953 research outputs found

    Mathematical modelling of mass transfer in a multi-stage rotating disc contactor column

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    In this study, the development of an improved forward and inverse models for the mass transfer process in the Rotating Disc Contactor (RDC) column were carried out. The existing mass transfer model with constant boundary condition does not accurately represent the mass transfer process. Thus, a time-varying boundary condition was formulated and consequently the new fractional approach to equilibrium was derived. This derivation initiated the formulation of the modified quadratic driving force, called Time-dependent Quadratic Driving Force (TQDF). Based on this formulation, a Mass Transfer of A Single Drop (MTASD) Algorithm was designed, followed by a more realistic Mass Transfer of Multiple Drops (MTMD) Algorithm which was later refined to become another algorithm named the Mass Transfer Steady State (MTSS) Algorithm. The improved forward models, consisting of a system of multivariate equations, successfully calculate the amount of mass transfer from the continuous phase to the dispersed phase and was validated by the simulation results. The multivariate system is further simplified as the Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) system of a functional from a space of functions to a plane. This system serves as the basis for the inverse models of the mass transfer process in which fuzzy approach was used in solving the problems. In particular, two dimensional fuzzy number concept and the pyramidal membership functions were adopted along with the use of a triangular plane as the induced output parameter. A series of algorithms in solving the inverse problem were then developed corresponding to the forward models. This eventually brought the study to the implementation of the Inverse Single Drop Multistage (ISDMS)-2D Fuzzy Algorithm on the Mass Transfer of Multiple Drops in Multistage System. This new modelling approach gives useful information and provides a faster tool for decision-makers in determining the optimal input parameter for mas

    Sistem Informasi Administrasi Wedding Organizer Sanggar Widya Jakarta

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    Wedding is a very sacred and meaningful for every human being. Therefore, weddingorganizer is a business that must be taken seriously, given the importance of the wedding eventhandled. But unfortunately now the information system applied by the WO business is still donein a conventional way that is likely to cause problems in the future. The Wedding Organizeradministration information system supported by IT is required for all business related data suchas package price list, catering menu, party supplies stock data, booking transactions, partyequipment returns and payment can be properly managed, and related reports can be availablewhenever needed by Stakeholders, so that customer satisfaction, and employee comfort, andbusiness owners awake. Keywords: administration, information system, wedding organizer. &nbsp

    Teknik pembelajaran di kalangan pelajar dewasa di Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia

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    Teknik pembelajaran yang bersesuaian di kalangan pelajar dewasa dalam proses pembelajaran akan mewujudkan satu suasana pembelajaran yang aktif dan kondusif. Tujuan kajian ini bagi mengenal pasti teknik pembelajaran yang dominan di kalangan pelajar dewasa dan tahap pencapaian akademik pelajar dewasa berdasarkan Nilai Gred Kumulatif (CGPA). Selain itu kajian ini untuk mengenal pasti sekiranya terdapat hubungan antara teknik pembelajaran dengan pencapaian akademik. Seterusnya kajian ini juga untuk mengenal pasti perbezaan teknik pembelajaran antara pelajar lelaki dewasa dengan pelajar wanita. Kajian ini memfokuskan kepada pelajar dewasa Program Khas Pengsiswazahan Guru Besar (PKPGB) di UTHM yang berumur dalam lingkungan 45 tahun sehingga 50 tahun. Sampel kajian terdiri daripada 81 orang pelajar yang merupakan guru besar sekolah. Kajian dilakukan secara kaedah tinjauan melalui pengedaran borang selidik dan temu bual sokongan sebagai alat instrumen. Data-data dianalisis menggunakan pakej perisian Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 12.0 bagi mendapatkan min skor, peratusan dan sisihan piawai. Korelasi Spearman Rho's digunakan untuk menentukan hubungan antara teknik pembelajaran dengan pencapaian akademik manakala ujian-T tidak bersandar pula digunakan untuk menentukan perbezaan dari segi teknik pembelajaran di kalangan pelajar dewasa mengikut jantina. Hasil kajian mendapati teknik pembelajaran yang dominan digunakan oleh pelajar dewasa ialah teknik berkumpulan dan teknik mendengar. Manakala terdapat hubungan antara teknik pembelajaran dengan pencapaian akademik walaupun pada tahap yang lemah. Walau bagaimanapun terdapat perbezaan yang signifikan dari segi teknik pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh pelajar dewasa mengikut jantina

    Sistem Informasi Administrasi Wedding Organizer Sanggar Widya Jakarta

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    Abstrak: Penikahan adalah hal yang sangat sakral dan penuh arti bagi setiap insan. Olehkarena itu wedding organizer (WO) merupakan bidang usaha yang harus dijalani dengan seriusdan tidak boleh main-main, mengingat pentingnya acara pernikahan yang ditangani. Namunsayangnya saat ini sistem informasi yang diterapkan oleh para pembisnis WO masih dilakukandengan cara konvensional yang kemungkinan besar dapat menimbulkan permasalahandikemudian harinya. Sistem informasi Administrasi Wedding Organizer yang didukung oleh ITsangatlah dibutuhkan agar seluruh data bisnis terkait seperti daftar harga paket, menu catering,data stok perlengkapan pesta, transaksi pemesanan, pengembalian peralatan pesta, danpembayarannya dapat dikelola dengan tepat, dan laporan terkait dapat tersedia kapanpun dibutuhkan oleh stakeholder, sehingga kepuasan pelanggan, dan kenyamanan karyawan, sertapemilik usaha terjaga. Kata kunci: administrasi, sistem informasi, wedding organizer. Abstract: Wedding is a very sacred and meaningful for every human being. Therefore, weddingorganizer is a business that must be taken seriously, given the importance of the wedding eventhandled. But unfortunately now the information system applied by the WO business is still donein a conventional way that is likely to cause problems in the future. The Wedding Organizeradministration information system supported by IT is required for all business related data suchas package price list, catering menu, party supplies stock data, booking transactions, partyequipment returns and payment can be properly managed, and related reports can be availablewhenever needed by Stakeholders, so that customer satisfaction, and employee comfort, andbusiness owners awake. Keywords: administration, information system, wedding organizer. &nbsp

    Analysis in Grammatical Cohesion in Stephenie Meyer’s novel “The Second Life of Bree Tanner”

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    The purpose of this research is to find out the kinds of reference in the novel and to explain the reference used in the novel. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative method. The source of data in this research is The Second Life of Bree Tanner by Stephenie Meyer, which is published in 2010, and the books reference to support this research. The data collection technique in this research uses note taking technique. The data analysis technique in this research is always linked to the theory, concepts, and methods based on the theory of cohesion. This research uses Cohesion in English by Halliday and Hasan. The result of this research shows that there are two types of reference which is used in the novel. In this novel there are 93 utterances which consist of 88 personal references and 34 demonstrative references. Based on the result the writer concludes that personal reference which dominate in this novel. The personal reference in this novel most of them refer to Bree and Diego because Bree is the main character in this novel

    Computer Base Information System Pada Sistem Informasi Akuntansi (Studi Kasus: Toko Canting Madura)

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    Abstrak: Akuntansi memegang peranan penting dalam dunia bisnis, Toko Canting Madura masih awam dalam penggunaan teknologi informasi dalam bidang akuntansi. Pengelolaan datakeuangan secara manual baik menggunakan buku catatan dan hanya mengandalkan arsipataupun menggunakan pembuatan manual melalui Microsoft Office baik Microsoft excelataupun Microsoft access, menimbulkan banyak resiko, diantaranya pada saat penginputantransaksi bisa saja ada yang terlewat, berkas catatan hilang, kesalahan dalam perhitungan,manipulasi data, kerangkapan data, kesulitan dalam pencarian data dalam arsip, hingga pembuatan laporan pun masih harus dibuat sendiri secara manual, dan kemungkinanmenyebabkan keterlambatan pelaporan. Hal tersebut bukan hanya membutuhkan waktu yangrelatif lama, namun juga dapat menimbulkan kerugian besar bagi perusahaan, dan berpengaruhpula kepada kepercayaan konsumen serta yang paling penting adalah investor. Terlebih lagidalam pengolahan data akuntansi langkah yang dilakukan tidak sedikit, dan berkesinambungan(salah input 1 data maka berakibat ke semua data lainnya akan ikut salah) sampai denganmenghasilkan laporan keuangan. Penerapan CBIS pada Sistem Informasi Akuntansi denganmenggunakan aplikasi akuntansi sebagai studi kasus yaitu Zahir Accounting, dapatmemudahkan segala hal dalam pengelolaan data bisnis & keuangan, mempersingkat waktupengelolaan, pencarian data yang mudah, dapat digunakan oleh multi user dengan keamananyang tinggi serta mendeteksi adanya manipulasi data dan laporan pun menjadi tersedia kapansaja. Sehingga kebutuhan akan informasi bisnis & keuangan pun terpenuhi tepat padakapanpun waktu yang diinginkan.Kata kunci: Computer Base Information System, Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, Zahir Accounting.Abstract:  Accounting play an important role in the business world, stores Canting Madura stilllay in the use of information technology in the field of accounting. The management of financialdata manually using either Notepad and just rely on the archive or use the manual creationthrough Microsoft Office either Microsoft excel or Microsoft access, leading to many risks,including at the time of the transaction could have been penginputan there is a stone unturned,the missing log, errors in calculation, data manipulation, redudancy, difficulty in the search forthe data in the archive, until the making of the report still must be made manually , and it is likelyto cause delays in reporting. It not only takes a relatively long time, but can also cause hugelosses for the company, and also to the influential consumer confidence and investor. Moreover, accounting data in the processing steps that are performed are not few, and continuous (wrong input data 1 then the result to all other data will come into wrong) to produce financialstatements. The application of Accounting Information systems CBIS using accountingapplication as a case study, namely Zahir Accounting, can facilitate everything in data management business financial & shorten the time management, search data, can be used bymulti user with high security and detect any manipulation of data and reports being availableanytime. So the need for business information any unfulfilled financial & right at any time to thedesired time.Keywords: Computer Base Information System, Accounting Information System, Zahir Accounting

    Simple Additive Weighting Dalam Penentuan Rekomendasi Kenaikan Jabatan Karyawan

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    Abstrak: Kenaikan jabatan atau jenjang karir merupakan hal yang sangat diimpikan bagi setiap karyawan karena mempengaruhi fasilitas apa saja dan besar yang akan didapatkan selain gaji itu sendiri. Namun tidaklah diraih dengan mudah. Setiap perusahaan pastinya memiliki kriteria atau persyaratan yang berbeda-beda dalam menentukan apakah seorang karyawan layak atau tidak naik jabatan. bukan hanya sekedar berkontribusi baik, namun juga dilihat dan dinilai dari berbagai aspek. Pengambilan keputusan bukanlah hal mudah, pimpinan harus berlaku adil dan bersikap objektif dalam menilai kondite setiap karyawan. Metode Simple Additive Weighting adalah metode terpilih dalam membantu pimpinan menerapkan sistem pendukung keputusan dengan lima kriteria, yaitu pendidikan dengan bobot 20%, absensi 25%, lama kerja 10%, prestasi kerja 20%, dan attitude 25%. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan dibutuhkan karena jika lima kriteria kenaikan jabatan tersebut jika dinilai dan dilakukan pemilihan secara manual dikhawatirkan akan menimbulkan kebingungan, dan kesulitan bagi pimpinan dalam memilih sejumlah karyawan yang masing-masingnya bisa jadi unggul pada kriteria yang berbeda, selain itu juga menghindari adanya praktek kkn di lingkungan perusahaan dengan melakukan pemilihan karyawan secara adil dan objektif. Didapatkan hasil rating nilai karyawan dengan nama Tole, Bambang dan Dikdik dengan peringkat teratas sebagai karyawan terekomendasi untuk naik jabatan, yaitu Tole 86,25%, Bambang 77,91%, dan Dikdik 77,5%. Kata kunci: Karyawan, Kenaikan Jabatan, Simple Additive Weighting, Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Abstract: Increased position or career path is something that is highly dreamed of for each employee because it affects any facility and the amount that will be obtained in addition to the salary itself. But that is not easy to achieve. Every company must have different criteria or requirements in determining whether an employee is eligible or not promoted. not only contributing well, but also seen and assessed from various aspects. Decision making is not easy, the leader must be fair and objective in assessing the condition of each employee. Simple Additive Weighting method is the method chosen in helping leaders implement decision support systems with five criteria, namely education with a weight of 20%, absenteeism 25%, work duration 10%, work performance 20%, and attitude 25%. Decision Support System is needed because if the five criteria for promotion if selected manually and carried out, it is feared that it will cause confusion, and difficulties for leaders in selecting a number of employees who can each lead on different criteria, in addition to avoiding practices in the company environment by choosing employees fairly and objectively. Employee rankings were obtained with the names Tole, Bambang and Dikdik with the highest rank as recommended employees for promotion, namely Tole 86,25%, Bambang 77,91%, and Dikdik 77,5%. Keywords: Decission Support System, Employee, Promotion, Simple Additive Weighting

    Fuzzy Simple Additive Weighting Dalam Sistem Penyeleksian Anggota Forum Penerima Beasiswa Orbit

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    Abstrak: Sistem penerimaan anggota baru forum penerima beasiswa Orbit melalui tahap seleksi yang ketat, tidak hanya wajib mengikuti tes tertulis dan wawancara, namun unsur penilaian juga mempertimbangkan 7 (tujuh) kriteria penilaian yaitu: penghasilan orangtua, status KJP, jenjang pendidikan, nilai tes seleksi, asal sekolah, IPK, dan jumlah saudara, demi mendapatkan anggota baru yang memang benar-benar berhak menerima bantuan beasiswa. Setiap akhir semester semua anggota diwajibkan melaporkan perkembangan hasil belajar mereka yaitu berupa rapor atau khs, untuk menentukan apakah beasiswa yang diberikan masih akan dilanjutkan atau tidak. Pengambilan keputusan secara konvensional dikhawatirkan menimbulkan kesulitan bagi pimpinan forum dan para donatur beasiswa, bagaimana menetapkan peserta terpilih dari sekian banyaknya pendaftar sesuai dengan 7 (tujuh) kriteria yang telah ditetapkan dengan waktu yang terbatas dan dengan hasil pemilihan yang seadil-adilnya, yaitu diberikan pada orang yang tepat dan memang berhak menerima beasiswa dengan kata lain tanpa memandang secara subjektif. SAW adalah metode yang akan diterapkan untuk studi kasus pemilihan anggota baru forum penerima beasiswa Orbit ini. Didapatkan hasil Mahfuz dengan prosentase sebesar 50%, Tri Asih 46,2%, Hasanuddin 45%, Ahmad Fikri 43,7%, dan Zulfi  Fadhli sebesar 38% sebagai 5 (lima) peserta seleksi terekomendasi sebagai anggota penerima beasiswa Orbit.   Kata kunci: Beasiswa, Decission Support System, Fuzzy Simple Addiive Weighting   Abstract: The selection system for new members of the Orbit scholarship recipients forum through a rigorous selection stage, not only required to receive written examinations and interviews, but also evaluation elements also discussed seven agreed statements, namely: Parental income, KJP status, education, selection test scores, school provided, GPA, and number of siblings, to get new members who are truly entitled to receive scholarship assistance. At the end of each semester, all board members report their learning results, in the form of report cards or khs, to determine whether the scholarship will continue or not. Conventional decision making proposed for participants is limited and with limited results, given to rights people and indeed has rights. to receive scholarships in other words without looking subjectively. SAW is the method that will be applied to the case study of the selection of new members from the recipient forum of the Orbit scholarship. Mahfuz's results were obtained by 50%, Tri Asih 46.2%, Hasanuddin 45%, Ahmad Fikri 43.7%, and Zulfi Fadhli by 38% as five selection participants who received donations as recipients of Orbit scholarships..   Keywords: Decision Support System, Fuzzy Simple Addiive Weighting, Scholarship


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    ATM disebut sebagai anjungan tunai mandiri oleh karena fungsinya yang praktis dan efisien dalam memberikan berbagai jenis layanan perbankan tanpa harus menempatkan petugas bank ditempat itu. ATM tidak akan mampu bekerja secara optimal tanpa adanya perangkat pendukung, salah satu perangkat pendukung adalah BUC (Block Up Converter) yang terinstal pada sebuah antena. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem pendukung keputusan yang mampu menganalisa dalam pemilihan VSAT BUC terbaik berdasarkan kualitas produk menggunakan metode Analytical Hierarchy Process dengan Tools Expert Choice. Hasil perhitungan AHP diperoleh prioritas kriteria dalam penilaian terhadap Pemilihan BUC terbaik berdasarkan kualitas. Dimana Power Level, Transmite Gain, Carrier to Noise, Temperatur, dan Intermode menjadi tolak ukur dalam pemilihan BUC. Hasil akhir yang di dapat dari pemilihan BUC oleh tiga alternatif yang berbeda bahwa BUC 5Watt NJRC  memiliki bobot prioritas tertinggi yaitu 33,68%, BUC 5Watt Amplus memiliki bobot prioritas kedua yaitu 33,21% dan BUC 6Watt Anatel memiliki bobot prioritas terakhir yaitu 33,11%

    Symbiotic Relationship Between Selected Probiotic Bacteria in Chemostat Culture

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    The effect of culture combination on growth of three strains of probiotic (Streptococcus jaecalis T-110, Bacillus mesentericus TO-A and Bifidobacterium breve G48) was examined using chemostat culture. Results of bacterial viable counts revealed that mixed culture of two probiotic microorganisms had higher growth rate compared to single culture of probiotic. The improvement of bacterial growth can be partly attributed to the production of certain growth factors by one microorganism that was capable of stimulating the growth of another bacterium. The metabolites in sample broth were determined using High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). It can be postulated that succmlC acid, argmme, vitamin B₁ and B₂ synthesised by B. breve 048 were used by S. faecalis T -110 to improve its growth. Furthennore, B. mesentericus TO-A was found to utilise vitamin B6 and fonnic acid produced by the respective S. faecalis T -110 and B. breve TO-A. In return, B. breve 048 utilised vitamin BI2 produced by B. mesentericus TO-A. The effect of mixed culture of probiotic on growth of pathogenic Escherichia coli V517 was also investigated in chemostat culture. Results showed that mixed culture of probiotic exerted better inhibitory effect against E. coli V 517 compared to single culture of probiotic. HPLC analyses showed that mixed culture of probiotic produced higher yield of lactic and acetic acids that are fatal to E. coli V 517. Meanwhile, ammonia was found not to be an important inhibitory agent to E. coli V 517. Studies on the effects of metabolites on growth of probiotic organisms as well as E. coli V 517 were also carried out to validate the hypotheses made in previous experiments. The results revealed that growth of tested probiotic bacteria increased with certain level of substrate concentration. In contrast, growth of E. coli V517 decreased with increasing concentration of lactic and acetic acids. It was postulated that mixed culture of S. faecalis T -110 and B. breve 048 as well as co-culture of S. faecalis T -110 and B. mesentericus TO-A exhibited commensal relationship, in which only one party benefits an the other is neither hanned nor benefited. Meanwhile, mixed culture of B. mesentericus TO-A and B. breve 048 showed a mutualistic association whereby both organisms profit from each other. Finally, in mixed culture of E. coli V517 and probiotic organisms, a strong antagonistic relationship was observed