5 research outputs found
Persepsi Masyarakat terhadap Organisasi Kemasyarakatan Pac Pemuda Pancasila Kecamatan Limapuluh Kota Pekanbaru
Problems of gangsterism which do Pemuda Pancasila is a problem that cannot be ignored, because a lot of thuggery Pemuda Pancasila taking repressivemeasures against the people, resulting Pemuda Pancasila get a bad perceptionamong the public. They say that the Pemuda Pancasila as Community Organisationsthugs. The purpose of this study was to determine the role of the Pancasila Youth inthe community, as well as actions undertaken Pancasila Youth thuggery, to identifyand analyze public perceptions of the youth public organizations in the District FiftyPancasila. The research method was use traditional quantitative methods. Datacollected by interview, observation, and documentation. Subjects in this study wereCommunity leaders, NGOs, as well as the District Fifty community. While the objectof this research is the public perception of community organization PemudaPancasila PAC District of Fifty. The results in this study show that (1). Publicperception of the organization Pemuda Pancasila is very bad, because people assumethat Pemuda Pancasila often repressive action (racketeering) in District Fifty. (2).There are many other activities that are carried out are thuggery such as PemudaPancasila, the collection of money cleanliness, collecting protection money, theseizure of the parking area, and competition for land development projects (assecurity) that is carried out by the government or private parties in the District ofFifty.Keywords: Organization, Percepcy, Society, and Gangsterim
Diseminasi Informasi dalam Penerimaan Siswa Baru Berbasis Android pada SMA Negeri Abung Tinggi Lampung Utara
Information regarding the admission of new students in a school is very important to support the smooth reception o f new students. Good information distribution process, will improve the quality of education in a school. Application o f these new students is a solution that can parents help their parents in distributing information about the graduation o f their students in a school. The application supports the announcement o f the distribution process before the announcement o f new admissions at the school run. This application was developed using Java programming language, assisted by Net.bin for Android Operating System environment. This method is based on client-server, where mobile devices like cell phones or netbooks as a web server as a client and server. Parents are parents who have Android-based mobile devices, can use this application to support the admission o f new students. Android mobile applications can make it easier for parents to see the announcement o f new admissions, thereby saving time getting to know their students are accepted or not on SMA High Abung, North Lampung
The Effect of Income Level, Knowledge, Taxpayer Awareness and Tax Officer Services on Compliance with Paying Land and Building Taxes in Pasar Rebo Subdistrict, East Jakarta
This study aims to find out the influence of income levels, knowledge, taxpayer awareness and tax officer services on the compliance of paying land and building taxes. The population of this research includes the taxpayers of the land and buildings located in the city of East Jakarta, especially in Pasar Rebo District. Questionnaires obtained after being distributed to respondents amounted to 110. This research uses quantitative approach and uses structural model analysis (SEM). This research also uses hypothesis testing in the form of z test. The results shows that the level of knowledge has no effect on taxpayer compliance while the level of income, awareness and service of tax officers has a positive effect on taxpayer compliance