97 research outputs found

    Brand Equity Influence Toward Customer Loyalty Through Satisfaction at Tribun Jateng Pengaruh Ekuitas Merek Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan Melalui Kepuasan Pada Koran Tribun Jateng

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    Aims to know the influence between the brand equity to customer loyalty through satisfaction at the Tribun Jateng newspaper. Type of research is explanatory research. Respondents in this study is the Semarang people who\u27ve bought the Tribun Jateng as many as 100 people. Data were analyzed using validity and reliability test, t-test, f test, path analysis and Sobel test.Results from this study is the brand equity have a significant effect on customer loyalty with t calculate equal to 8.569, brand equity have a significant effect on customer satisfaction with t amounted to 11.874, satisfaction significantly influence customer loyalty with t calculate equal to 8.322, satisfaction mediate between brand equity and customer loyalty partially, the result of the path analysis amounted to 0,367 direct effect while the indirect effect is 0.275808. From these results it can be seen that the direct effect of brand equity to customer loyalty is greater than its indirect effect, results of the Sobel test, standard error of the magnitude of the indirect effect shows the results of 0.002605611, and found t count equal to 2.8934 larger of t table is 1.98447 thus it can be concluded that (Z) mediates the relationship between (X) and (Y)

    Pengaruh Motivasi Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Pada Karyawan Departemen Spinning I PT. Damatex Salatiga) the Influence of Motivation and Discipline of Work to Employee Performance of Spinning I Department of PT. Damatex Salati

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    PT. Damatex Salatiga is a company that runs in the field of textiles oriented on profit goals and strive to create competitive advantages. Employee performance is one of measurements, which is often used in determining the effectiveness of the company. A company will not able to improve if the performance of employees is stagnant, nevertheless with the high level of competition in the business world. In order to improve employees performance by increasing motivation and discipline of work. The purpose of this research is to investigate and examine the effect of the motivation and discipline of work to employee performance of Spinning I Department of PT. Damatex Salatiga.This research uses explanatory research approach of 72 repondents that taken with proportionate random sampling method. Data collection techniques is using questionnaires, interviewed and the documentation technique. Data were analyzed using linear regression analysis.Based on the results of the analysis, it shows that motivation has a positive effect toward performance about 14,5%. Employees discipline has a positive effect toward performance about 12,7%.Motivation and discipline have a significant effect toward performance about 19,8%. The higher level of motivation and discipline of work, the higher level of performance.Advice that can be given to the company is the company should be focus on labours by making some reviews of work assignments that have been established and need to be adjust between job assignment with capability of workers. Company should give a spirirt by giving appreciation for theworkers and if possible, recreation program for the workers, thus eventually will improve the performance of their workers

    Pengaruh Jaringan Bisnis, Teknologi Produksi, Dan Penjaminan Mutu Terhadap Kinerja Pemasaran (Studi Pada IKM Gitar Di Kecamatan Baki, Kabupaten Sukoharjo)

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    Economy of Indonesia. Undeniable small and medium enterprises (SMEs) is one of the drivers of economic growth in Indonesia. Amid the global crisis which hit many countries in the world, Indonesia proved to be able to continue to survive the economic turmoil. Various SMES growing in Indonesia, one of them is creating guitar in the village of Mancasan, Kec. Baki, Kab. Sukoharjo. Mancasan village is famous as a Center for the manufacture of the guitar because the majority of the residents of the village of Mancasan is the crafters of guitar. But in its development of competition with competitors that are moving on the same type of business make SME guitar in Kec. Baki should implement a range of strategies that can improve the performance of the market.The purpose of this research is to know the influence of business networks, production technology, quality assurance and marketing performance SMEs of guitar in Kec. Baki, Kab. Sukoharjo. This research type is explanatory research. The population in this study i.e. crafters of guitar and SME number of samples taken is 63 respondents. Sampling techniques in the study using a non probability sampling with purposive sampling technique. Methods of analysis used is cross-tabulations, correlation, linear regression, the determination of the simple, double, t-test and F-test with SPSS program version.Based on the results of the research note that the network business, production technology, quality assurance and a positive and significant effect on performance marketing, whether partial or simultaneous. Free variables that have the greatest influence on performance marketing is a business network variables. As for the advice that can be given to maintaining and enhancing the harmony with a partner, providing a period of training for employees in the future so that raw doesn't do a lot of faults, select human resources, give promo and make sales online in order to increase the pace of sales that will have an impact on the acquisition of profit is received so that the company can keep his survival

    Model Keuangan Mikro Syariah untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Nelayan Miskin di Indonesia

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    Indonesia adalah negara maritim dengan potensi kekayaan perikanan laut yang besar. Padakenyataannya banyak nelayan miskin yang belum mendapatkan manfaat potensi ini. Salah satumasalah yang dialami oleh para nelayan adalah kesulitan dalam mengakses keuangan. Penelitianini memiliki tujuan untuk mengatasi masalah kemiskinan nelayan melalui model-modelpembiayaan syariah yang tepat sesuai dengan permaslahan yang dihadapi. Metodologi yangdigunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis deskriptif kualitatif melalui studi literatur danindepth interview dengan tokoh kunci. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa model pembiayaanmikro syariah yang tepat untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan miskin didasarkan padapermasalahan yang dihadapi oleh nelayan secara bertahap. Jika masalah yang dihadapi nelayanmiskin adalah sebab alamiah, maka model keuangan mikro yang dapat diberikan adalah zakat,qordul hasan dan salam. Jika disebabkan secara kultural, maka model keuangan yang dapatdiberikan melalui pembiayaan qord pendidikan dan qord peralatan produksi. Jika penyebabnelayan miskin adalah teknis, maka model keuangan mikro yang dapat diberikan adalah ijarah,murabahah, musyarakah dan mudharabah Jika penyebabnya adalah struktural, maka modelkeuangan yang dapat diberikan adalah pada level kebijakan melalui sukuk. Dengan berbagaimodel keuangan mikro syariah yang sesuai dengan masalah yang dihadapi insya Allah dapatmeningkatkan kesejahteraan nelayan miskin

    Strategi Pembentukan Koperasi Pertanian Syariah di Jawa Tengah: Pendekatan Analytical Network Process (Anp)

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    Pertanian di Jawa Tengah memiliki potensi yang besar ditinjau dari nilai produk, penyerapan tenaga kerja danpenerimaan devisa. Potensi ini ternyata tidak didukung dengan sistem kelembagaan termasuk keuangan. Koperasiyang selama ini sebagai lembaga soko guru perekonomian dan dekat dengan petani ternyata juga tidak berperanmaksimaL dalam mendukung pembangunan pertanian. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menetapkan strategipembentukan koperasi pertanian syariah di di Jawa Tengah dan skim pembiayaan yang paling tepat untuk sektorpertanian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode Analytical Network Process(ANP). Hasil analisis metode ANP menunjukkan bahwa strategi pembentukan koperasi pertanian syariah di JawaTengah menghasilkan empat aspek utama, yaitu aspek manajemen, sumber daya manusia, regulasi pemerintah dansosialisasi. Aspek sumber daya manusia menjadi prioritas utama dengan hasil perbandingan berpasangan(Pairwise Comparison) dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,3512, diikuti dengan aspek sumber daya manusia dengannilai rata-rata 0,2506, aspek sosialisasi dengan nilai rata-rata 0,2037 dan terakhir aspek regulasi pemerintahdengan nilai rata-rata 0,0604. Adapun strategi pembentukan koperasi syariah yang paling tepat untuk diterapkanadalah melalui peningkatan pengelolaan manajemen koperas dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,3240, diikuti denganpeningkatan kualitas sumber daya manusia dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,3223, peningkatan dukungan regulasipemerintah dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,2385 dan terakhir peningkatan sosialisasi pentingnya koperasipertanian syariah dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 0,1149. Adapun skim pembiayaan yang dapat diberikan secarabertahap dan sesuai dengan permasalahan petani adalah qordul hasan, qord, murabahan bi staman ajal,murabahah, salam/istishna, musyarakah dan mudharabah

    Pengaruh Produk Wisata Dan Word of Mouth Terhadap Keputusan Berkunjung (Studi Kasus Pada Pengunjung Objek Wisata Pantai Klayar)

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    Tourism has become the largest industry and show consistent growth over the years, his specialty in East Java province. One of these attractions Klayar Beach in Pacitan that have unique tourism potential. However, the number of tourist arrivals from 2010 to 2015 relatively volatile and tend to decrease in the percentage of development. While the survey, in getting the visitor complaints against travel products, It is fear for the existence of negative information spread among travelers.This study aims to determine the influence of Tourism Products, and Word of Mouth to the Decision to Visit Attractions Klayar Beach. This type of research is explanatory research, in which the data collection techniques used is by means of questionnaire, the selected sample of 100 people with accidental sampling and purposive sampling. Respondents are visitor attractions Klayar Beach who had visited the beach Klayar.The results showed that the Tourism Product and significant effect on the Decree viewed by contributing 24.3% and the rest is explained by other factors. Word of Mouth influential and significant to the Decree viewed by contributing 11.8% and the rest is explained by other factors. Meanwhile, simultaneously Tourism Products and Word of Mouth influential and significant to the Decision of Been. That is, the better the Tourism Product and Word of Mouth, the higher the Decision to Visit Attractions Klayar Beach. Additionally Travel Products has the most dominant influence with regression coefficient of 0.350. The results obtained by analyzing primary data using validity, reliability test, correlation coefficient, determination coefficient, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, and a significance test (t test and F) with SPSS 16.0.Based on this, the researchers suggest that managers Attractions Pantai Klayar further improve the tourism product, which adds to public transportation, parking area, repair facilities and more active in offering information to visitors facilities, so as to increase tourist arrivals in Turkish Klayar

    Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Pengalaman Konsumen Terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen Sepatu Sneaker Merek Converse (Studi Kasus Pada Pengguna Sepatu Sneaker Merek Converse Di Kota Semarang)

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    Every company expect to have a high customer loyalty. But, there is a Converse sneakers product sales degression in Semarang City based on observation that also indicate a degression in customer loyalty. Based on observation and theoritical study, that degression supected caused by low brand image factor and low customer experience factor. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to find out the impacts of brand image and cutomer experience towards Converse sneakers cutomer loyalty, both in partial and simultant.Amount of the samples in this research is 100 respondents that were taken using accidental sampling technic. To the respondents given a questionnaire in periode between 17-31 Augustus 2016. The statistic analyst instrument that used in this research is partial regression and simultant regression.After editing, coding, and tabulation, this research results these conclution: 1) Brand image positively and significantly impacts on Converse sneakers cutomer loyalty, 2) Customer experience positively and significantly impacts on Converse sneakers customer loyalty. 3) Brand image and customer experience simultaneously impacts on Converse sneakers customer loyalty

    Pengaruh Kewirausahaan, Pelatihan USAha Dan Jaringan Kerjasama Kelembagaan Terhadap Kinerja Unit USAha Pada Sentra IKM Telur Asin (Studi Kasus Pada Sentra IKM Telur Asin Di Desa Limbangan Wetan Kecamatan Brebes, Kabupaten Brebes)

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    Development of small-scale industries such as household and industrial industries large scale has been carried out in various regions across Indonesia, including Brebes. SME development is not just a problem of operational assistance or facilities. The development must be strategic and have a long term impact. In particular, the study discusses the salted egg IKM Brebes Limbangan Wetan village. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of entrepreneurship, business training and networking of institutional cooperation to company performance. This type of research is explanatory research. Mechanical sampling using non-probability sampling. The number of samples of 51 respondents, using a sampling technique that is saturated with a certain considerations. This study uses qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques. Quantitative analysis using validity, reliability test, correlation coefficient, simple regression analysis, coefficient of determination, significance test (t test) using SPSS 23.0. The results of this study indicate that the company's performance can be explained by the entrepreneurship of 25.1% with a result of 4,525 t count> t table 2.009. The company's performance can be explained by the training effort of 25.1% with the results for 3434 t count> t table 2.009. The company's performance can be explained by a network of institutional cooperation with results of 20.6% amounting to 3.561 t count> t table 2.009. Suggestions in this research that employers should always promote creativity and innovation, it still needs to be improved information on training events held and an increase in the attention of the parties and agencies involved in the provision of funding and capital support
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