305 research outputs found

    Peranan Adpel dalam Menunjang Kelancaran Angkutan Laut

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    Based On Government Regulation And Letter Of Decision Ministerial, The Jambi Administration Port Office To Be On Duty For Execute Loading And Unloading The Ship, And Then Applied In Accordance With Standard Operational Procedure. The Execution Applied With Intern Coordination And Extern Coordination.All Kinds Of Cooperation With Another Instance Trough Communication And Information, Meeting And Other Form Of Cooperation Are Expected To Support The Activities.Factors Supporting The Loading And Unloading Of The Ship Is The Existence Of Good Cooperation Of All Official And Officers In A Variety Of Activities And There Is Good Cooperation Between Related InstitutionsWhereas The Inhibiting Factors Is Unclear And Incomplete Administrative Requirements, Unfavorable Weather, The Batanghari River Increasingly Shallow And Then Causing The Ship Can Not DockKey Words : Service, Interrelation, Port Offic

    Pembentukan Peraturan Desa dalam Konteks Ketatanegaraan Indonesia

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    Law Number 32 Year 2004 About local governance, that further arrangements regarding the village, including the problem of the formation of the rules of the village (the village Regulations) arranged in the form of Regulatory regions of the County. The type of Research used in this study using normative legal research using "approach to legislation, (he was Johan Nasution, 2008:92). Research results show that in drawing up the rules of the village there are limitations that should be used as a general reference in the preparation of paraturan legislation i.e. the clarity of purpose; that each establishment of the legislation must have a clear purpose to be achieved; institutional or organ-forming the right; that any kind of legislation must be made by the institutions/officials forming legislation authorized. Such legislation may be cancelled or annulled by law, when made by institutions/officials who not authorized conformity between the type and material of the charge;  can be implemented;  navigability and kehasilgunaan;  clarity of formulation; that any legislation must meet the openness as well as the establishment of the village Regulations contained in Act No. 10 of the year 2004 on the establishment of Regulations and Law Number 32 Year 2004 About Local governance as well as government regulation Number 72-year 2005 Of the village has not been regulated explicitly and intact

    Analisis Pengaruh Investasi Penanaman Modal dalam Negeri (Pmdn) dan Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi di Provinsi Jambi

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    In Indonesia is a developing country with potential to become a developed country, quite a lot of developed countries such as Singapore, Japan, Korea and Amarica began to look at the market in Indonesia to invest. Her high charm for Indonesia natural resources for the promotion to attract wealthy investors to invest ber. Invesment is crucial to economic growth, High Invesment value will have a great impact on the economy of the nation and its reverse. In Inndonesia the rate of growth of domestic and foreigh invesments in Jambi Province in 2000. 2014 on average 9,37 % and 12,27 %, while the influence of domestic and foreigh invesments to economic growth in nthe last 15 tears simultaneously by 54,50 % patialy respectively 59 % and 51,10 % is very significant and positive under the alpha 5 % le 0,011 or 1,1 % and 0,022

    Peranan Dinas Pendapatan Daerah dalam Meningkatkan Pendapatan Asli Daerah melalui Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan di Kota Jambi

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    This research is to know the role of the Department of Revenue in the Area increase revenue through Tax collection of Native Earth and buildings in the town of Jambi, what are the obstacles faced and the efforts made in improving the Region's Revenue Service Income Tax through the Native Earth and buildings in the town of Jambi.Regional Income Agency was instrumental in the success of the poll Taxes of the Earth and buildings in the city of Jambi exceeded targets that have been set previously.The achievement earned Income Tax collection in the Department of Earth and Building of the role and cooperation with districts and Villages that existed in the town of Jambi

    Aplikasi Penjualan pada Perdana Games dengan Microsoft Visual Foxpro 9.0

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    Proses penjualan (jual-beli) tentunya sudah tidak asing lagi dalam kehidupansehari-hari. Apapun itu objeknya, sering dilakukan hampir setiap saat. Agarproses penjualan dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Maka, Dalam mengelola suatuusaha dibutuhkan pengelolaan data yang cepat dan akurat. Pengelolaan datayang masih manual, kurang mendukung berjalannya proses penjualan sehinggatidak optimal. Untuk mendukung aktifitas dari proses penjualan yang sedangberjalan. Seperti pengelolaan data penjualan dan data barang. Maka, Penulismencoba mengajukan APLIKASI PENJUALAN PADA PERDANA GAMESagar pengelolaan data lebih mudah, dan daya guna dari sumber daya yang adadapat lebih dioptimalka

    Karakteristik Kualitas Daging Sapi Peranakan Ongole Yang Berasal Dari Otot Longissimus Dorsi Dan Gastrocnemius

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    The research target was to know the characteristic of beef quality of Peranakan Ongole cattle with meat sample from Longissimus dorsi and Gastrocnemius. Data of tenderness and characteristic of chemical composition of beef using t-Student test. Result of research indicated that the musculus Longissimus dorsi is more tender than musculus Gastrocnemius. Fat content of musculus Longissimus dorsi was higher than that of musculus Gastrocnemius. On the other hand, water, crude protein and mineral content of musculus Longissimus dorsi was lower than those of musculus Gastrocnemius

    Upaya Pendidikan Akhlak di SMA Muhammadiyah Kabupaten Sambas Kalimantan Barat

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    This study aims to explain about moral education efforts in Sambas High School Muhammadiyah students. This research is a field research using qualitative data analysis. the results of the study that the efforts made in the formation and moral development of students in Sambas Muhammadiyah High School used two approaches. First, through a habituation approach. Habitual activities in schools such as performing the midnight prayer in congregation, carrying out reading the Qur'an, reading prayers before learning and after study, habituating to shaking hands when students meet with the teacher. Second, through the exemplary approach. Teachers who teach at Sambas Muhammadiyah High School try to be good teachers and can provide good examples of their students. This example is done to create generations that have good morals
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