13 research outputs found
Permodelan Ruang Masa Penyakit Tuberkulosis Di Pulau Pinang
Di Malaysia, trend kes tibi menunjukkan peningkatan saban tahun. Trend kes tibi di Pulau Pinang turut menunjukkan trend meningkat sejak tahun 2011. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk membangunkan pemodelan ruang masa penyakit tibi dengan mengkaji taburan ruangan kes tibi dan perkaitannya dengan demografi dan faktor persekitaran di mukim Pulau Pinang. Data kes tibi lima tahun kajian (tahun 2013 hingga tahun 2017) berjumlah sebanyak 6,539 kes tibi yang merangkumi data umur, jantina, kumpulan etnik dan populasi imigran (bukan warganegara) diperolehi daripada Unit TB/Kusta Jabatan Negeri Pulau Pinang. Manakala data isi rumah, jumlah tempat kediaman dan kepadatan penduduk diperolehi daripada data banci 2010 yang dikeluarkan oleh Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia. Kaedah lokasi ciri pusat, bujuran sisihan piawai (standard deviation ellipse), Indeks Moran, statistik Getis-ord Gi*, dan pengesanan space-time poisson model digunapakai untuk mengenal pasti taburan ruangan dan ruang-masa kes tibi. Ordinary least squares (OLS) dan Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR) digunakan untuk menentukan hubungan faktor antara pembolehubah dalam ruangan demografi dan persekitaran dengan kes tibi. Analisis autokorelasi ruangan menunjukkan bahawa kes tibi adalah bersifat berkelompok dan signifikan (p>0.05) bagi lima tahun kajian, sementara hasil Getis-Ord Gi* menunjukkan lokasi titik panas yang kosisten berlaku di mukim Bandaraya George Town di daerah Timur Laut
Graphene oxide doped SU-8 waveguide and its application as saturable absorber
Graphene oxide (GO)-doped SU-8 waveguides have been fabricated and characterized. The GO-doped SU-8 can be processed using standard photolithography parameters. The optical characteristics of the developed waveguides are determined using fibre-butt coupling and cut-back method. Propagation loss of 1.9 dB/cm and a coupling loss of 4 dB per point measured at 1550 nm wavelength are obtained. Q-switched laser operation is achieved by inserting a 3 mm GO-doped SU-8 waveguide into a ring fibre laser configuration, making it a potential candidate as integrated saturable absorber for on-chip polymer waveguide applications
GIS And Oil Spill Tracking Model in Forecasting Potential Oil Spill-affected Areas Along Terengganu and Pahang Coastal Area
Oil contamination can occur accidentally or incidentally in the environment as long as petroleum or shipping activities exist. There is a need to take appropriate preventive measures to reduce the negative impact by carefully monitoring the sprinkles and dispersion particles due to the oil spill movement. An expected oil spill originating from the Resak platform is positioned at 49.1 nautical miles from the Kuala Terengganu shoreline. The Dulang platform, positioned at 69.8 nautical miles from the Kuala Terengganu, can pollute the coastline of the Terengganu and Pahang ecosystems. This study aims; (i) make predictions from the direction of oil particle dispersion and (ii) engage the ecosystem to determine the effect of an oil spill on a platform around the coastal area. The combination of the Geographic Information System (GIS) and the Oil Spill Trajectory Model (OSTM) has been used to establish the appropriate response to locate the dense area of the slick. The result from the model running show in Northeast (NE) monsoon season, Terengganu and Pahang, have a high potential to affect. It is highly likely to reach the Terengganu coast area, especially in Dungun. It was predicted that 466 barrels of oil would arrive within four days of the December incident. Moreover, Kemaman and Pekan districts in Pahang also have the highest risk of being exposed to oil pollution during the Northeast Monsoon. This is due to the wind factors, which blow from South to North along the East coast of Malaysia Peninsular with a speed maximum of 13 ms-1 and indirectly carry the oil particles to coastal areas in Terengganu and Pahang
Identification of trends, direction of distribution and spatial pattern of tuberculosis disease (2015-2017) in Penang
In Malaysia, the annual tuberculosis (TB) cases exhibit a consistent upward trend, and Penang has experienced a similar increase since 2011. This research aims to analyze the trend, distribution direction, and spatial patterns of TB in Penang from 2015 to 2017, utilizing data from 4,015 TB cases obtained from the TB/Leprosy Unit of the Penang State Department. The study employs three analytical techniques: descriptive analysis, global Moran's I, and central feature with standard deviation ellipse, which measures the trend by calculating standard distances in the X and Y directions to identify the focus and movement of tuberculosis cases. The findings indicate a higher incidence of tuberculosis in males compared to females, with the age group of 45 to 64 years having the highest number of TB patients in Penang. The aging process contributes to weakened immune systems, facilitating tuberculosis development in this age group. The spatial pattern trends for the three study years (2015 to 2017) are scattered, as revealed by the Moran index, indicating a non-dynamic and clustered pattern of TB cases in Penang.The main center of TB case distribution is identified in the George Town subdistrict, situated in the Northeast district, particularly concentrated in urban areas. Rural areas exhibit lower TB cases. The standard deviation ellipse in the north to east direction suggests a potential risk of TB spread, especially to nearby neighborhoods, in the upcoming years
Faktor Kesukaran dalam Proses Memodelkan Sebuah Tapak Arkeologi Menerusi Pendekatan Geospatial
Selama bertahun-tahun, ahli arkeologi telah bergantung pada peta dan analisis ruangan untuk memahami taburan artifak dan ciri di seluruh tapak arkeologi secara visualisasi. Walau bagaimanapun, pengenalan foto udara, penderiaan jauh digital, sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) dan sistem keletakan global (GPS) telah menyediakan ahli arkeologi dengan alat canggih untuk menganalisis dan menggambarkan taburan dan data arkeologi dengan cara yang inovatif. Oleh yang demikian, analisis geospatial telah mendapat pengiktirafan yang penting sebagai salah satu alat untuk membantu ahli arkeologi. Dengan menyepadukan foto udara, penderiaan jauh, GIS dan GPS ke dalam penyelidikan mereka, ahli arkeologi kini dapat menganalisis kuantiti data yang besar dalam masa yang sama memahami peranan ruangan. Ini telah membolehkan mereka memperoleh pandangan baru tentang taburan dan corak ciri arkeologi tersebut. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor kesukaran dalam proses memodelkan sebuah tapak arkeologi menerusi pendekatan geospatial. Antara faktor kepelbagaian yang menimbulkan kesukaran dalam proses memodelkan tapak arkeologi adalah tapak arkeologi, persekitaran, tingkah laku atau kelakukan dan faktor teknikal. Dengan kemajuan teknologi, pendekatan geospatial merupakan kaedah terbaik untuk penyelidikan arkeologi manakala ahli arkeologi perlu berhati-hati dan menimbang faedah dan cabaran yang berkaitan dengan analisis geospatial, memastikan kaedah ini digunakan secara berhemah dan beretika
Faktor Kesukaran dalam Proses Memodelkan Sebuah Tapak Arkeologi Menerusi Pendekatan Geospatial
Selama bertahun-tahun, ahli arkeologi telah bergantung pada peta dan analisis ruangan untuk memahami taburan artifak dan ciri di seluruh tapak arkeologi secara visualisasi. Walau bagaimanapun, pengenalan foto udara, penderiaan jauh digital, sistem maklumat geografi (GIS) dan sistem keletakan global (GPS) telah menyediakan ahli arkeologi dengan alat canggih untuk menganalisis dan menggambarkan taburan dan data arkeologi dengan cara yang inovatif. Oleh yang demikian, analisis geospatial telah mendapat pengiktirafan yang penting sebagai salah satu alat untuk membantu ahli arkeologi. Dengan menyepadukan foto udara, penderiaan jauh, GIS dan GPS ke dalam penyelidikan mereka, ahli arkeologi kini dapat menganalisis kuantiti data yang besar dalam masa yang sama memahami peranan ruangan. Ini telah membolehkan mereka memperoleh pandangan baru tentang taburan dan corak ciri arkeologi tersebut. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji faktor kesukaran dalam proses memodelkan sebuah tapak arkeologi menerusi pendekatan geospatial. Antara faktor kepelbagaian yang menimbulkan kesukaran dalam proses memodelkan tapak arkeologi adalah tapak arkeologi, persekitaran, tingkah laku atau kelakukan dan faktor teknikal. Dengan kemajuan teknologi, pendekatan geospatial merupakan kaedah terbaik untuk penyelidikan arkeologi manakala ahli arkeologi perlu berhati-hati dan menimbang faedah dan cabaran yang berkaitan dengan analisis geospatial, memastikan kaedah ini digunakan secara berhemah dan beretika
Shariah disclosure practices in Malaysian Islamic banks using the shariah disclosure index
Islamic banks are required to ensure their operations and activities comply with the Shariah
principles. According to Islamic Financial Services Act (2013) in Malaysia, all operations and
activities of Islamic financial institutions including Islamic banks have to comply with decisions
made by the Shariah Advisory Council (SAC) of Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) and the Shariah
Committee (SC) of the Islamic financial institution to ensure Shariah compliance. In practice,
Shariah compliance is considered a crucial factor by bank stakeholders, especially Muslim
customers in their decision to use Islamic financial products. Thus, one of the ways for Islamic
banks to convey their Shariah-compliance to their stakeholders is through annual reports. This
study examines the level of compliance on Shariah disclosure in the annual reports of Malaysian
Islamic banks. A Shariah disclosure index, comprising mandatory and voluntary items, was
developed from Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) guidelines and Accounting and Auditing
Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions (AAOIFI) standards. Shariah disclosure data were
collected from the annual reports for the year 2016 of the 16 Islamic banks in Malaysia. Based
on Institutional Theory, this study hypothesised high compliance, however the results revealed
that none of the banks had full compliance to the mandatory items. Nevertheless, some of
these banks disclosed voluntary items. The findings provide useful insights to the regulators
and stakeholders on Islamic banks’ compliance on Shariah disclosure. The study also reveals
the importance of disclosing additional items in the annual reports of Islamic banks
Shariah disclosure expectation gap between shariah practitioners and Islamic banks’ customers in Malaysia
Research aim: The aim of this study is to examine the possibility of a gap in perception
between Shariah practitioners and customers of Islamic banks on the importance of Shariah
disclosure by Islamic banks.
Design/ Methodology: Questionnaires were distributed to Shariah practitioners, consisting of
Shariah committee members and Shariah officers, and Islamic banks’ customers who were
lecturers and final year accounting students. The concept of expectation gap derived from the
auditing literature was extended and applied to this study’s context. A total of 64 and 200
questionnaires were distributed to Shariah practitioners and customers of Islamic banks,
respectively. The response rates were 41% for Shariah practitioners and 65% for Islamic banks’
Research findings: The results indicate that Shariah practitioners and customers perceive all
Shariah disclosure items as important to be disclosed. However, a few significant differences
were noted between both groups, suggesting the existence of an expectation gap, albeit
minimal. Only a minimal gap between the selected customers and practitioners may be
reasonable, as the group of customers consisted of informed customers.
Theoretical contribution/ Originality: This study contributes to knowledge as there is a
dearth of literature that determines customers’ perceptions of Shariah disclosure.
Practitioner/ Policy Implications: The results provide regulators and Islamic banks with
valuable insight into the importance of Shariah disclosure items from the points of view of
customers and Shariah practitioners on which items they concur as important and which items
they differ in opinion.
Limitation/ Implication: This study is an initial effort to examine the expectation gap between
knowledgeable customers and Shariah practitioners on the Shariah disclosure made by Islamic
banks. The customers are respondents from only one university; hence, there is a limitation
concerning the generalisability of the findings. Thus, future research could extend such an
investigation to other customers in order to enhance generalisability
Lightning company / Luqman Hakim Saimil...[et al.]
Lightning Company /have jdeveloped a new product to introduce to the consumers which called as Lightning Deep Fryer. Our company targeting in supply for Lightning Deep Fryer since it is can be used by people that owned a restaurant to cook more efficiently. Next, Lightning Deep Fryer is a customerfriendly which helps people save time and ease them to fry and cook food. As many years passed by, technology development grow rapidly and more costing. Nowadays, people might think that it is difficult to start a business based on food and beverages because they cannot afford to buy those kind of technology such as deep fryer that is increasingly sophisticated. Therefore, Lightning Deep Fryer can help the consumer to have deep fryer that are affordable and easy to use. Overall marketing strategy will be included specific marketing philosophy and strategy of the company, the value chain and the channel of distribution in the target market. First of all, our target market will be based on the residence in Shah Alam area since our company was nearby Shah Alam. For initial intensive selling effort, our company has set the target customers in other words, types of customer groups that would buy our product. Our target customer is for restaurant owner, stalls. The lastly, our target customer is the family residence. The product is designed to save time, biodegradable, and help workers to cook faster and consistent. It will ease and minimise the time for the chef that are always needed to serve food faster and at the same to keep maintain the food quality and consistency. The price is reasonable and there is two energy power would be provided in this Lightning Deep Fryer. Our company target for production in 2nd year we will target to increase it by RM 1 500,000. The management team in our company consist of several sections and is conducted by experienced employee to make sure our company is run efficiently