5,784 research outputs found

    The holm oak Myrto communis-Quercetum rotundifoliae in Alentejo - Portugal. Post-fire vegetation recovery in two stations (Forest Perimeter of Contenda and Aljustrel)

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    Abstract This work, developed in the Southern mainland Portugal, Alentejo, focused in the Forest Perimeter of Contenda (38º 01’ N e 7º 13’ W) and Aljustrel (37º 53’ N e 08º 07’ W), where holm oak forests belonging to the Myrto communis-Quercetum rotundifoliae Rivas Goday in Rivas Goday, Borja, Esteve, Galiano, Rigual & Rivas-Martínez 1960 have been identified. The Forest Perimeter of Contenda is subjected to the Forest Regime. Here, the field surveys were carried in an area destined to the maintenance of a healthy population of deer for hunting by means of sustainable management activities with minimal impacts on the ecosystem. In Aljustrel, the study area is not significantly disturbed by forestry or agricultural activities, so it has been maintained as a refuge for small game hunting species

    Dependable Embedded Wireless Infrastructure

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    DEWI will provide key solutions for wireless seamless connectivity and interoperability in the everyday physical environment of citizens, thereby significantly contributing to the emerging smart home and smart public space

    Worker Sorting, Compensating Differentials and Health Insurance: Evidence from Displaced Workers

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    This article introduces an empirical strategy to the compensating differentials literature that i) allows both individual observed and unobserved characteristics to be rewarded differently in firms based on health insurance provision, and ii) selection to jobs that provide benefits to operate on both sides of the labor market. Estimates of this model are used to directly test empirical assumptions that are made with popular econometric strategies in the health economics literature. Our estimates reject the assumptions underlying numerous cross sectional and longitudinal estimators. We find that the provision of health insurance has influenced wage inequality. Finally, our results suggest there have been substantial changes in how displaced workers sort to firms that offer health insurance benefits over the past two decades. We discuss the implications of our findings for the compensating differentials literature.

    Worker Sorting, Health Insurance and Wages: Further Evidence from Displaced Workers in the United States

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    The United States has the distinction of being the only industrialized nation without universal health insurance. Health insurance may have impacts on the US labor market. We use data on displaced workers over a 25 year period to document how the role of health insurance on wages and worker sorting has evolved. We find that the provision of health insurance increasingly influences wage inequality. Our results indicate that the portion of the unadjusted wage gap due only to selection bias from unobserved (to the analyst) characteristics, such as ability or innate health status has grown rapidly since 2000. Further, while there have been substantial changes in how displaced workers sort to firms that offer health insurance benefits over the last 25 years, many of the patterns have reversed directions over the past six years. Finally, we discuss the policy implications of our results.Health insurance; Worker sorting; Displacement; Comparative advantage; Non-linear instrumental variables

    Syntaxonomical checklist of Forest Perimeter of Contenda (Low Alentejo) – Portugal

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    Abstract The Forester Perimeter of Contenda (38 º 01 'N and 7 º 13' W) located in the Sierra Morena extreme west, limited on the east and south by the border between Portugal and Spain and north and west by the Arroyo, Murtigão and Pais Joanes streams. It has a total area of 5270.5ha, divided into three distinct areas: North Contenda, Intermediate Zone and South Contenda, subject to the Forest Regime. It belongs to the Santo Aleixo da Restauração parish, Moura municipality, Beja district and Alentejo province

    Sport Tourism: Regional Promotion Strategies

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    The main purposes of this paper are (i) to analyze the regional promotion strategies of the UEFA Euro 2004 and (ii) to contribute for the improvement of planning and implementation strategies of tourism marketing at regional level. Data regarding these strategies were collected and synthesided. We verified if these match some of the theoretical issues of promotion and tourism marketing. Despite the fact that already many studies have been made, internationally, on the impact of sport events, the present study contains something new as it introduces an ante analysis on the regional pronotion strategies of major sport events.Unlikely, the results show that no specific and integrated regional promotion strategy was pursuit, and no substantial additional financial effort was made. In what concerns the private regional tourism agents, no promotion could be found. The main tourism promotion competition came from across the boarder, whit dynamic promotion actions of the nearby Spanish regional responsibles.UEFA Euro 2004, tourism, promotion, marketing, regional, Minho, Portugal, Spain and major sport events.

    Hannah Arendt y la conquista del espacio: repensar la condición humana

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    The point of departure of this reflexion will be a reading of the Kantian analysis of space, as presented in the section entitled Die transzendentafe A.sthetik of the Kritik of reinen Vernunft, focusing on two central aspects: first, the kantian understanding of space as a predisposition of the subject regarding experience, previous to any particular experience; second, the identification of that subjective condition with the human condition. Hannah Arendt, in her article "The Conquest of Space and the Stature of Man", tries to reflect upon a scene of appropriation, performed by man, of the conditions of possibility of experience and of existence, which implies an abandonment of his condition as conceived by Kant. This paper intends to show that the reflexion of Hannah Arendt regarding the conquest of space and the human condition constitutes a possibility of founding a wide range of responsible ethics.El punto de partida de esta reflexión será una lectura del análisis kantiano del espacio, presente en la sección Die transzendentale Asthetik, incluida en la obra Kritik der reinen Vernunft, centrándose en dos aspectos fundamentales: por un lado, la comprensión kantiana el espacio como una predisposición por parte del sujeto para la experiencia, anterior a cualquier experiencia particular; por otro lado, la identificación de esa condición subjetiva con la condición humana. Hannah Arendt, en el texto "The Conquest of Space and the Stature of Man", intenta reflexionar sobre un escenario de apropiación, por el humano, de las condiciones de posibilidad de la experiencia y de la existencia, que implica un abandono de su condición, tal y como Kant la piensa. Nuestra ponencia intenta mostrar que la reflexión realizada por Hannah Arendt en torno a la conquista del espacio y a la condición humana abre la posibilidad de la fundación de una Ética de responsabilidad con un ambito alargad

    Essays on ceo compensation: beyond the anglo-saxon public corporation

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    These four papers address some unsolved issues on CEO compensation: beyond the Anglo-Saxon public corporation, furthering the existing literature to the understudied fields of less developed capital markets, of which Portugal is a typical member; family firms, whose link between generation and agency avoidance is exploited here; the international comparison based on a selected sample of the world´s largest firms and the effect of gender on the remuneration of Portuguese managers and other professionals. The first paper analyses the determinants of compensation for CEO of Portuguese firms, focusing on the preference of variable versus fixed pay. The results confirmed that listed companies, more vulnerable to agency problems, also made a more intensive use of variable pay. Older firms are also more prone to using this type of compensation. Location in Lisbon, the center of economic activity and higher education also increase the propensity to receive a higher share of salary in the form of variable compensation. The second paper, also based on the same data, has the main goal to find whether the use of variable pay within family firms also reflects the intensity of their specific agency problems. The result on the use of variable pay shows that their performance impact tends to be less favorable for foundational, younger firms, where agency problems are still lower, than with family firms that are already on the second or more family generation. The paper three has a broader scope as it covers CEO compensation practices for a large number of countries and industries. The cross-section analysis covers 1002 firms from 21 different countries. Beyond the traditional explanations of CEO compensation, in a broader setting, such as executive age, tenure and gender or firm size the study provides a larger country analysis, while covering variables that are not common in the compensation literature, such as the impact of CEO expatriation.Finally, paper four studies gender income disparity in Portuguese firms. The sample includes 3953 employees for 75 Portuguese firms with one hundred or more employees, classified by gender and function level – top executives, middle-level managers, technicians and staff. The results confirmed that gender pay gap is larger in Portuguese firms, and it increases with employee´s accumulated tenure and decreases with advanced education for women and on labor market entry. Despite the progress in the labor market made by women in recent years, only a small percentage has actually managed to reach top positions, so there can be no doubt that the “glass ceiling” still exists.Os quatro artigos procuram abordar algumas questões sobre a remuneração dos gestores: além das empresas publicas Anglo-Saxónicas, promovendo a literatura existente para os mercados de capitais menos desenvolvidos do qual Portugal é um membro típico; empresas familiares, cuja ligação entre geração e agência; e na ligação entre uma amostra selecionada das maiores empresas do mundo. O primeiro artigo procura saber os determinantes da remuneração dos gestores em empresas Portuguesas, focando na preferência entre remuneração variável vs remuneração fixa. Os resultados mais significativos verificam-se que as empresas de capitais dispersos utilizam mais remuneração variável, consistente com a teoria da agência. As empresas mais velhas também utilizam mais este tipo de remuneração e empresas localizadas em Lisboa que ocupa o centro da atividade económica em Portugal e quanto maior a educação dos gestores, maior a propensão de receber o salário em remuneração variável O segundo artigo também baseado na mesma base de dados tem como objetivo principal descobrir se o uso de remuneração variável nas empresas familiares também reflete a intensidade de seus problemas de agência específica. O resultado no uso da remuneração variável mostra que o impacto na performance tende a ser menos favorável, em empresas mais jovens, onde os problemas de agência são ainda mais baixos do que com empresas familiares que já estão sobre a segunda geração ou mais. O terceiro artigo tem maior abrangência uma vez que tem informação sobre a remuneração dos gestores para um número grande de países e sectores e cobre dados de 1002 empresas com capitalização bolsista superior a mil milhões de euros de 21 países diferentes. Além das explicações tradicionais da remuneração dos gestores em um espaço mais alargado, como a idade do gestor, tempo na empresa e sexo ou tamanho da empresa, o artigo fornece uma análise maior do país, enquanto cobre variáveis que não são comuns na literatura de compensação, como o impacto da expatriação do gestor.Finalmente, o quarto artigo analisa o efeito do género na remuneração dos gestores e outros profissionais portugueses. A amostra inclui 3953 trabalhadores de 75 empresas com cem ou mais empregados, classificados por sexo e o nível da função- executivos de topo, gestores de nível médio, técnicos e empregados. Os resultados confirmaram que a diferença salarial entre homens e mulheres é maior em empresas nacionais e aumenta com o tempo no cargo e diminui com o nível da educação das mulheres e a entrada no mercado de trabalho. Apesar do progresso no mercado de trabalho feito pelas mulheres nos últimos anos, apenas uma pequena percentagem realmente conseguiu chegar a posições de topo, por isso não há dúvidas de que o “glass ceiling” ainda existe

    A counting multidimensional innovation index for SMEs

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    We developed a C ounting Multidimensional Innovation Index (MII) framework for measuring and benchmarking innovation of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) , groups of SMEs, industries , regions, and countries . The methodology behind the MII is similar to the methodology behind the United Nations Multi dimensional Poverty Index and follows the innovation definitions stipulated by the OECD Oslo Manual , cover ing dime n s ions and partial indicators suggested by this Ma nual and/or adapted from the In novation Union Scoreboard (IUS) and from the Global Innovation Index (GII) . T o illustrate the MII framework , a survey was conducted among SME s of the metalworking industry in Portugal .info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Productivity in Pharmaceutical Biotechnology R&D: The Role of Experience and Alliances

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    Using data on over 900 firms for the period 1988-2000, we estimate the effect on phase-specific biotech and pharmaceutical R&D success rates of a firm's overall experience, its experience in the relevant therapeutic category; the diversification of its experience, and alliances with large and small firms. We find that success probabilities vary substantially across therapeutic categories and are negatively correlated with mean sales by category, which is consistent with a model of dynamic, competitive entry. Returns to experience are statistically significant but economically small for the relatively straightforward phase 1 trials. We find evidence of large, positive, and diminishing returns to a firm's overall experience (across all therapeutic categories) for the larger and more complex late-stage trials that focus on a drug's efficacy. There is some evidence that a drug is more likely to complete phase 2 if developed by firms with considerable therapeutic category-specific experience and by firms whose experience is focused rather than broad (diseconomies of scope). Our results confirm that products developed in an alliance tend to have a higher probability of success, at least for the more complex phase 2 and phase 3 trials, and particularly if the licensee is a large firm.