11 research outputs found
Snellen Chart Based on Android Control
Eye vision is a person's visual acuity examination that is usually done using a snellen chart. Snellen chart is a poster that contains a number of letters that are different on each line with the letters getting closer to the bottom lines. Eye vision examination using a normal snellen chart is done at a distance of 6 meters because someone is considered normal if he is able to read on the 20/20 line in feet or 6/6 in meters. Snellen chart control android is an electronic snellen chart that controls the light transfer using Android. Commands originating from the mitapp application on android are sent to the bluetooth HC-05 module in the minsys Atmega16 circuit. Atmega 16 was chosen because it has a sufficient number of pins to control the displacement of the lights used by 23 lights. The appearance of the mitapp application has been adjusted to the letters contained in the snellen chart, making it easier for operator to correct the results of the readings that have been performed by the eye vision patient
Apnea Monitor Based on Bluetooth with Android Interface
Apnea monitor is a device that is used to give a warning if there is stop breathing. Stop breathing while sleeping is one form of obstructive sleep apnea. This cessation of breath cannot be underestimated, this is related to the main risk factors for health implications and increased cardiovascular disease and sudden death. The purpose of this study is to design an apnea monitor with the Android interface. This device allows the users to get how many times sleep apnea happens while sleeping and got data to analysis before continuing with a more expensive and advanced sleep test. This device used a flex sensor to detect the respiration rate, the sensor placed on the abdomen or belly so it can measure expand and deflate while breathing. The microcontroller uses an Arduino chip called AT-Mega328. Bluetooth HC-05 used to send respiration data to Android, MIT app inventor used for the android programmer, and on the android, there are plotting of respiration value and when the device detected apnea so the android also gives a warning to the user. Based on the results of testing and measurement then compare with another device, the results of the average% error were 3.61%. This apnea monitor design is portable but there are needs some improvement by using another sensor for detected respiration and using a module other than Bluetooth
Portable Spirometer for Measuring Lung Function Health (FVC and FEV1)
Extreme climate change and air pollution caused by dust, smoke, vehicle exhaust gases and industry can increase the chances of contracting various infectious diseases caused by viruses, especially respiratory infections. Lung volume measurements obtained from air that is inhaled and exhaled by someone can help doctors diagnose abnormalities in the lungs. The purpose of this study was to develop an affordable pulmonary function measurement system, which is a spirometer. The main board consists of a non-inverting amplifier, Arduino microcontroller, LCD and SD Card memory. FVC and FEV1 volume measurements are carried out when the breath blew through the MPX5100DP gas pressure sensor. The sensor's output is a voltage, which is converted to a volume unit using the venturimeter method. The SD card memory is used to store data. The results of measurement data on respondents with a spirometer comparison device then there is an FVC error of 0.98% 5, FEV1 3.83% and FEVI / FVC 2.50%. This value is still below the error tolerance limit of 5%. The design of this spirometer is portable and low cost to be made for mass production to help people to measure the health of lung function in humans
Bed for Measuring Ebv and CO with TFT Display Equipped with Data Storage (SpO2 and BPM)
— BED for measuring EBV and CO are the tools used to monitor the condition of preoperative patients. The Estimation Blood Volume (EBV) is a calculation to determine the approximate volume of blood in the human body and CO is the amount of blood volume pumped by the heart per minute the calculation of EBV used uses weight, height and gender. CO calculations utilize BPM multiplied by standard Stroke Volume. In this section the author discusses oxygen saturation in the blood using different wavelengths of red LED light and infrared captured by the photodiode. The author also discusses BPM to monitor minute heart rates. The design of this measuring instrument uses MAX30100 sensor, Arduino Mega , Arduino Nano and TFT LCD. Data from the MAX30100 sensor enters the Arduino minimum system, then is processed to produce a percentage of SpO2 values ​​which are then displayed on the TFT LCD. In the module, the data displayed can be stored and displayed again so that patient data can be traced. Testing is done by comparing the module with a standard measuring instrument that produces the biggest error of 2.80% on BPM and 0.95% on SpO2
Temperature Calibrator with Thermocouple Based Microcontroller
Calibration is very important to know the temperature uniformity inside the tool. One of them is at the temperature sterilizer, dry heating sterilizer which is sterilizing the device using a high heat oven. The purpose of this study is to develop a temperature Calibrator tool as a refinement of previously made tools by measuring temperatures more than one point in order to achieve a calibration process that complies with the standard. The working method of a temperature calibration device is that the sensor will detect the temperature which then enters the IC ATMEGA 328 that has been given the program and processed in such a way that the output will be displayed on the LCD 4x20 character in the form of temperature measurement of the device. Based on the results of comparative data between the module and the comparison tool "8 Channel Thermocouple Temperature Recorder" from the BPFK Surabaya, it has the largest difference of 40C and the percentage error (1,6%) and the smallest difference of 10C and the percentage error (0,16%)
Development Portable Spirometer Using MPXV7002DP Sensor and TFT Display for Lung Disease Detection.
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a disease whose prevalence tends to increase annually, with the World Health Organization (WHO) data predicting in 2020 the disease is the cause of the third-highest mortality worldwide. The assessment of the recurrence of COPD patients is very important, as it will accelerate the decline of lung function and health status. The purpose of this research is to design a spirometer by utilizing the MPXV7002DP sensor and equipped with a graphical display as well as lung health status on the Nextion TFT LCD. A portable Spirometer design has been done using the MPXV7002DP pressure sensor out as a transducer with a display on the Nextion TFT LCD. The design aims to determine the health of lung function by knowing the volume of lung Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), Forced Expired Volume in one second (FEV1), and Vital Capacity (VC). The working principle of this tool is to process the pressure from the results of the user blowing to the sensor through a mouthpiece which is designed based on Venturimeter law, the data will be processed by the Arduino microcontroller 2560 to be displayed on the LCD TFT and Nextion stored in SD card memory. The result of module validation data against a Spirometer 3L calibrator Benchmarking tool was obtained 1.58% VC error. The value is still below the 5% error tolerance limit so that the VC parameters in the secure module is used
Development of A Low-Cost and Effisient ECG Devices with IIR Digital Filter Design
Measurement of biosignals such as electrocardiograph has the interpretation of noise from other signals. The noise can interfere with the measurement of the heart signal and make the measurement inaccurate, so the purpose of this study is to make a 6-Lead Electrocardiogram module with an Arduino-Based Digital Filter. By using a digital filter. The contribution of this research is the use of digital filters to eliminate noise in electrocardiograph signals. This research uses Infinite Impulse Filter digital filters such as Butterworth, Chebyshev I, Chebyshev II, and Elliptic in order 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10. The study was conducted by providing input from the Function Generator on Arduino which has been applied digital filters with Frequency with 0.5Hz – 100Hz cut-off. The instrument is compared with a factory electrocardiograph. Filter measurements using 460 input data. Butterworth filter with the greatest emphasis on order 8 frequency 0.5Hz produces an emphasis of -5.74298158 dB and a frequency of 100Hz produces an emphasis of -5.93529424 dB. The Chebyshev I filter has the greatest emphasis on order 6 frequency 0.5Hz producing an emphasis of -3.27104076 dB and on order 8 frequency 100Hz producing an emphasis of -5.08730424 dB. Chebyshev II filter the biggest emphasis on the order of frequency 0.5Hz produces a suppression of -44,66011104 dB and 80Hz frequency produces a suppression of -37,3653957 dB. Elliptic filters the greatest emphasis on order 6 frequency 0.5Hz produces an emphasis on -1.55429354 dB and 100Hz frequency on order 8 produces an emphasis on -2.2849115 dB. The results showed that what was appropriate with the cut-off frequency was the Butterworth order 8 filter which was suitable for the application of the Electrocardiograph signal filter because it had bandwidth that suppressed the signal outside the cut-off frequency. The results of this study can be implemented on a 6-Lead ECG module to eliminate noise or interference when tapping ECG signals
Design A Monitoring Device for Heart-Attack Early Detection Based on Respiration Rate and Body Temperature Parameters
Acute myocardial infarction, commonly referred to as a heart attack, is the most common cause of sudden death where a monitoring tool is needed that is equipped with a system that can notify doctors to take immediate action. The purpose of this study was to design a heart attack detection device through indicators of vital human signs. The contribution of this research is that the system works in real-time, has more parameters, uses wireless, and is equipped with a system to detect indications of a heart attack. In order for wireless monitoring to be carried out in real-time and supported by a detection system, this design uses a radio frequency module as data transmission and uses a warning system that is used for detection. Respiration rate was measured using the piezoelectric sensor, and body temperature was measured using the DS18B20 temperature sensor. Processing of sensor data is done with ESP32, which is displayed wirelessly by the HC-12 module on the PC. If an indication of a heart attack is detected in the parameter value, the tool will activate a notification on the PC. In every indication of a heart attack, it was found that this design can provide notification properly. The results showed that the largest respiratory error value was 4%, and the largest body temperature error value was 0.55%. The results of this study can be implemented in patients who have been diagnosed with heart attack disease so that it can facilitate monitoring the patient's condition
An Improved Measurement Accuracy of Fetal Heart Rate Using Digital Filter
Non stress test, there are several parameters including the fetal Doppler. fetal doppler is used to detect the fetal heart in the womb. It can be seen that the fetal heart rate in the womb under normal circumstances is in the range of 120-140 beats per minute. Noise on doppler fetal output can affect fetal heart rate readings. the purpose of this research is to design a non stress test device that is displayed on nextion. The contribution of this research is the creation of a portable device with nextion display and using analog and digital filters that can be used as noise removal. the method used to eliminate noise by using a bandpass type filter design frequency 20-40 Hz by designing a large frequency suppression outside the cutoff so that noise is not counted as a fetal heart rate. to detect the fetal heart rate in the mother's womb using a piezoelectric sensor. then the fetal heart rate obtained is filtered and the data is processed using Arduino after the results of processing the filter between analog bandpass and digital bandpass type Chebyshev method I then the results of the tool will be displayed on nextion. The results showed that measurements on analog filter modules that have been made produce an error value of 8.62% and digital filters that have been made produce an error value of 12.97%. The results of this study can be applied to fetal heart rate gauges portable at a health clinic