause the gap between the potential and actual yields. In a homogeneous environment, plant yield is controlled by multigenes. To obtain a homogeneous yield, it is necessary to determine the plant characters affecting physic nut yield. A research was carried out in Asembagus and Muktiharjo Research Stations in January-December 2010 to observe plant growth and yield of IP-3A and IP-3M genotypes. Data were analyzed backward stepwise to determine the plant characters that affect plant yield. The results showed that IP-3A plant characters affecting yield from the greatest were the number of branches, the ratio C / N in petiol, the number of non-productive branches, the amount of glucose needed to form per gram petiol tissue, C-organic content in petiol, the ratio C / N in stem, C-organic content in stem, and the amount of glucose needed to form per gram stem tissue. Of the eight characters, only the number of non-productive branches negatively affected on yield, while other characters showed positive influence. The IP-3M plant characters affecting yield from the greatest were the ratio C / N in shoot, N content in shoot, the amount of glucose needed to form per gram shoot and stem tissues, C-organic content in shoot and stem, the amount of glucose needed to form per gram leaf tissue, C-organic content in leaf and water content in stem. Of the nine characters, only the N content in shoot that negatively affected on plant yield, while other characters showed positive influence

    Karakteristik Kimia Serat Buah, Serat Batang, dan Serat Daun

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    Serat alam yang berasal dari tanaman non-kayu dikategorikan menjadi tiga kelompok yaitu serat buah, serat batang dan serat daun. Masing-masing jenis serat alam tersebut memiliki karakteristik yang berbeda. Karakter kimia, fisik, maupun dinamik dari serat alam diperlukan untuk pengembangan pemanfaatannya sebagai bahan baku industri strategis berbasis serat. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis karakteristik kimia serat buah (kapas), serat batang (abaka), dan serat daun (sisal), serta membahas peluang pemanfaatannya dalam industri berbasis serat alam. Informasi mengenai karakteristik kimia serat diperlukan sebagai dasar untuk pemanfaatan serat sebagai bahan baku dalam industri strategis. Data karakteristik kimia serat alam juga diperlukan sebagai dasar pembuatan produk-produk turunannya (diversifikasi produk) sehingga dapat menjadi nilai tambah bagi produk tanaman serat. Analisis karakter kimia serat alam dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) untuk mendapatkan informasi tentang kandungan selulosa, hemiselulosa, holoselulosa, lignin, dan pentosan, serta kadar zat ekstraktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa serat buah kapas memiliki kandungan selulosa tertinggi (98,06%), serat batang abaka mempunyai kandungan lignin tertinggi (7,63%), sedangkan serat daun sisal mempunyai kandungan hemiselulosa tertinggi (21,97%). Kadar holoselulosa ketiga jenis serat hampir sama, yaitu antara 93,3–94,7%. Kadar zat ekstraktif (kelarutan alkohol-benzena, air panas dan air dingin) ketiga jenis serat termasuk kecil (<5%) yaitu antara 0,63–4,44%. Informasi tentang karakter kimia serat alam tersebut hendaknya dipadukan dengan informasi karakter fisik dan dinamik serat untuk dikembangkan sebagai bahan baku industri strategis berbasis serat, misalnya kertas uang, biokomposit untuk industri automotif, biopolymer dan produk yang berbasis nano fiber.Chemical Characteristics of Boll, Bast, and Leaf FibersNon-wood natural fibers are categorized into three groups, viz. boll fiber, bast fiber and leaf fiber. Those natural fibers have specific characters. Chemical characters as well as physical and dynamical characters of the fibers are useful for their utilization in natural fiber based industries. This research aims are to analyse chemical characters of cotton boll fibers, bast fiber of abaca, and leaf fiber of sisal, as well as to discuss the possibility of their use in fiber based industries. The information of the fibers chemical characters is needed for developing their use as the main materials of strategic industries. The data are also useful for developing derivates products or product diversification, so that could be an added value of the natural fibers. The characterization of those fibers used Indonesian National Standard (SNI) methods to analyse the content of cellulose, hemi cellulose, holocellulose, lignin, and pentosan, as well as the extractive compounds. Result showed that cotton fiber has the highest cellulose content (98.06%), the bast fiber of abaca has the highest lignin content (7.63%), and sisal has the highest hemicellulose content (21.9%). Holocellulose content of those fibers were around 93.3-94.7%. The content of extractive compound of the fibers (in term of disolve capacity of fiber in alcohol-benzene, hot and cold water) was catogerized as very low (less than 5%). These information regarding to the chemical characters of those three fibers when are integrated with the fiber-physical and dynamical characters would be useful for developing the utilization of the fibers into natural-fiber-based industries, such as paper money, biocomposite for automotive industry, biopolymers, and nano fiber products

    Respon Tanaman Jarak Pagar (Jatropha Curcas L.) Terhadap Lima Jenis Zat Pengatur Tumbuh (ZPT)

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    Pengembangan tanaman jarak pagar mengalami beberapa kendala, di antaranya produksi biji yang rendah. Hal ini terkait dengan rendahnya jumlah bunga betina yang dihasilkan dalam satu malai. Penelitian yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian zat pengatur tumbuh (ZPT) terhadap pertumbuhan, pem-bungaan, dan produksi jarak pagar, dilakukan di KP Asembagus pada bulan Januari−Desember 2010. Lima jenis bahan aktif ZPT meliputi paclobutrazol, asam geberelin (GA3), asam naptalin asetik (NAA), mepiquat klorida, dan 2,4-D, serta perlakuan kontrol (tanpa bahan aktif ZPT), diaplikasikan pada tanaman jarak pagar berumur 1 tahun dan disusun dalam rancangan acak kelompok dengan tiga ulangan. Hasil penelitian me-nunjukkan bahwa aplikasi ZPT mempengaruhi jumlah cabang, jumlah bunga jantan, jumlah bunga betina, dan jumlah buah, namun tidak mempengaruhi tinggi tanaman dan lebar kanopi. NAA menghasilkan jumlah buah yang paling banyak (121,4 buah per tanaman) sedangkan GA3 mempercepat pemunculan bunga (8,33 hari setelah aplikasi). Development of physic nut is facing some problems, one of them is low seed production. This is related to the low number of female flowers which are produced in a panicle. The aim of the study is to determine the effect of plant growth regulator (PGR) on growth, flowering, and seed production, it was conducted at Asembagus Experimental Station, Situbondo from January to December 2010. Five kinds of plant growth re-gulator i.e. paclobutrazol, geberelline acid (GA3), naphthalene acetic acid (NAA), mepiquat chloride, and 2,4-D, and control (without PGR) were applied on one-year-old of J. curcas and arranged in a randomized block de-sign with three replications. The results showed that PGR application affects the number of branches, male flower, female flower, and fruit, but not affected plant height and canopy width. NAA gave the highest number of fruit, i.e. 121.4 capsules per plant, and GA3 triggered the earliest flowering, i.e. at 8.33 days after application

    Keragaman Pertumbuhan Dan Hasil Populasi Tanaman Jarak Pagar IP-3A

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    Potential yield of Improved Population (IP) provenances were predicted from the best yield of individual plants in one year old population. In the field, actual yield of jatropha is lower than its potency. The high va-riability in plant population may cause the divergence of the yields. A research to find out production varia-bility of IP-3A was conducted from August to December 2010 at Asembagus Experimental Station, Situbon-do. Seventy five sample plants were taken from IP-3A plantation aged 2 years from seedling and stem cutting. The sample plants were observed for their growth and yield. Variability analysis was used in this research. The result showed that plant growth and yield of jatropha IP-3A plantation, both from seedling and stem cutting were varied. Coefficient variability of plant growth including plant height, canopy diameter, stem diameter, and stem length per internode was less than 20%, whereas those of number of leaves, main stem diameter, stem length, stem volume, number of stem internodes, and volume of stem internodes ranged from 20−50%. The coefficient variability of yield components, including number of fruit bunches, the number of fruits per bunch, and number of fruit per plant ranged from 50−160%. The coefficient variability of yield ranged from 98–160%, which is 4.30 to 8.55 times of the average yields. The high variability of yield may explain the jatropha yield gap between its potency and actual

    Potensi Diversifikasi Rosela Herbal (Hibiscus Sabdariffa L.) untuk Pangan dan Kesehatan

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    Tanaman penghasil serat alami dari genus Hibiscus yang cukup populer di Indonesia adalah rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.). Nilai kemanfaatan rosela sangat luas baik untuk pangan dan kesehatan, sehingga potensi diversifikasi rosela cukup besar. Tujuan penulisan review ini adalah untuk memberikan informasi kandungan fitokimia potensial tanaman rosela herbal yang memiliki efek farmakologis dan fisiologis serta beberapa diversifikasi produk makanan, minuman dan produk kesehatan. Bagian tanaman rosela herbal yang memiliki kandungan fitokimia potensial adalah daun, buah, biji, batang dan akar. Senyawa fitokimia potensial tersebut meliputi kelompok senyawa fenol, alkaloid, tannin, flavonoid, saponin, dan asam organik. Fungsi rosela herbal secara farmakologis dan fisiologis diantaranya memiliki aktivitas antibakteri, antifungal, aktivitas antiinflamasi, antidiabetes, aktivitas antioksidan, dan aktivitas antihipertensi. Diversifikasi produk rosela herbal meliputi nanokapsul ekstrak rosela, pewarna alami, pangan fungsional, obat herbal, feed additive, bahan kosmetik, minyak goreng, cat, dan bahan bakar nabati. Inovasi teknologi proses produksi dalam diversifikasi produk rosela perlu terus dilakukan untuk meningkatkan nilai tambah dan optimalisasi pemanfaatan komponen bioaktif rosela herbal. Dengan demikian diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan petani dan produksi rosela herbal nasional. Potential Divercification of Herbs Roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) for Food and HealthPlants of the genus Hibiscus that produce natural fibers are roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.). The benefit value of roselle is very wide for food and health, so the potential of roselle product diversification is quite large. The purpose of this review provides information on potential phytochemical content of herbs roselle plants that have pharmacological and physiological effects as well as some product diversification for food, drink, and health product. The plant part of herbs roselle that has potential phytochemical content is leaves, fruit, seed stem and root. These potential phytochemical compounds include groups compounds of phenol, alkaloids, tannins, flavonoids, saponins, and organic acids. The functions of herbs roselle for pharmacological and physiological include antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory activity, antidiabetic activity, antioxidant activity, and antihypertensive activity. Products diversification of herbs roselle includes nanocapsul of roselle extract, natural dyes, functional foods, herbal medicines, feed additives, cosmetic ingredients, cooking oil, paints, and biofuels. The innovation technological of production process in the roselle product diversification needs to be continuously done to increase the added value and optimization of bioactive herb component utilization. Therefore it is expected to improve the welfare of farmers and national production of herbs roselle

    Karakteristik dan Komposisi Asam Lemak pada Minyak Biji Kenaf dari Lima Varietas Karangploso (KR) (Hibiscus Cannabinus L.)

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    The Kenaf seed has narrow applications despite the relatively high oil content. This study therefore aims to identify the fatty acid content and chemical characteristics of kenaf seed oil derived from five superior varieties released by Balittas. These include Karangploso (KR) 6, 9, 11, 12, and 14, estimated to have oil content between the range 22.71–32.-32%. Furthermore, the quality is determined by testing several parameters, encompassing the acid number, free fatty acid level, iodine, saponification and peroxide number. The result show an acid rate range of 2.21 mg KOH/g (KR 12) - 3.28 mg KOH/g (KR 11) in kenaf seed oil. Meanwhile, the free fatty acids varied from 1.10–1.64%, with saponification (194.97–243.91 mg KOH/g) iodine rate (54.72– 71.44 g Iod/100 g) and peroxide rate (33.97 mec/kg (KR 14) - 56.23 mec/kg (KR 6)). The kenaf seed oil was concluded to contain numerous essential fatty acids, and oleic acid (44.73% KR 9; 43.01% KR 14), as well as linoleic acid (42.19% KR 12) exhibited the highest amounts

    Conversion of Hemicellulose From Kenaf Core Fiber to Xylose Through Dilute Sulfuric Acid Hydrolysis

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    Kenaf (Hibiscus cannabinus) is a lignocellulosic plant that is usually utilized as a fiber source for sack production. The core from kenaf fiber has not been utilized yet in Indonesia, therefore it is still considered as a waste. Hemicellulose from kenaf core can be hydrolyzed to xylose through dilute sulfuric acid hydrolysis in high temperature. Hydrolysis in this study was done by using autoclave at 121℃ and 10% (m/v) biomass: acid ratio for 15 and 45 minutes with a variation on acid concentration (2%, 4%, and 6% v/v). Xylose concentration in the hydrolyzate tends to increase with higher acid concentration and longer heating time. 6% (v/v) sulfuric acid concentration and 45 minutes of heating time produce the highest xylose concentration (20.53 gr/L) and yield (86.50%