45 research outputs found

    The Role of Self-Confidence and Self-Control in Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) Among High School Students

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    Fear of missing out (FoMO) has become a significant issue experienced by internet users. However, research on FoMO has not been extensively explored. Therefore, the current study examines whether there is a relationship between self-confidence and self-control on Fear of missing out. This is a quantitative study with a descriptive correlational design, involving a sample of 164 students. The result show that self-confidence is significantly negatively correlated with fear of missing out. Addictionally, self control is also negatively correlated with Fear of missing out. Hence, in addressing FoMO, counselors need to enhance individuals’ self-confidence and self-control as protective strengths.


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    This study aims in general to describe the passive-aggressive behavior adolescents can develop from the parenting pattern of single-parent families.  Adolescents who live with a single parent have a risk of delinquency compared to adolescents who are cared for by intact parents. The condition of adolescents who are raised by single parents causes children not to be used to expressing their thoughts and feelings freely. This type of research is quantitative research with a descriptive approach. Data analysis in this study was obtained through a passive-aggressive behavior questionnaire with a Likert scale with a sample of 36 students from single parent families at SMKN 1 Enam Lingkung. The results of the study show that passive-aggressive behavior is in the high category, which means that students have passive-aggressive behavior that needs to be intervened so that students can avoid maladaptive behavior. The school responding to that issue immediately by teachers in schools, especially BK teachers in the implementation of services to reduce passive-aggressive to help students develop more optimally

    Building Self-Confidence Foundation: The Role of Parental Attachment and Self-Concept in Children Who Memorize the Qur'an

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    The research aims to analyze the following aspects: (1) parental attachment, (2) self-concept, (3) self-confidence, and (4) the relationship between parental attachment and self-concept with the self-confidence of children who memorize the Qur'an. The research utilizes a quantitative approach with a descriptive correlational design. The study population consists of 121 individuals, and a sample of 94 participants was selected using the Slovin formula and proportional random sampling technique. The research instrument employed a Likert Scale questionnaire, and data were analyzed using descriptive correlational and multiple regression analysis. The research findings reveal that (1) children who memorize the Qur'an exhibit a significantly high level of parental attachment, (2) their self-concept falls within the moderate category, (3) their self-confidence is also at a moderate level, and (4) there is a significant relationship between parental attachment and self-concept with the self-confidence of children who memorize the Qur'an. Therefore, it can be concluded that there exists a positive and significant association between parental attachment and self-concept with the self-confidence of children who memorize the Qur'an

    Effectiveness of rational emotive behavior therapy group counseling to improve students’ self-confidence

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    This research was motivated by a phenomenon at SMA Pertiwi 1 Padang, where as many as 16 out of 171 students had self-confidence in the low category. This study aimed to prove the role of group counseling with a rational emotive behavior therapy (REBT) approach in increasing students’ self-confidence. This quantitative experimental research has a sample of 20 students divided into experimental and control groups. The sampling technique uses purposive sampling. Data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon signed rank test and Kolmogorov Smirnov 2 independent samples. The study results stated that students’ self-confidence was in the medium category, with a percentage of 76.6%. The self-confidence of the experimental group students before being given REBT group counseling averaged 72.2 in the low category, and after being given REBT group counseling treatment increased to 125.6 in the high category. The self-confidence level of the control group students before being given group guidance without REBT was 84.5 in the low category. After being given counseling treatment, the REBT group increased to 104.7 in the medium category. REBT group counseling has effectiveness in increasing students’ self-confidence

    The Contribution of Work Values, Career Adaptability, and Willingness to Compromise on Students' Work Readiness during the School-to-Work Transition

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    Work readiness is a reflection of an individual's quality of life evaluation, viewed from their own perspective. However, in reality, the work readiness of students is still low. This study aims to determine the contribution of work value, career adaptability, and willingness to compromise on students' work readiness during the school-to-work transition. The study uses a descriptive quantitative approach with a correlational method. A total of 210 students were selected through incidental sampling techniques to participate in this research. The instruments used include scales for work value, career adaptability, willingness to compromise, and work readiness. The results of the study indicate that students' work value is in the high category, their career adaptability is in the high category, their willingness to compromise is in the high category, and their work readiness is in the medium category. The findings show that work value, career adaptability, and willingness to compromise significantly contribute positively to students' work readiness. This research implies that future studies should focus on helping students develop work readiness during their school-to-work transition

    The Role of Emotional Regulation and Self-Efficacy toward Students' Academic Resilience

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    Academic pressures lead students to experience stress and lack of adaptability. One of the issues is the lack of academic resilience, influenced by emotional regulation and self-efficacy. This research aims to depict the behaviors of academic resilience, emotional regulation, and selfefficacy among students of MTsN 4 Kota Padang, as well as their correlations. Conducted with a quantitative approach and descriptive correlational method involving 271 muslim students. Results indicate that emotional regulation and self-efficacy are at a moderate level, as well as academic resilience. There is a significant relationship between emotional regulation, self-efficacy, and academic resilience. The implication is that BK teachers can provide services to enhance emotional regulation and self-efficacy to reduce students' academic resilienc

    The Relationship between Self-Efficacy and Family Social Support with the Psychological Well-Being of High School Students

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    The psychological well-being felt by teenagers makes teenagers have more positive emotions within themselves and can foster a sense of life satisfaction and happiness, thereby reducing negative behavior and reducing feelings of depression.  This research aims to determine the relationship between self-efficacy and family social support on students' psychological well-being.  This research is correlational research.  The sample of this research consisted of 252 students.  The research results show that self-efficacy and family social support simultaneously (together) have a significant relationship with students' psychological well-being.  This finding was obtained based on a series of data analyzes that there is a strong relationship between self-efficacy and family social support on psychological well-being of 56.3%, then the variables of self-efficacy and family social support can explain students' psychological well-being of 31.7%

    Proposed upgrading of Zoo Taiping Restaurant for Zoo Taiping at Jalan Taman Tasik Taiping, 34000 Taiping Perak. / Siti Nurfarhanah Mansor Adby

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    This project title is Upgrading works of Zoo Taiping Restaurant for Zoo Taiping at Jalan Taman Tasik Taiping, 34000 Taiping Perak. Zoo Taiping was the client for this project and the director of this zoo is Dr. Kevin Lazarus. The existing Zoo Bistro Cafe does not have a welcoming environment which can attract visitor and because of that, the client want to upgrade the Cafe to a new image that can attract all kind of ages and at the same time include the wildlife nature ambiance into the cafe. This will be the first Zoo that has its own Theme cafe that related with the Zoo ambiance. To do the project, research and some interview need to be done to complete the requirement of the project. Site visit and building analysis has to be done in order to understand more about the building and the environment. The main objective is to provide a new image for the cafe and rearrange the space so the customer will more attracted to come and the services could run smoothly

    Konsep Diri Penyandang Tunanetra dan Implikasinya terhadap Layanan Bimbingan dan Konseling

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    Self-concept is an opinion, feeling or perception of someone about his/herself that is related to the physical appearance, social, emotional, moral, and cognitive. This research is based on the visual impairment people who judge themselves in negative way. This research uses quantitative method with descriptive approach. The subject of this research is 50 visual impairment people which consist of 30 blind people, and 20 low vision people. The instrument of this research is questionnaire. The result of this research shows that the self-concept of all of those visual impairment people are in the medium category. It is expected to all of guidance and counseling teachers to give their service based on the need of those people for keeping their self-concept good and helping to develop their self-concept in the positive way