32 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Keterampilan Siswa di Bidang Desain Grafis dan E-commerce di Bidang Jasa Digital Printing

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    Education plays an important role in producing people who can make changes by producing ideas in learning. However, the current problem is the readiness of graduates from schools to be able to continue their survival in finding work. One of them is the lack of skills possessed by graduates of high school/vocational school at this time and also very high competitiveness in getting a job. At present the workforce with graphic and multimedia design skills has considerable opportunities in industries engaged in digital printing printing services. The solution offered is to improve the skills of high school/vocational graduates through digital printing training and marketing their products online

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Aplikasi I-Dapodik Berbasis AHP dengan Metode Waterfall pada Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

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    Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan Kota Bukittinggi bertugas untuk mengelola data pendidikan di wilayah Kota Bukittinggi. Salah satunya adalah pengelolaan data untuk pemberian beasiswa. Beasiswa yang diberikan merupakan beasiswa Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP). Banyaknya peserta didik, menyebabkan penentuan calon penerima beasiswa dengan proses seleksi manual dirasa kurang efektif. Oleh karena itu, sistem pendukung keputusan dibutuhkan untuk memberikan pertimbangan kepada pihak dinas pendidikan dalam proses seleksi. Analisis data menerapkan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Metode ini mengurutkan prioritas penerima beasiswa PIP sesuai dengan kriteria pengambilan keputusan membentuk sebuah hirarki. Metode yang dipakai dalam pengembangan sistem ini adalah metode waterfall. Arsitektur sistem ini menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan framework Laravel dan MySQL sebagai database. Hasil dari tugas akhir ini adalah menghasilkan aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan penentuan calon penerima beasiswa PIP. Diharapkan dapat membantu pihak dinas pendidikan dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk calon penerima beasiswa PIP

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Seleksi Pemilihan Destinasi Pariwisata Sumatera Barat Menggunakan Metode Electre

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    Tourism is one of the activities carried out by humans that has a purpose as entertainment. Human who travel are referred to as tourist. West Sumatra Province is one of the regions with the best tourism is sea tourism and land tourism. Marine tourism consists of beach tourism, island tourism and lake tourism, while mainland tourism consists of tourist panorama, mountain tours, hill tours and others. However, only a portion of West Sumatra's tourist attractions are known to tourists, because of this information is obtained so that there are still many tourist attractions in West Sumatra unknown to tourists from outside the West Sumatra region. To overcome this problem, a system is needed that can be used to support the electoral decision-making process in West Sumatra. This system is built on the Web, using the PHP programming language and Laravel Framework and MySQL as a Database. The method used in this system is the Elimination of Et Choix Traduisant la Realite (ELECTRE). The use of Elimination Et Choix Traduisant la REalite (ELECTRE) can help provide information in West Sumatra, which is in accordance with the wishes of tourists according to the specified criteria. With the help of this system, the information obtained will make it easier for tourists to find tourist attractions

    Web-Based Virtual Laboratory Design in Class XI Chemistry Subject

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    Practicum activities are crucial for supporting students’ success in the teaching and learning process. To conduct the practicum, several factors are required, which vary depending on the field of practice. Adequate facilities and equipment are also necessary. The purpose of this research is to develop a web-based interactive virtual learning application for chemistry lab experiments. The stages involved in creating an application using the multimedia development life cycle (MDLC) method include planning, designing, collecting material, manufacturing, testing, and distribution. Creating applications using Unity software and designing assets with Adobe Illustrator. Virtual labs can help overcome the lack of costs associated with procuring laboratory equipment and materials, reduce the risk of work accidents, and can be accessed from anywhere

    Model Development of Android-Based Learning in Vocational High School

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    This study aimed to develop an Android-based learning model for subjects of Creative Products and Entrepreneurship for catering students at Vocational Schools. The study analyzed the validity of Android- based learning models and analyzed practicality and the effectiveness of Android-based learning models for Creative Product and Entrepreneurship subjects for catering students at SMK Negeri 9 Padang. Based on the validity assessment of material experts, media experts, linguists, and practitioners, the average score of material aspects is 4.78 (Very Eligible), the media aspect is 4.22 (Very Eligible), and the language aspect is 4.23 (Very decent). The results of practicality tests for teachers and students, as well as the effectiveness test of the use of Android-based learning media on students of Creative Product and Entrepreneurship subjects conducted using a questionnaire, obtained a practicality value of 4.55 (feasible) and effectiveness of 4.62 (feasible)

    Revolutionary Flipbook-Based Digital Comic: Changing Student Engagement in Learning

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    The development of digital technology has had a significant impact on various aspects of life, including education. The use of digital media in learning is a necessity to motivate and increase students' interest in learning. One form of digital media that attracts attention is flipbook-based comics. This research aims to develop digital flipbook-based comics as an innovative learning tool to increase students' interest in learning. This research uses a 4D development approach (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate) to design, develop, and implement digital flipbook-based comics as an innovative tool aimed at increasing students' interest in learning. This research also involved testing with a number of students to evaluate the effectiveness and attractiveness of digital flipbook-based comics as a learning tool. The data collected involves aspects of learning interest, understanding of the material, and student satisfaction with the use of digital flipbook-based comics. The research results show that the use of digital flipbook-based comics can significantly increase students' interest in learning. Students responded positively to the interactive and fun learning experience. Therefore, the development of digital flipbook-based comics is an innovative solution in increasing students' interest in learning in this digital era

    Development of Board Game Media on Air Theme for Children Aged 5-6 Years

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    Board games are educational tools consisting of a board with boxes drawn on it. In this game, there are several rules that must be followed, which involve social interaction between children during playtime. This study aims to develop a board game on the theme of air to support children’s growth and development as well as enhance their knowledge related to the topic. Moreover, this R&D study employed 4D development with data analysis techniques for validation, practicality, and effectiveness. The data were collected through interviews and expert validation of the product. Moreover, this study has reached the fourth stage, which is dissemination. The population of this study consisted of 65 children aged 5–6 years at Aisyiyah Sicincin Kindergarten, Padang Pariaman Regency. Based on the results, it was found that board game media are effective in promoting children’s growth and development in terms of cognitive, linguistic, and motor skills

    Learning Flexibility and Innovation in the Post-Covid-19 Pandemic Era

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    Educators employ technology in the twenty-first century to build knowledge and soft skills to enhance competencies that fit with the demands of the workplace. With the advent of new technologies in education, instructors' perspectives on the learning process have shifted. We employ a research-based method to assist students in learning to program. Analysing an online collaboration environment enables the use of several solutions. In a group, collaboration does not occur spontaneously. This project aims to build student understanding of the COVID-19 pandemic both during and after it occurs. The findings indicated that in an online and offline collaboration setting, student learning success, particularly in computer programming abilities, rose compared to traditional collaborative classrooms. Additionally, students who studied using the suggested strategy improved their cognitive, emotional, and psychomotor learning outcomes

    Augmented Reality Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Inovatif Di Era Revolusi Industri 4.0

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    The main purpose of this paper is to uncover the results of a survey study regarding teacher opinions on the use of Augmented Reality (AR) in learning. For this purpose, marker-based cellular augmented reality applications have been developed and computer hardware is used as training material. In addition, teachers are given training for four days to get to know the basics of augmented reality technology, the software used, the environment to create marker-based AR objects. The data was collected through surveys and open-ended questions on teachers who are members of the English MGMP Kab. 50 cities. The tools and technology needed to develop AR and development experience are also shared. According to the survey results teachers are very enthusiastic about using augmented reality in their learning. The result of this article is the perception of the use of Augmented Reality technology for the development of instructional media by English teachers in the positive category

    Development of a Digital Twin Prototype for Industrial Manufacturing Monitoring System Using IoT and Augmented Reality

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    The world is currently abuzz with the rapid development of technology in the era of Industrial Revolution 4.0. Various technological advancements are facilitating progress and accelerating the development of industrial technology. This evolution has led to automation in production processes, transitioning toward digitalization. With the implementation of sensors that provide real-time data, production processes can now be monitored remotely. However, direct monitoring is still necessary at times to periodically check the condition of each operating machine. Therefore, there is a need for technology that can monitor production processes and reduce high maintenance costs. Currently, numerous new technologies are emerging to enhance the performance and efficiency of production processes in various industries. One such technology is the digital twin. A digital twin is a visual representation that offers insights into the continuous operations of a system. This research focuses on an industrial manufacturing monitoring system that integrates the Internet of Things (IoT) and augmented reality (AR) technologies. The system is composed of an application and a prototype machine in the form of a conveyor, which can simulate a digital twin of the prototype machine. It also transmits sensor data and error notifications to the application in real time. The designed system can serve as a prototype for implementing digital twin technology, combining IoT and AR. This makes it possible to apply the technology to machinery and production tools in various industrial sectors