68 research outputs found

    Precipitation Indices as Indicators of Water Resource Sustainability: A Study on Developed States of Peninsular Malaysia

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    Precipitation index has been used to measure droughts. The occurrence of droughts can be damaging to the water supply system in Malaysia. On normal hydrometeorological conditions, the water supply system is already grappling in order to meet the needs of consumers. New developments on global climate change cast a greater doubt on the sustainability of the water supply systems of Malaysia, since there is growing evidence of changing meteorological patterns which may adversely affect the rainfall amount. The developed states in Malaysia refer to Selangor, Pulau Pinang, Melaka and Negeri Sembilan. As developed states, development has placed these states at a very challenging situation as such its water resources are really overstretched in terms of its ability to meet the ever growing demand. This study evaluates the standardized precipitation indices of these states and analyse them as to whether the indices can be used as precursors to water resource sustainability in these states

    The Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) in 14th General Elections (GE-14) in Sabah: a Study on Voting Pattern, Campaign Approaches and Society’s Perception

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    The study uses participatory observation and secondary data analysis on campaign approaches and the pattern of voting back to the Islamic Party of Malaysia (PAS) in the past 14th General Election (GE), witnessing the fierce competition between Sabah PAS and other political parties in the state this is. A moderate level of support and the ability to attract Sabah people to cast a significant vote for PAS is a winding-up of PAS Sabah in realizing the 'eldest child' for the GE. A relatively incomplete support pattern also shows that Muslim and non-Muslim communities in Sabah seems to be well guided and rectified their perceptions of the true ability of Islam as the essential foundation of life. The clarity of the aspirations of 'prosperous ideas' as a manifesto of PAS is good for all multiracial and religion in the Sabah, but not until PAS Sabah get its mandate to govern this state even PAS itself is known for its long-standing Party in this country, Only then the goodness brought by Islam through PAS can be realized. Thus, the approach of the Islamic-based campaign and the ‘muwajahah silmiyyah’ is crucial for enhancing its methods and channels in order to preach the message regarding Islamic values for all the people in the state. It needs to be streamlined specifically for PAS Sabah to inculcate confidence in multiracial society in the state in line with its struggle. The advantages of PAS are the vast experience in controlling ways of campaigning like Group Lecture approach and of course the Facebook app through the Virtual Campaign. This aspect of being emphasized by incorporating economic and social development ideas in Sabah should be able to reinforce the party's campaign strategy and tactics to succeed in gaining greater votes in the coming 15th General Election

    Barisan Nasional (BN) Hegemony in P188 Silam: analysis from GE11 to GE14

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    The BN Hegemony of Silam, including Sabah started when UMNO succeeded to spread its wings to Sabah in 1994.The climax of Sabah hegemony happened when it was able to save BN from drowning during the political tsunami that was detected since 2004. However, issues related to the increasing cost of living, unemployment among young people, the problem of kleptocracy among politicians and the explosion of social media have changed the political landscape and witnessed the collapse of BN hegemony in GE14. Thus, this paper reviews the success of BN in maintaining its hegemony in Silam and how this hegemony was put to an end by non-BN parties especially Warisan. To explore this case, election results and press releases beginning GE-11 were analyzed. In addition, field surveys were conducted to confirm and strengthen the findings. The results of the analysis show that the factors maintaining BN's hegemony prior to GE-14 were heavily influenced by the national factor and the strength of BN’s machinery, as well as government agents who were successful in promoting a good impression of BN. However, during GE-14 BN failed to secure victory at P.188 Silam including the three state constituencies in N.49 Tungku, N.50 Lahad Datu and N.51 Kunak.The reason of this failure is due to anti-BN social media that managed to give negative perceptions of the issues faced by the government, resulting in a change of attitude in people, especially young voters in channels 3, 4 and 5

    The Controversy of the 2013 Severe Water Disruptions in Selangor, Malaysia: A Critical Analysis

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    The state of Selangor is the most developed state in Malaysia, as such the capability of its water supply system is always on the heel in trying to meet the ever-growing demand. The government of the state prior to the 2008 General Election had embarked on an interbasin water transfer project with the aim of boosting the availability of raw water for treatment and subsequently to supply the state with a projected future demand curve. A change in government in 2008 saw a change in emphasis with regard to the water supply system. The present state government is of the view that the interstate water transfer project ought to carry out concurrently with the restructuring of the water supply system of the state. Other parties such as the concessionaires are on an opposite view. As such there was a stalemate regarding the progress of the interstate water transfer and the restructuring of the water supply system. It looked as if the party which wanted to go ahead with the water transfer project hatched the idea that water crisis was imminent in the state. The irony was that when the horn was blown to drum up water crisis issue in the state, it rained, and dams in the state were overflowing. The present state government was more inclined to keep water tariff at its present level, and at the same time urge the concessionaires to commit themselves to the pledge of reducing NRW, which it believes if kept low, can compensate for the increase in demand. As such, a settlement is not in sight yet, but with the backing of the Federal Government, the interstate water transfer project continued, at the same time the restructuring of the water supply system in the state remains a stalemate. This paper analyzes the issue from a non-partisan view


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    Drought is a phenomenon of water shortage that will impact the wellbeing of human life. The hydrological drought is a situation of water shortage compared to normal conditions. The degree of severity of drought events can be explained via duration and water deficits of drought events. The duration is an important parameter in understanding the event of drought. Duration refers to a period in which the value of river discharge remains below a certain threshold level. This study attempts to identify the severity of drought based on two drought duration parameters namely the duration of drought event (DE) and the inter arrival time (IAT). In the context of this study, the Q90 percentile value was obtained from the flow duration curve and the minimum drought period (MDP) of drought events for 45 days is used as a threshold level of drought events. The 39 year discharge data for Mengalong stations is used to determine the Q percentile value. From the analysis, the cumulative period of the drought events is recorded around 390 days covers 3.6% of the entire record. There were four drought events throughout the record that is in 1992, 1998, 2015 and 2016. The lowest duration was 59 days recorded in 1992, while the longest was 135 days recorded in 1998. This long period is associated with the presence of extreme weather phenomena such as El-Niño

    Aksesibiliti bekalan air terawat dan cabaran sekuriti air di Pulau Sebatik, Malaysia

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    Akses terhadap sumber air merupakan satu keperluan bagi setiap manusia. Bekalan air bersih terawat menjadi agenda penting negara seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Dasar Sumber Air Negara (2012). Pulau Sebatik yang dimiliki oleh Malaysia telah memiliki sistem bekalan air paip tersendiri yang diperoleh daripada Loji Rawatan Air (LRA) Wallace Bay yang terletak di bahagian barat. Walaupun jaringan paip telah meliputi sehingga Rancangan Bergosong yang terletak di bahagian tengah pulau, tetapi masyarakat masih tidak mendapat bekalan air yang mampan. Oleh itu, kajian ini cuba melihat tahap sekuriti air dalam konteks capaian bekalan air terawat di Pulau Sebatik. Bagi mencapai objektif kajian, soal selidik dan temu bual telah dijalankan. Data-data soal selidik dianalisis menggunakan analisis jadual silang dalam Microsoft Excel. Di samping itu, sumber temu bual digunakan untuk menyokong dapatan soal selidik melalui analisis kata demi kata berpandukan kolektif memori responden. Umumnya, kemampuan masyarakat untuk menikmati bekalan air paip yang efisien di pulau ini masih berada pada tahap yang rendah. Penduduk sering menghadapi catuan bekalan air, terutama di kawasan jauh daripada LRA seperti Kampung Sungai Tongkang (76.5 peratus) dan Kampung Bergosong (78.0 peratus), berbanding Kampung Wallace Bay (28.4 peratus) yang terletak dekat dengan LRA. Lebih 50 peratus penduduk yang menghadapi catuan sering menghadapi masalah bekalan air antara tiga hingga lima hari dalam seminggu. Selain catuan, penduduk Sebatik tidak selesa dengan tahap kualiti air, iaitu lebih 50 peratus berpendapat air paip terasa klorin (54.7 peratus), payau (3.1 peratus) dan kadang-kadang keruh (21.1 peratus). Lantaran itu, para penduduk terpaksa bergantung dengan air hujan dan telaga sebagai alternatif untuk kegunaan harian utama. Dapatan ini diharapkan menjadi panduan kepada masyarakat di kawasan lain agar mampu memberikan reaksi dengan masalah bekalan air agar berupaya beradaptasi dengan masalah yang dihadapi

    Waste Management Strategy in Developing Country: A Study Case of Waste Management Options in Kota Kinabalu Sabah, Malaysia

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    Much has been said in recent years about waste management policy, and recently the management of waste has found itself moving up the political agenda. The government is beginning to demonstrate some political leadership in its announcement of the Cabinet Office study into waste strategy. The need for change is more pressing than ever, and we are now in a position where we have to ensure that words become deeds. This research primarily focuses on the issues of sustainability and waste management in developing countries. For this study Malaysia is chosen as a country where waste management has become a major problem. Blessed with favorable natural resources, the Malaysia has traditionally been reliant on landfill sites as a low-cost waste disposal option. However, for the sake of intergenerational equity, such end-of-pipe solutions to the Malaysia's ever-increasing volumes of waste are unsustainable in the long-term. The challenge of moving towards a more resource efficient society is multifaceted and must be tackled on several levels. The result from the life cycle assessment analysis shows that depending on landfill alone are not sustainable in long term. Landfill must be cooperating with other method of waste management such as recycling or landfill with energy recovery

    The 14Th General Election (GE-14) and the Defeat of Barisan Nasional in Silam

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    Since BN/UMNOs entry into East Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak were often referred to as BN/UMNOs fixed deposit states following their victory during the 1994, 1998, 2004, 2008 and 2013 general elections. However, GE-14 saw the change in BN’s hold on Sabah when Parti Warisan came to power. In the Parliament Seat of Silam, BN lost 4-0 to Parti Warisan. This article looks into the factors that contributed to this defeat amongst which was the lack of attention on the squatter problems, nepotism, land issues, ESSCOM, rising costs of living and 1MDB. Qualitative methods such as interviews, observation, and secondary data i.e. newspapers, journal articles, books and internet were used. Interviews with contending candidates, political members from both BN and Parti Warisan, as well as the general community in Silam was carried out. The findings observed was the failure of BN to heed lessons from past elections whereby voters in Sabah would rationally vote to change governments if they were not satisfied with the government of the day, as was the case in 1976 (USNO), 1985 (Berjaya) and 1994 (PBS). It was this lack of attention to history which saw BN’s lost over its stronghold in Silam during GE-14

    Kemarau hidrologi dan kelestarian sumber air di Malaysia: kajian analisis sifat Lembangan Langat, Selangor

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    Perkembangan pesat dunia kini menunjukkan peningkatan jumlah bandar lebih tinggi berbanding luar bandar dan sekaligus menyebabkan permintaan terhadap air bersih meningkat berlipat ganda. Bagi menilai kelestarian sumber air yang mencukupi bagi kegunaan manusia, satu pendekatan yang boleh digunakan untuk menunjukkan tahap keparahan kemarau ialah persentil Q90 dan Q95. Persentil Q90 merupakan paras amaran untuk pengurus air berkaitan paras kritikal luahan sungai dan persentil Q95 pula merupakan petunjuk luahan ekstrem. Kajian yang dijalankan di Lembangan Sungai Langat ini mendapati bilangan tahun yang telah dilanda kemarau di lembangan tersebut adalah pada paras Q90 sekitar 14 tahuan kemarau (TK) iaitu meliputi 29.2% daripada keseluruhan tempoh rekod (TR). Tahun-tahun tersebut meliputi tahun 1970, 1976-1978, 1980, 1982, 1985, 1987, 1989, 1996-1999, 2002 dan 2006. Berbeza dengan persentil Q95, jumlah tahun yang dilanda kemarau sebanyak 4 TK (8.3% daripada TR). Tahun-tahun tersebut meliputi 1977, 1980, 2002 dan 2006. Apa yang diperhatikan, purata landaan kemarau berselang tiga tahun sekali pada paras Q90 manakala pada paras Q95, ulangan berlaku setiap 12 tahun sekali. Keadaan sensitif kesan daripada kehadiran kemarau menyebabkan usaha perbekalan air terawat kepada pengguna telah terganggu. Kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi, kepesatan proses urbanisasi dan kerencaman kitaran hidrologi menyebabkan kehadiran kemarau walaupun singkat akan mudah dirasai. Justeru, pihak bertanggungjawab terhadap isu pengurusan sumber air perlu memberikan perhatian sewajarnya agar tidak wujud bencana yang disebabkan oleh kemarau terutamanya kepada penduduk

    Impak aktiviti pembangunan terhadap trend kekerapan dan magnitud banjir di lembangan sungai Menggatal, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah

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    Punca kejadian banjir di sesebuah lembangan saliran adalah disebabkan oleh ketidakupayaan alur sungai untuk menampung pertambahan input luahan yang berterusan pada satu-satu masa. Kejadian seperti ini terhasil apabila berlaku perubahan guna tanah akibat peningkatan kegiatan pembangunan yang pesat di sesuatu kawasan. Lembangan Sungai Menggatal adalah antara lembangan sungai yang tidak terlepas daripada proses perubahan guna tanah. Aktiviti pembangunan di lembangan tersebut giat dijalankan sejak tahun 2000 hingga kini. Implikasi daripada kegiatan ini boleh mengakibatkan berlakunya peningkatan fenomena banjir kilat. Hal ini disebabkan aktiviti pembangunan telah mengakibatkan perubahan ciri-ciri guna tanah yang secara tidak langsung telah mengganggu sistem hidrologi lembangan tersebut. Oleh itu, dua objektif kajian telah disasarkan, iaitu mengenal pasti kesan aktiviti pembangunan terhadap kejadian banjir di Lembangan Sungai Menggatal dan mengenal pasti langkah mitigasi yang telah dilaksanakan berdasarkan tempoh masa penggunaannya. Bagi mencapai objektif yang telah ditetapkan, beberapa jenis kaedah kajian telah digunakan. Kaedah tersebut merangkumi kerja lapangan, pemerhatian, kaedah tinjauan, analisis GIS dan analisis rational method. Hasil analisis GIS menunjukkan wujudnya perubahan jenis guna tanah hutan kepada jenis guna tanah bukan hutan seperti guna tanah bandar dan kawasan terbuka. Dapatan ini adalah berdasarkan kajian perbandingan dalam tempoh sepuluh tahun (1998 – 2008). Didapati perubahan tersebut telah menyebabkan berlakunya peningkatan pada tepu bina lembangan, penyahutanan, hakisan dan pemendapan. Selain itu, hasil kajian yang diperoleh daripada kaedah tinjauan mendapati terdapat sembilan jenis kaedah mitigasi banjir telah dijalankan. Lima daripadanya adalah pengurusan oleh kerajaan, sementara selebihnya adalah daripada penduduk kampung
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