16 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kompetensi dan Independensi Auditor Internal terhadap Kualitas Hasil Pemeriksaan (Studi Kasus pada Bank Jabar Banten Syariah Bandung)

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    Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh kompetensi dan indepedensi auditor internal terhadap kualitas hasil pemeriksaan. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode survei dan teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan menyebarkan kuesioner. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan beberapa analisis regresi linier dengan menggunakan software SPSS. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa ada pengaruh yang signifikan dari kompetensi dan independensi auditor internal terhadap kualitas hasil pemeriksaan pada Bank Jabar Banten Syariah di kota Bandung baik secara parsial maupun secara simultan. Tingkat kompetensi dan independensi auditor internal di Bank Jabar Banten Syariah pun dapat dikatakan tinggi, karena dari hasil analisis menggunakan statistic deskriptif, kedua variabel ini memiliki nilai diatas rata-rata, begitu pun dengan kualitas hasil  pemeriksaan yang dapat dikatakan baik karena berdasarkan hasil analisis memiliki nilai diatas rata-rata

    Kajian Mutu Air Pada Proyeksi Debit Terendah Dengan Metodenational Sanitation Foundation's Water Quality Index(nsf-wqi) Di Sungai Pelus

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    Pelus river is one of the macro drainage system with a total length of ± 19.809 km. Determination of the status of water quality in the river Pelus necessary to know how big the blackened conditions experienced by Pelus river. This study aimed to analyze the factors that cause changes in the concentration of turbidity, DO, pH, Feral Coliform, TDS, BOD, nitrate, total phosphate, and the temperature in pollution control efforts in the future. Status of water quality in Pelus river used projections discharge as tools in the determination of status of water quality. This happens because the study occurred during the rainy season, where the concentration does not show the actual values. Pelus river water quality assessment carried out by using NSF-IKA, the results indicate sampling points 1 and 2 gain medium polluted category. Settlement activity to provide input to the highest organic pollution Pelus river

    Analisis Pengaruh Moment Gyroscope pada Keseimbangan Pendulum Cartessian

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    Crane is identical to the pendulum in term of its control mechanism. Based on modelling, these two devices are very similar and therefore, the pendulum can be used as a prototype for controlling a crane. This research aims to control the balance or to reduce the swing on the pendulum by utilizing the moment of gyroscope with a mass pendulum up to 1.5 kg. Gyroscope was designed and made in the form of a disc, in which dimensions and materials used were determined according to the desired moment force. The PID controller was used to control the speed of gyroscope based on the angle of the pendulum (θ). Based on the results of the experiment, it was obtained that the resulting settling time was 2.29 times faster than without control in average. The overshoot and rise time resulted by the system using gyroscope were very similar to the system which is without gyroscope. However, the steady state error was totally eliminated. It can be concluded that the moment of gyroscope is able to be used for controlling the pendulum or crane

    Capillary Water Rise in Peat Soil as Affected by Various Groundwater Levels

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    Capillary water in peatlands has a very important role in supplying water to the root zone of plants. The current water content in the root zone depends mainly on groundwater levels in some areas with shallow water levels. The study aimed to measure the capillary water dynamics in peat soils at various soil densities and groundwater levels which were observed from the changes in peat color, moisture distribution, water content and hydrophobicity of peat soil. The study was conducted in the greenhouse of Indonesian Swampland Agricultural Research Institute, Banjarbaru, South Kalimantan. The experiment was arranged in a randomized block design with two factors and three replications. The first factor was the bulk density (BD) of peat, namely BD-1 (on actual condition, 0.1 g cm-3) and BD-2 (compressed into 0.2 g cm-3). The second factor was simulated groundwater levels (GWL) consisting of GWL-1 (-100 cm), GWL-2 (-70 cm) and GWL-3 (-40 cm) from soil surfaces. The results showed that the rise of capillary water in peat soil reached a maximum height of 50 cm which was characterized by the increase in water content at the top layer in the range of 105–127% for BD-1 and 141–181% for BD-2. The highest value of water content (308%) was achieved in the treatment of GWL-3 with BD-2 and the lowest (37%) was in the treatment of GWL-1 with BD-1. The rate of capillary water rose progressively corresponded to the increase in BD value because the number of micropores of BD-2 was greater

    Alat Pendeteksi Dini Gangguan Saluran Pernafasan Terintegrasi Cloud Storage

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    Technology advances very rapidly and currently can be implemented into every aspect of human life needs. This research seeks to take advantage of advances in technology to help meet human needs in the field of health. This tool uses the flowmeter sensor to measure the human breath that passes the sensor as input values will be processed by the system. Human breath volume value unit searched the time by using the principle of Bernoulli\u27s law of physical to detect any abnormalities in respiratory function in humans. With the possibility of it detects early these abnormalities will increase the effectiveness of treatments that can be given to sufferers. Measuring instrument is then integrated with database systems with cloud computing using the web server, so that the data collected through such tools can be sent directly to the database server and displayed through a Web page. Thus, parties concerned who have access rights to view this data can access that data anytime and anywhere. Making it easier to do preparation handling or even do prevention because it is an indication of the risk of disease can be detected early. The data can also be used as a record of statistical data for penilitian and logging that can be beneficial in the field of health. The results of this research is the integration of the two subsystems for measuring air flow and a data base of cloud computing. Hardware that is designed in such a way that it can ease of use and datas can be accessed any where are expected to provide a useful innovation which connects science in health and technology student works as a creation of Gadjah Mada Universit

    The Local Innovation Perspective: Development of Mobile-Herbal Service for Indonesia's Mobile Cellular Market

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    This paper reports the local-innovation perspective for the Indonesian mobile cellular market. Under the local perspective, the innovation opportunity appears when it suit characteristics of the country and the behavior nature of its people such concept is built into realization by making an applications of mobile-herbal (m-herbal) services applications. The service is designed by following the proposed framework, starting from scanning the market demand, defining specific applications, defining the actors, exploration of tacit knowledge of the actors, engineering development, implantation innovation and concurrent innovative development. We used the results of previous market survey emphasizing a need of health-related service for Indonesian market. Herbal remedy was chosen as the focal point of health-related service development since it is well-known indigenous method of treatment by using Indonesian natural ingredients. The service is developed to run on the Android-based smartphone, connects to the database called Indonesian HerbalDB. It consists two main features, i.e. query of herbal remedies and self evaluation assessment. Users of the services may search the names of Indonesian traditional plantation, its local names, and the kind of disease which can be cured. Through the features of self evaluation assessment, users are encouraged to give their personal perception of the herbal remedies, and being the recommendation to other users afterward. Finally, our proposed framework signifies the importance of communications channel among the actors in the mobile cellular facilitating mutual interaction between the multiple actors involved in the mobile herbal development

    Pengujian Kinerja dan Modifikasi Reaktor Downdraft Gasifikasi Biomassa 100 KW

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    Gasifikasi adalah suatu proses konversi senyawa yang mengandung karbon untuk mengubah material baik cair maupun padat menjadi bahan bakar gas mampu bakar melalui proses pembakaran dengan suplai udara terbatas. Reaktor tempat terjadinya proses gasifikasi disebut gasifier. Gas hasil dari proses gasifikasi disebut syngas. Pada penelitian sebelumnya telah dirancang reaktor gasifikasi dengan menggunakan kotoran sapi sebagai bahan bakar proses gasifikasi. Tipe reaktor yang digunakan adalah tipe downdraft. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menguji performa mesin, menganalisa hasil pengujian dan memodifikasi rancangan reaktor gasifikasi downdraft kapasitas 100 kW. Dari pengujian pertama, diperoleh hasil pengujian yaitu temperatur di dalam ruang pembakaran kurang dari 500°C serta masih terdapat kebocoran pada komponen reaktor. Maka di perlukan modifikasi agar temperature yang ditargetkan yaitu diatas 500°C tercapai dan memperbaiki kekurangan lainnya. Modifikasi yang dilakukan meliputi bagian atas yaitu hopper, pemasangan instalasi pipa 2 in, serta pembuatan kembali saringan ash grate. Setelah melakukan modifikasi, dilakukan pengujian kembali, Hasil pengujian setelah dimodiifikasi diperoleh temperatur antara 550 oC – 600oC