29 research outputs found
Learning Consequences of School Improvement in Mexico: Evidence from a Large Government Program
I study the impact of investment in infrastructure of already existing poor schools and increased school based management on learning outcomes, as measured by student achievement in standardized tests. To that end, I implement a difference-in-differences design to compare schools that received money from a large government program to improve their physical conditions with those that do not, before and after program implementation. Unlike previous studies, I focus on the effect of improving schools that already exist, to see whether the impact is different from that of building schools. I find no evidence of positive impacts on test scores at the school level, and some evidence of a negative impact for secondary schools
Prevalencia del cáncer de próstata en el Centro Médico Lic. Adolfo López Mateos, 2013-2018
El cáncer de próstata, es la neoplasia maligna no cutánea, más común en el hombre y es actualmente muy diagnosticado gracias al screening o muestreo. El objetivo del presente trabajo es determinar la prevalencia del cáncer de próstata en el Centro Medico “Lic. Adolfo López Mateos”, del año 2013 - 2018. Estudio retrospectivo, observacional, de los expedientes de pacientes con diagnostico de cáncer de próstata, realizando un análisis con medidas de tendencia central y dispersión, distribuciones de frecuencias y porcentajes. Considerando las siguientes variables. antígeno prostático específico, tacto rectal, tipo histopatológico, edad, comorbilidades,
tabaquismo, ocupación y antecedente familia
Social life cycle assessment : a comparison of wastewater treatment facilities in Mexico
PowerPoint presentationMeeting: International Seminar on Social Life Cycle Assessment - LCA, May 6-7, 2013, Montreal, CanadaThe goal was to evaluate the environmental impacts, including social and economic characteristics, of the most representative water treatment technologies in Latin America and the Caribbean in order to identify mitigation strategies. The presentation outlines parameters for the research, including selection of indicators, handling of data, and case study performance assessment, while also recognizing the importance of allowing farmers and civil society organizations to participate in the development of standards and regulations associated with wastewater facilities
Social life cycle assessment : a comparison of wastewater treatment facilities in Mexico
PowerPoint presentationMeeting: International Seminar on Social Life Cycle Assessment - LCA, May 6-7, 2013, Montreal, CanadaThe goal was to evaluate the environmental impacts, including social and economic characteristics, of the most representative water treatment technologies in Latin America and the Caribbean in order to identify mitigation strategies. The presentation outlines parameters for the research, including selection of indicators, handling of data, and case study performance assessment, while also recognizing the importance of allowing farmers and civil society organizations to participate in the development of standards and regulations associated with wastewater facilities
Equilibration of Concentrated Hard Sphere Fluids
We report a systematic molecular dynamics study of the isochoric
equilibration of hard-sphere fluids in their metastable regime close to the
glass transition. The thermalization process starts with the system prepared in
a non-equilibrium state with the desired final volume fraction {\phi} but with
a prescribed non-equilibrium static structure factor S_0(k; {\phi}). The
evolution of the {\alpha}- relaxation time {\tau}{\alpha} (k) and long-time
self-diffusion coefficient DL as a function of the evolution time tw is then
monitored for an array of volume fractions. For a given waiting time the plot
of {\tau}{\alpha} (k; {\phi}, tw) as a function of {\phi} exhibits two regimes
corresponding to samples that have fully equilibrated within this waiting time
({\phi} \leq {\phi}(c) (tw)), and to samples for which equilibration is not yet
complete ({\phi} \geq {\phi}(c) (tw)). The crossover volume fraction {\phi}(c)
(tw) increases with tw but seems to saturate to a value {\phi}(a) \equiv
{\phi}(c) (tw \rightarrow \infty) \approx 0.582. We also find that the waiting
time t^(eq)_w({\phi}) required to equilibrate a system grows faster than the
corresponding equilibrium relaxation time, t^(eq)({\phi}) \approx 0.27 \times
[{\tau}{\alpha} (k; {\phi})]^1.43, and that both characteristic times increase
strongly as {\phi} approaches {\phi}^(a), thus suggesting that the measurement
of equilibrium properties at and above {\phi}(a) is experimentally impossible
Dynamic equivalence between atomic and colloidal liquids
We show that the kinetic-theoretical self-diffusion coefficient of an atomic
fluid plays the same role as the short-time self-diffusion coefficient D_S in a
colloidal liquid, in the sense that the dynamic properties of the former, at
times much longer than the mean free time, and properly scaled with D_S, will
indistinguishable from those of a colloidal liquid with the same interaction
potential. One important consequence of such dynamic equivalence is that the
ratio D_L/ D_S of the long-time to the short-time self-diffusion coefficients
must then be the same for both, an atomic and a colloidal system characterized
by the same inter-particle interactions. This naturally extends to atomic
fluids a well-known dynamic criterion for freezing of colloidal liquids[Phys.
Rev. Lett. 70, 1557 (1993)]. We corroborate these predictions by comparing
molecular and Brownian dynamics simulations on (soft- and hard-sphere) model
systems, representative of what we may refer to as the "hard-sphere" dynamic
universality class
Severe Pneumonia Associated with Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Outbreak, San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Severe pneumonia developed in young adults who had no identifiable risk factors
Diseño para el consumo cultural, la innovación y la inclusión social
Esta obra presenta diversos trabajos de investigación que tienen en común propuestas de diseño desde la cultura, la inclusión y la innovación social, desarrolladas por investigadores nacionales e internacionales adscritos a diversas universidades, así como a programas de posgrado