16 research outputs found
Community Environmental Education Through A Local Knowledge-Based Learning Program On Plastic Waste Management
The background of the problem in this study is the problem of plastic waste which continues to grow with the increasing population and changes in people's lifestyles. The efforts made in dealing with plastic waste areone of them with activities that can provide environmental awareness education for the community, especially in West Bandung Regency. The purpose of this study is to describe a waste management learning program based on local wisdom in the context of environmental awareness education for the community in Tanimulya Village, West Bandung Regency. This researcher uses qualitative methods, a type of field research with an descriptive method. The data collection techniques used use observation, interview, and documentation techniques. The resource persons or informants in this study were 4 people. In data analysis, 3 stages are used, namely data reduction, data presentation stage, and verification / drawing conclusions. Based on the research, the following findings were obtained: 1) the plastic waste management learning program in Tanimulya Village was carried out first by identifying the learning needs of the community which placed the top priority on learning plastic waste management based on local wisdom, 2) learning plastic waste management based on local wisdom including material on waste sorting, making waste banks, and processing plastic waste become useful items, 3) the results of learning plastic waste management include reducing plastic waste in the community environment of Tanimulya Village, increasing community creativity and productivity in utilizing plastic waste, and increasing environmental awareness of the people of Tanimulya Village, West Bandung Regenc
Strategies to inculcate moral values in Islamic Elementary School
This study aims to explore the integration of moral values into learning activities, management, and student guidance activities. This study employed a descriptive qualitative approach. The data were collected through three techniques, namely in-depth interviews, participant observations, and a document study. The research respondents were principals, teachers, and students until the data was saturated. The sampling technique used was simple random sampling. For data analysis, Miles and Huberman’s method of interactive qualitative analysis was used, which consists of data condensation, data display, and conclusion/verifying. The data trustworthiness was enhanced through conti-nuous observations and resource and technique triangulations. The results of the study show that the strategy of inculcating moral values at Islamic elementary school can have a positive impact on the moral values of its students. Moral values can be integrated into learning activities through the strategies of reward and punishment, storytelling, spontaneous or direct activities, the setting of good examples and habits, and readings from the Al Qur’an. Moral values can be integrated into management through the strategies of Al Qur’an recitation, tahfidh or the memorization of the short surah, alma’surat, collective dhuhur (noon) and Friday prayers, and organized lunches with dhuha prayers. Moral values may be integrated into student guidance activities on market days, through scouting and other outbound activities, and through mabit, muhayyam, and gardening
The Policy Formulation of Educational Funding in Yogyakarta Province
The quality of education is depends on input factors. Funding is one of input factors which still an obstacle faced by disadvantaged groups. The local government in decentralization era has responsibility to carry out education and its funding as an implication of regional autonomy. This study aims to analyze the policy formulation ofeducation funding in Yogyakarta Province by case study method. Primary data was collected by interviews and document collection. We found that the policy formulation of education funding consists of problem formulation, identification of alternatives, and budgeting. Stakeholders used brainstorming methods to formulate problems and identification alternative. They found some problems which can be distinguishedinto; minimum service standard, child abuse, and education management. Whereas, budgeting is determined by conformation mechanism between requirement of the problem solving and the themes of regional development plans. So that, the problems identification and program preparation carried out democratically but the determination of budgeting were carried out by bureaucratic and top-down manner. Necessarily,formulating problem-based policy is more important than prioritizing plan with outdated problem. Then, democratic policy which organized as bottom level stakeholders participation take an important role because they closer and better know about society problem
School Readiness in Implementing and Evaluating the Reinforcement of Character Education Program in Yogyakarta City
The Reinforcement of Character Education (PPK) program was started in 2019 and has been implemented in various schools including the Yogyakarta City elementary schools. This study aimed to describe the readiness of schools in implementing and evaluating this program in Yogyakarta City. This study used a descriptive quantitative approach. The sample was determined using simple random sampling techniques and consisted of 119 schools. The results showed that only 5% of the schools were ready to implement the program; schools had not yet implemented the PPK program, and had not yet optimized the associated triple education function, namely concerning family, schools and communities. PPK implementation was through the curriculum and habituation in schools because all teachers understood it. Only 4% of schools were ready to evaluate the program, because schools did not have well organized program evaluation teams. This showed that schools need to get assistance in implementing and evaluating PPK, to ensure that it is successful in helping to build character.
Keywords: school readiness, program implementation, reinforcement of character education progra
Presupposition in “Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus” Movie
This research paper used descriptive qualitative, which described the types of presuppositions in the movie “Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus.” The research questions of this paper were what types of presupposition found in the movie “Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus” were and the dominantly used. To analyze the data, the writer applied Yule’s theory which divided presupposition into six types: existential presupposition, factive presupposition, lexical presupposition, structural presupposition, non-factive presupposition, and counterfactual presupposition. The data of the research were the conversations in the movie “Barbie and the Magic Pegasus.” The results of this study showed that there were nine presuppositions. two existential presuppositions or 22, 2 %, one lexical presuppositions or 11, 1%, two structural presuppositions or 22, 2 %, three factive presuppositions or 33, 4 %, and one counterfactual presupposition or 11, 1 %
Perancangan Aplikasi Purchase Order Berbasis Web Pada PT Intradita Prosimpex Jakarta
Abstract - Purchase (purchase order) is one of the basic functions of a trade.The need for information is also felt by PT. Intradita Prosimpex in purchasing system, PT. Intradita Prosimpex still uses manual recording starting from offering price from supplier of goods request from purchasing department to supplier, recording receipt of goods from supplier to warehouse. The process will take longer time compared to using a computerized system. To support the smooth purchase of goods on the system needs to be made information systems that can provide comfort to the purchase process, so that accurate information is generated in a timely manner and data processing can run more effectively. In the development of this system, the authors use waterfall development metedology with strategy in analysis and system design, and Unified Modeling Language (UML) as a tool in modeling system. With Proposed Purchasing Information System is expected to provide convenience in data processing on the purchasing section in PT. Intradita Prosimpex which includes the input process, transactions, penemrimaan goods and print reports.
Key word: Purchase, PO, Waterfall, and Unified Modeling Language (UML)
Abstrak – Pembelian (purchase order) merupakan salah satu fungsi dasar dari sebuah perdagangan. Kebutuhan akan pentingnya informasi juga dirasakan oleh PT. Intradita Prosimpex dalam melakukan sistem pembelian, PT. Intradita Prosimpex masih menggunakan pencatatan manual mulai dari penawaran harga dari supplier permintaan barang dari bagian pembelian ke supplier, pencatatan penerimaan barang dari supplier ke bagian gudang. Proses tersebut akan memakan waktu lebih lama bila dibandingkan dengan menggunakan sistem komputerisasi. Untuk medukung kelancaran pembelian barang pada sistem perlu dibuat sistem informasi yang dapat memberikan kenyamanan terhadap proses pembelian, sehingga informasi yang akurat dihasilkan secara tepat waktu dan pengolahan data dapat berjalan lebih efektif. Dalam pengembangan sistem ini, penulis menggunakan metedologi pengembangan waterfall dengan strategi dalam analisis dan perancangan sistem, dan Unified Modeling Language (UML) sebagai alat dalam pemodelan sistemnya. Dengan Sistem Informasi Barang Pembelian yang diusulkan diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan dalam pengolahan data pada bagian purchasing di PT.Intradita Prosimpex yang meliputi proses input, transaksi, penemrimaan barang dan laporan cetak.
Kata kunci: Purchase, PO, Waterfall, and Unified Modeling Language (UML
Indikator sekolah kreatif
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui indikator Sekolah Kreatif di Sekolah Dasar (SD). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah kepala sekolah dan guru SD Muhammadiyah 16 Surabaya (Sekolah Kreatif). Analisa data dengan reduksi, kategorisasi dan intepretasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa indikator yang bisa dicapai oleh sekolah untuk membuat sekolah lebih kreatif adalah pengembangan sistem gagasan dan ide, pengembangan sistem sosial dalam aktivitas belajar, dan penciptaan sistem lingkungan sekolah yang sinergis antar unsur sekolah
Kata kunci: sekolah kreatif
This research is aimed at revealing the indicators of creative school in emelentary schools. The study employed qualitative method, and the subject of the research was the principal and teachers of Muhammadiyah 16 Surabaya Elementary School (a creative school). The data were analyzed by applying reduction, categorization, and interpretation. The result of the research shows that the indicators which can be attained by elementary school in order to contrive a creative school are developing the concept and idea systems, developing social system in learning activity, and creating synergetic school elements at the school environment system.
Keywords: creative schoo
Evaluasi Strategi Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Moral di SDIT Alam Nurul Islam Yogyakarta
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkap (1) integrasi nilai moral pada kegiatan pembelajaran di SDIT Alam Nurul Islam, (2) integrasi nilai moral pada manajemen sekolah di SDIT Alam Nurul Islam, (3) integrasi nilai moral pada kegiatan pembinaan kesiswaan di SDIT Alam Nurul Islam, (4) mengetahui efektivitas dari mengintegrasikan penanaman nilai moral di SDIT Alam Nurul Islam.
Penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan goal free evaluation digunakan sebagai pendekatan dalam penelitian ini. Data dikumpulkan melalui tiga teknik, yaitu wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi dokumentasi. Subjek penelitian adalah guru, siswa, dan kepala sekolah. Objek penelitian adalah evaluasi strategi penanaman nilai-nilai moral di SDIT Alam Nurul Islam. Keabsahan data ditentukan dengan cara: observasi secara terus-menerus, triangulasi sumber dan teknik. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis kualitatif interaktif dari Miles dan Huberman.
Hasil penelitian mengungkapkan bahwa: (1) Cara SDIT Alam Nurul Islam mengintegrasikan nilai moral dalam kegiatan pembelajaran sudah tepat, melalui strategi reward dan punishment, cerita (story telling), kegiatan spontan/langsung, keteladanan dan pembiasaan, dan BTAQ (Baca Tulis Al Qur’an), buku mutaba’ah, pustaka, film/video, tugas piket, dan berkebun. (2) Cara SDIT Alam Nurul Islam mengintegrasikan nilai moral melalui manajemen/budaya sekolah sudah tepat, yakni melalui strategi tadarus Al Qur’an, tahfidh/hafalan surat pendek, alma’surat, sholat dhuhur dan sholat jum’at berjama’ah; makan siang terorganisir, sholat dhuha. (3) Cara SDIT Alam Nurul Islam mengintegrasikan nilai moral dalam kegiatan pembinaan kesiswaan sudah tepat, kegiatan pembinaan kesiswaan market day, outbond, kepramukaan, mabit, muhayyam, dan berkebun. (4) Pengintegrasian penanaman nilai moral melalui kegiatan pembelajaran, manajemen/budaya sekolah, dan kegiatan pembinaan kesiswaan sudah tepat. Kenyataan menunjukkan bahwa siswa terlihat sudah terbiasa dan nyaman dengan berbagai peraturan dan budaya sekolah yang mendukung mereka untuk melaksanakan nilai-nilai moral yang selama ini ditanamkan. Hal ini tampak dari munculnya kesadaran siswa dalam melaksanakan ibadah karena sudah dibiasakan dalam kegiatan buka kelas siswa wajib untuk melaksanakan sholat dhuha, tahfidh/hafalan, membaca alma’surat, untuk kelas atas wajib sholat dhuhur berjama’ah di masjid dan bergantian memberikan kultum serta tadarus Al Qur’an, berdo’a ketika akan dan setelah melakukan kegiatan, terbiasa jujur dalam mengambil jatah snack maupun makan siang, terbiasa untuk mandiri dan bertanggung jawab dengan peralatan makannya yaitu dengan mencucinya sendiri. Strategi penanaman nilai moral di SDIT Alam Nurul Islam sudah termasuk kategori efektif