7 research outputs found
Peran Bumdes Maju Jaya dalam Pengembangan Desa Wisata di Desa Masaran Munjungan
Bumdes Maju Jaya Masaran merupakan salah satu BUMDes di Kabupaten Trenggalek. Sebelumnya BUMDes ini fokus pada pengembangan usaha di bidang penyewaan alat – alat konstruksi, seperti molen, namun seiring dengan program kerja Bupati Trenggalek tentang Seratus Desa Wisata (Sadewa), dimana Desa Masaran masuk di dalam program tersebut menjadikan BUMDes Maju Jaya Masaran turut berpartisipasi mengembangkan perekonomian di desa melalui pengembangan desa wisata. Tahun ini BUMDes membeli peralatan berupa 2 (dua) unit Mini Jeep dan juga sepur kelinci. BUMDes menggandeng Pokmaswas (Kelompok Pengawas Masyarakat) dalam mengelola mini jeep dan sepur kelinci. BUMDes memberikan bagi hasil 30% dari total pendapatan bersih setelah dipotong dengan biaya operasional. BUMDes melakukan kolaborasi dalam pengelolaan wisatanya untuk memberikan dampak ekonomi yang lebih merata. Pihak BUMDes mengalami beberapa kendala dalam pengembangan di bidang wisata, yakni anggaran dan keterbatasan SDM
Analisis Proses Penyelenggaraan Event: Studi Kasus Penyelenggaran “Grand Launching Mal Pelayanan Publik Kabupaten Gresik” oleh CV. Imagine Promosindo
One of the success factors in organizing an event or activity lies in the careful and considerate preparation process. This is the full responsibility of the event organizer as the party given the authority to organize the entire series of events. CV. Imagine Promosindo is one of the leading event organizers in Malang Regency with more than 10 years of experience in handling events, both at local and national levels. The event "Grand Launching of the Gresik Regency Public Service Mall" is one of the events handled by CV. Imagine Promosindo whose implementation was very successful even though it was held in the pandemic era. This is of course to the detailed preparation of the implementation process from the pre-event, on-event and post-event stages
Optimalisasi Pokdarwis Massawi Melalui Tourism Service Management Pengembangan Objek Wisata Teluk Love Jember
Jember has a very diverse natural, cultural and artificial tourism potential. One of the natural potentials that currently become the prima donna in Jember is Teluk Love beach, located in Sumberrejo-Ambulu-Jember. The main attraction of the Love Bay is in terms of its shape that symbolizes love, which is not possessed by other destinations in Jember. The booming existence of the Love Bay increases tourist arrivals at this destination every day, in the other hand the condition of human resources and social economic environment is not ready to face of the growth of Love Bay tourism. Weak tourism knowledge, slum social environment patterns, society economic management are some challenges in developing this Love Bay tourism. Theoretically, if a tourist destination is well managed, tourists as subjects in the tourism industry have an important role in the sustainability of a tourist destination. The tourist services needs to get special attention. If the tourists are well served, then they will feel satisfied. This is a factor driving these tourists to come back, and with the more tourists it will have an effect on improving the economic level of the community itself. Based on the problems experienced by partners, the solutions that can be offered are providing soft skills training (attitude) for tourism services, providing hard skills training (procedural), providing assistance in the form of procurement of quality improvement service
Wisata Sejarah Megalitikum di kecamatan Arjasa merupakan salah satu potensi wisata di kabupaten Jember. Peninggalan situs purbakala menjadi bagian dari cagar budaya dan pelestarian sejarah. Dalam pengembangan sumber daya manusia, salah satu faktor yang berperan penting adalah kompetensi pengelola wisata, untuk itu pengembangan dan pendampingan para pengelola menjadi penting untuk dilakukan. Pelayanan dan interaksi pengelola kepada pengunjung menjadi salah satu faktor pendorong wisatawan untuk mempromosikan dan datang kembali ke destinasi wisata. Dengan adanya pengembangan wisata, dampak ekonomi yang terasa adalah peningkatan pendapatan bagi masyarakat sekitar, khususnya desa Arjasa. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang ada, maka kelompok riset TOP SUN melaksanakan pengabdian desa binaan dengan hibah dari LP2M Universitas Jember melalui dukungan penguatan kapasitas sumber daya dalam pengembangan wisata sejarah megalitikum terhadap masyarakat pengelola desa Arjasa melalui POKDARWIS dan pemuda desa Arjasa. Berdasarkan hasil analisis situasi dan permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh mitra di desa Arjasa, dilakukan Upaya peningkatan sumber daya manusia (SDM) melalui pelatihan teknik pramuwisata serta penguatan kompetensi berupa kemampuan berbahasa Inggris. Dukungan lain berupa penguatan awareness melalui pengadaan papan petunjuk arah guna mempermudah wisatawan berkunjung ke obyek wisata, Dukungan ketiga, melalui diskusi bersama untuk menginisiasi potensi paket wisata edukasi sejarah kepada siswa sekolah. Pengabdian ini dilaksanakan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pengelola dibidang Bahasa asing, kapasitas interpretasi sejarah megalitikum, Pendampingan ini dilakukan melalui pertemuan, pengadaan sarana berupa pengadaan papan interpretasi serta penyediaan video profil kawasan obyek wisata sejarah megalitikum. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan dalam empat tahapan yaitu, survei permasalahan mitra, perencanaan, pengembangan sistem manajemen wisata dan pelatihan masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini telah menghasilkan produk berupa kapasitas pengelola dalam menyapa maupun berkomunikasi dengan pengunjung, tersediaya papan petunjuk arah dan video profil desa Arjasa
A marketing strategy is needed by Program Studi Diploma III Usaha Perjalanan Wisata (PS D-III UPW) of Jember University, in order to increase more students. Since the last few years, the students of PS D-III UPW has been decreased. This study has the objective to identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of PS D-III UPW, and formulate the marketing strategy, by using analysis method of IFAS, EFAS, SWOT and QSPM. The result of IFAS and EFAS identify that PS D-III UPW has 16 factors of strength, 14 factors of weakness, 6 factors of opportunity and 3 factors of threat. The result of SWOT identifies some alternative strategies, which are technology information, student motivation, cooperation within tourism industry, promotion, facilities, competitive product, learning system, quality of human resource, and involvement of the students at Jember tourism events. The QSPM identifies that improvement of promotion as the first priority strategy
Analysis of Potency and Strategy Identification of Wuluhan Subdistrict as A Super Priority Destination Area in Jember Regency
The potential of Wuluhan sub-district attracts the government to make a super priority area. This research with a cooperative tourism planning perspective will later present a normative model of tourism planning in Wuluhan area which requires integrative collaboration between government institutions and various stakeholders, both at the autonomous level and the public also private sectors. The analysis method in this research uses the PRA (Participatory Rural Appraisal) method, the strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat (SWOT) matrix analysis method and the quantitave strategy planning matrix (QSPM) method. The attractions in the four villages are agrotourism attractions, river tubing tourism, sports tourism, and recreational tourism. Accessibility to the four villages still needs development in terms of directional signage and improving road conditions. The amenities available in each village are still minimal and need improvement to support priority destinations. Ancillary services in each village already have tourism awareness group (pokdarwis), but there is still a need to improve human resources and governance. Based on the SWOT analysis, it was found: S-O strategy, W-O strategy, S-T strategy and W-T strategy to support super priority tourist areas