26 research outputs found


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    THE EFFECTIVENESS IMPLEMENTATION OF JOB SHEET TO ENGINEERING PRACTICAL LEARNING AT SMK MA’ARIF SALAM MAGELANG By: Wahyu Isti Nugroho 09503241022 ABSTRACT This study was aimed to find out: (1)The students’ learning achievement toward the engineering practical learning of lathe by implementing the job sheet developed as practical guidelines; (2)The students’ learning achievement toward the engineering practical learning of lathe by implementing the previous job sheet; (3)Difference of the students’ learning achievement between students who implement previous job sheet and those who implement developed job sheet as the engineering practical learning of XI class SMK Ma’arif Salam Magelang; (4)Effectiveness implementation developed job sheet in the engineering practical learning of XI class SMK Ma’arif Salam Magelang. This study was employed quasi-experimental design with non-equivalent control group design. The variables of this research were independent variable (the implementation of the developed job sheet) and dependent variable (students’ achievement which is in the forms of students’ job grade and students’ working attitude). The population was the total number of class XI SMK Ma’arif Salam Magelang divided into three groups while the sample used in this study consisted of two groups with XI MA class (control group) and XI MB class (experimental group). This study employed purposive sampling technique in which the sample was selected under certain consideration. The data collection techniques were used the pretest-posttest result and observation toward students’ working attitude. The instrument validity of this study used content validity done by consulting the instrument to the expert (expert judgment). Then, the data were analyzed by using t-test. The findings revealed class who implement developed job sheet increasingly achieved toward the enginering practical learning of lathe and student’s working attitude as standard operational procedur and K3(after receiving the treatment). Results of classrom learning using previous job sheet there is not a significant improvement. This showed that the the posttest score resulted from t-test between control and experimental group got -38.385 with df = 74 with the level of erroneous of 0.05. Then, it was achieved Sig. (2-tailed) of 0,000 which was less than the level of erroneous of 0.05. Thus, this means that there was a significant difference toward the students’ engineering learning achievement between the students who implement previous job sheet and who implement job sheet developed. Comparison of the t-test score on the pretest-posttest between the control group and the experimental group was thitung=-80.891 with df = 37 and Sig.(2-tailed) = 0.000. The value of Sig. (2-tailed) was less than the significant level of 0.05. Therefore, the result of the t-test showed that the implementation of the job sheet developed was statistically effective as the guideline of the engineering practical learning for the students of SMK Ma’arif Salam Magelang. Keywords: control group, experimental group, job sheet, learning achievemen


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    Abstract This study aims at knowing efectivity of job sheet developed for machining practice. This study was a quasi-experimental with non-equivalent control group design. The samples were XI MA class as a control group and XI MB class as an experimental group. The data were collected using pretest-posttest results and then analyzed using t-test. The experiment result shows that mean score of control group raise up from 69,16 to 80,08. T-test result indicate that implementation of job sheet developed was statistically effective. Keywords: efectivity, job sheet, machining practica


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    The background and problems in this research are the welding process of inner joint products at PT Yogya Presisi Tehnikatama Industri where there are not good (NG) products and the welding process time can be shortned if there is a support tool for operator. The purpose of this study is to prevent NG products from inner joints and reduce the production process time of inner joints. The method used in this study is to use a flow diagram for design. The first stage is to identify the problem with the 5M + 1E collected factor followed by conducting field studies, staff interviews, and literature studies. The second stage is to design the welding fixture inner joint using Solidworks 2019 software with dimensions of 165 mm in length, 301 mm in width, and 262.42 mm in height composed of 19 single components made of ASTM A36 steel and a standart part. The third stage is the process of making welding fixtures which includes material procurement to the CNC milling, CNC lathe, and plate bending processes followed by fixture assembly. The test results showed a decrease in NG products by 22.58% and a decrease in welding process time by 30.93%

    Rancang Bangun dan Analisis Shutter Conveyor Reversible Semi–Otomatis Berbasis PLC Guna Mengurangi Waktu Proses Material Handling Pada Line Assembly Steering Tipe D74 di PT. Akashi Wahana Indonesia

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    PT Akashi Wahana Indonesia is an automotive manufacturer that specializes in producing steering gear assemblies. The steering gear assembly process involves assembling the components of the steering gear into a single unit. A problem related to cycle time has been identified at a process position on the D74 steering gear assembly line. The cause of this issue is the manual shutter used to transfer assembly results between process positions, which requires manual intervention by operators, resulting in non-value-added time and unnecessary movement. The proposed solution to this problem is to design and development a PLC based semi-automatic reversible shutter conveyor. This shutter conveyor will serve as a material handling tool to change the transfer system between process positions. Operators can initiate the transfer to the next position by simply pressing the start button. The research methodology encompasses problem identification, literature review, design, production, and testing. The analysis includes calculations of stress and strain on the base slider, and percentage comparisons of material handling process time before and after improvement. Testing will be conducted through experiments on material handling process time. The result of this research is the implementation of a PLC-based semi-automatic reversible shutter conveyor in the D74 steering assembly line, which has achieved a 69.1% reduction in material handling process time

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Pemipil Jagung Dua Silinder menggunakan Motor Listrik

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    Seeing the situation of animal feed needs which tend to increase every year, it must be accompanied by the procurement of production machines to reduce the productivity of corn. Corn sheller machine is a tool that serves to release corn kernels from the cob. Along with technological developments that continue to progress, many production machines have sprung up such as corn shellers ranging from those that are operated manually to automatic. Each machine has different advantages and disadvantages. In the design of this corn sheller machine the main driver uses an electric motor. The design of this corn sheller machine aims to help ease the burden on corn farmers in particular. At first the corn shelling was done manually, then it developed using a large selep machine but the costs incurred were relatively expensive. The design of a two-cylinder corn sheller machine uses an electric motor to determine the appropriate design and construction of the corn sheller machine. In this machine there is no corn diameter limit for the shelling process in other words this machine is designed for all sizes of corn. In this design using several stages, namely first planning the design of the engine frame, electric motor, pulley and v-belt ratio and the calculation of the shaft. The result of the design is a machine design that is 1200 mm long, 1200 mm wide and 800 mm high. The sheller machine is driven using an electric motor of 500 watts, Rpm 1400 with a transmission system using a pulley and a v-belt ratio of 1: 1. There is no limit to the diameter of corn kernels in the shelling process using this machine. So it can be concluded that this machine has an effective design and sufficient shelling results, able to reduce post-harvest costs for corn farmers

    Pemodelan Sistem Suspensi Pasif dan Semi Aktif Regeneratif dengan Model Half Car dan Eksitasi Harmonik

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    Penelitian ini berdasarkan pada banyaknya energi yang terbuang pada kendaraan roda empat. Pemanfatan energi yang terbuang dilakukan dengan cara mengganti peredam konvensional menjadi peredam regeneratif. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memodelkan dan menganalisa dinamika gerak kendaraan roda empat dan potensi energi yang dapat dimanfaatkan akibat getaran vertikal. Model half car diimplementasi dan sistem suspensi dimodelkan sebagai pegas dan peredam. Sistem suspensi semi aktif mengimplementasikan model skyhook dengan mengubah peredam menjadi peredam adaptif. Hasil validasi mengindikasikan bahwa simulasi dapat dengan akuran memodelkan dinamika gerak kendaraan dengan eksitasi harmonik. Hasil dari simulasi dianalisa dalam domain waktu dan frekuensi. Respon gerak dalam domain waktu untuk suspensi semi aktif dibandingkan dengan suspensi pasif pada frekuensi 3[Hz] menunjukkan penurunan perpindahan 40,71% dan percepatan 43,43%. Terdapat peningkatan respon potensi daya yang dimanfaatkan sebesar 78%. Respon perpindahan, percepatan dan potensi daya dalam domain frekuensi menunjukkan hasil yang lebih baik pada suspensi semi aktif terutama pada frekuensi lebih dari 6[Hz]

    Rancang Bangun Mesin Pemasang Snap Ring untuk Mengurangi Cycle Time pada Assembling Transmission FF di PT. AWI

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    Sejalan dengan tujuan pemerintah untuk mewujudkan Indonesia sebagai negara industri yang tangguh pada tahun 2025, perlunya dukungan terhadap industri komponen otomotif dalam proses produksi untuk memenuhi kubutuhan dalam negeri. Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah target cycle time pada assembling transmission FF tidak tercapai (melebihi target waktu yang ada di TSK PT. Akashi Wahana Indonesia), dikarenakan terdapat proses pemasangan snap ring yang masih manual. Penyebabnya adalah proses pemasangan snap ring dilakukan secara manual menggunakan tenaga manusia dimana proses pemasangannya menggunakan tuas yang tinggi yaitu sejajar dengan bahu operator serta dalam satu shift kerja harus memasang snap ring pada 495 produk. Pemasangan dengan cara ini dimungkinkan mengakibatkan kelelahan pada operator, karena posisi tuas yang kurang ergonomis. Data aktual cycle time assembling transmission FF sebesar 98,015 detik, adapun TSK assembling transmission FF sebesar 96 detik. Berdasarkan permasalahan tersebut maka perlu adanya solusi yaitu dengan membuat rancang bangun mesin press pneumatik semi otomatis berbasis PLC untuk pemasangan snap ring pada input shaft gear dan mengurangi cycle time pada assembling transmission FF line. Pengujian yang dilakukan yaitu pengujian cycle time pada assembling transmission FF. Hasil yang diperoleh dari penelitian ini adalah mesin press pneumatik untuk pemasangan snap ring dapat mengurangi cycle time sebesar 3,48%


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    Learning during the Covid-19 pandemic took place out of the ordinary, for elementary school students who were the basis for the cultivation of various values and life sciences, it was disrupted. Changes in learning styles and strategies when the Covid-19 pandemic suddenly appeared, the available learning media were not in accordance with online learning strategies. Efforts to overcome online learning styles and strategies, elementary school teachers try to overcome them with limited knowledge and techniques in producing them. The problems faced in the form of not optimal preparation of mature and structured in producing multimedia learning causes learning messages are not conveyed properly. The purpose of this service is to apply multimedia production technology for SDN Srondol Wetan 01 teachers. The implementation of this community service uses the MDLC (Multimedia Development Life Cycle) method which consists of 6 stages, namely: Concept, Design, Data Collection, Merger, Testing, Distribution. The result of this service is an increase in the ability of teachers to produce multimedia and the availability of 2 school profile videos and 1 learning video


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    Desa Grabag di Kabupaten Magelang merupakan salah satu sentra peternakan kambing yang berada di Kab Magelang. Selain menghasilkan daging, susu, kulit, dan bulu, kambing juga juga menghasilkan limbah berupa kotoran kambing. Limbah kotoran kambing berdampak pada pencemaran lingkungan, salah satunya menyebabkan bau tidak sedap. Hal ini di akibatkan dari keterbatasan lahan sebagai tempat kotoran kambing, sehingga menyebabkan penumpukan pada satu tepat. Salah satu peternak kambing “Berkah Abadi” masih belum melakukan pengolahan limbah kotoran kambing menjadi pupuk organik diakibatkan karena keterbatasan teknologi dan juga pengetahuan. Permasalahan ini dapat diselesaikan dengan penerapan Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG) yaitu  Alat Pengolah Pupuk Organik  (APPO) sebagai solusi dari pengolahan limbah kotoran kambing. Tujuan dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini adalah memberikan solusi kepada peternak kambing dalam mengolah limbah kotoran kambing menjadi pupuk organik yang memiliki nilai jual. Metode yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan metode gabungan yaitu transfer teknologi dan penyuluhan terhadap peternak kambing. Hasil dari pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berupa terealisasinya penggunaan mesin alat pengolah pupuk organik  (APPO) guna mengolah limbah kotoran kambing yang awalnya menumpuk dan memiliki nilai jual rendah menjadi memiliki nilai jual tinggi