7 research outputs found
Penelitian ini bertujuan menghasilkan bimbingan sosial yang efektif untuk mengembangkan perilaku asertif remaja. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuasi eksperimen dengan desain penelitian non equivalent pretest-postest control group desain. Pengumpulan data menggunakan instrumen perilaku asertif yang meliputi aspek pikiran, perasaan, dan tindakan. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja Lembaga Kesejahteraan Sosial Anak (LKSA) Nugraha Tahun 2015, usia 15-17 tahun, yang berjumlah 28 remaja (15 remaja berada pada kelas eksperimen dan 13 remaja berada pada kelas kontrol). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bimbingan sosial efektif untuk mengembangkan perilaku asertif remaja, dibuktikan pada peningkatan skor 10 indikator yaitu: hormat terhadap diri dan orang lain, berpikir positif, bertanggung jawab akan pendapat yang dituangkan, terbuka terhadap perubahan, percaya diri, penghargaan diri, penerimaan diri, mendengarkan orang lain, melakukan kontak mata langsung, menerima dan memberi umpan balik, sedangkan indikator yang tidak signifikan yaitu: empati, postur tubuh terbuka, dan berpartisipasi dalam pergaulan. Rekomendasi penelitian ini ditujukan kepada berbagai pihak di antaranya program studi bimbingan dan konseling, LKSA, dan penelitian selanjutnya.;--- This research aims to produce an effective social guidance in developing assertive behavior of adolescence. The method of research used a quantitative approach with quasi-experimental research design with non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Data was collected by assertiveness instrument, arranged on the aspects of thought, feeling, and action. The sample in this study were adolescence of Child Social Welfare Institution (LKSA) Nugraha 2015, aged 15-17 years, totaling 28 adolescents (15 adolescencents in the experimental class and 13 adolescencents in control class). The result of the research shows that social guidance is effective in developing assertive behavior for adolescence, proven by the increase of the ten indicators, there are: respecting themselves and others, having positive thinking, being responsible for the opinion stated, being open to a change, being confidence, having self-respect, having self-acceptance, listening to others, making direct eye contact, giving and receiving feedback, while the non-significant indicators are; showing empathy, having open body posture, and participating in the intercommunication. Recommendations are shown in the guidance and counseling study program, child welfare institution (LKSA), and further research
Efektivitas Konseling Realita untuk Mengembangkan Kompetensi Intrapersonal Remaja
This research aimed to produce effectiveness of reality counseling for developing adolescence intrapersonal competence. The method of research used quasi-experimental research design with one group pretest-posttest. The sample in this study were adolescence of LKSA Melati., aged 15-17 years, totaling 28 adolescents. Data was collected by intrapersonal competence instrument, arranged on the aspects of Self Knowledge, Self Direction, and Self Esteem. The results showed Reallity counseling effective to develop adolescence intrapersonal competence, increased of five indicators of Self-understanding, Self-acceptance, Self-regulation, Self-control, Self Confidence. Indicators were not significant for Self Image, and Self-utilization Recommendations showed for guidance and counseling study program, child social welfare institution (LKSA) and further research
Konseling Analisis Transaksional (AT) Untuk Meningkatkan Perilaku Asertif Warga Binaan Rumah Tahanan Negara Klas 1 Pelabuhan Kota Cirebon
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan efektifitas Konseling Analisis Transaksional untuk mengembangkan perilaku asertif remaja. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan metode campuran. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah remaja RUTAN CLASS I Cirebon, berjumlah 20 remaja. Data dikumpulkan dengan instrumen ketegasan, disusun berdasarkan indikator penerimaan diri, berpikir positif, percaya diri dan memberi serta menerima umpan balik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan Konseling Analisis Transaksional efektif untuk mengembangkan perilaku asertif remaja. Rekomendasi ditunjukkan untuk program studi bimbingan dan konseling, LAPAS, dan penelitian lebih lanjut.
Efektivitas Teknik Role Playing untuk Mengembangkan Perilaku Asertif Remaja
This research aimed to produce effectiveness of role playing tehnicque for developing adolescence assertive behavior. The method of research used quasi-experimental research design with non-equivalent pretest-posttest control group design. The sample in this study were adolescence of Child Social Welfare Institution (LKSA) Nugraha 2015, aged 15-17 years, totaling 28 adolescents. Data was collected by assertiveness instrument, arranged on the aspects of thought, feeling, and action. The results showed role playing tehnicque effective to develop adolescence assertive behavior, increased of ten indicator. of self respect and respect for others, positive thinking, responsible for the opinions expressed, open to change, confidence, self esteem, self-acceptance, listening to others, eye contact, give and receive feedback, indicators were not significant for empathy, open body posture, and participate in the association. Recommendations showed for guidance and counseling study program, child social welfare institution (LKSA) and further research.
Pelatihan Keterampilan Kompetensi Interpersonal untuk Meningkatkan Kepercayaan Diri Penggiat Anti Narkoba
This study aims to produce interpersonal competency skills training to increase the confidence of anti-drug activists in the business and private world. The design that will be carried out in this study is a pre-experimental design with one group pretest-posttest design. Data collection uses a self-confidence instrument which includes aspects of belief in self-ability, optimism, objective, responsibility, and rationale. The sample in this study were anti-drug activists in the business and private world of BNN Cirebon City in 2022, aged 25-40 years, totaling 50. The results showed that interpersonal competency skills training was effective for increasing the confidence of anti-drug activists, as evidenced by an increase in score of 4 aspects, namely: self-confidence, optimistic, responsible, and rational, while the insignificant aspect is objective. Recommendations for this research are addressed to various parties including guidance and counseling study programs, anti-drug activists, addiction counseling practitioners, and further research
Pendekatan Thought Situation Consequences (TSC) Framework untuk Mereduksi Grief
This research aimed to know the role of TSC framework for reducing Grief. This study uses a qualitative approach with phenomenological method to explore the experiences and meanings of parents who lost their children in the tragic event of the trial court cases. The sample in this study were parent who lost their children, totally 2 participants. Data was collected by interviewed with open-ended question. Participant follow 7 stage of counseling of TSC Framework (creating rules, creating perceptions, creating self-talk). The results showed that participant have different reaction to grief, participant didn’t go automatically from the situation to the consequence of the situation. The role of TSC Framework in reducing grief can be seen from changing indicator denial, anger, bargaining, depression, dan acceptance. Recommendation showed for Islamic Counseling Guidance study program, and further research