2,236 research outputs found
On the Orbits of Low-mass Companions to White Dwarfs and the Fates of the Known Exoplanets
The ultimate fates of binary companions to stars (including whether the
companion survives and the final orbit of the binary) are of interest in light
of an increasing number of recently discovered, low-mass companions to white
dwarfs (WDs). In this Letter, we study the evolution of a two-body system
wherein the orbit adjusts due to structural changes in the primary, dissipation
of orbital energy via tides, and mass loss during the giant phases; previous
studies have not incorporated changes in the primary's spin. For companions
ranging from Jupiter's mass to ~0.3 Msun and primaries ranging from 1-3 Msun,
we determine the minimum initial semimajor axis required for the companion to
avoid engulfment by the primary during post-main-sequence evolution, and
highlight the implications for the ultimate survival of the known exoplanets.
We present regions in secondary mass and orbital period space where an engulfed
companion might be expected to survive the common envelope phase (CEP), and
compare with known M dwarf+WD short-period binaries. Finally, we note that
engulfed Earth-like planets cannot survive a CEP. Detection of a
first-generation terrestrial planet in the white dwarf habitable zone requires
scattering from a several-AU orbit to a high-eccentricity orbit (with a
periastron of ~Rsun) from which it is damped into a circular orbit via tidal
friction, possibly rendering it an uninhabitable, charred ember.Comment: Replaced with version in Journa
New Constraints on the Galactic Bar
Previous work has related the Galactic Bar to structure in the local stellar
velocity distribution. Here we show that the Bar also influences the spatial
gradients of the velocity vector via the Oort constants. By numerical
integration of test-particles we simulate measurements of the Oort C value in a
gravitational potential including the Galactic Bar. We account for the observed
trend that C is increasingly negative for stars with higher velocity
dispersion. By comparing measurements of C with our simulations we improve on
previous models of the Bar, estimating that the Bar pattern speed is
Omega_b/Omega_0=1.87\pm0.04, where Omega_0 is the local circular frequency, and
the Bar angle lies within 20<phi_0<45 deg. We find that the Galactic Bar
affects measurements of the Oort constants A and B less than ~2 km/s/kpc for
the hot stars.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Accepted to ApJ Letters. Replaced with accepted
Do Borders Matter? Soviet economic Reform after the Coup
macroeconomics, Soviet, borders, economic reform
Dynamos and Chemical Mixing in Evolved Stars
In low-mass Red Giant Branch (RGB) and Asymptotic Giant Branch (AGB) stars,
anomalous mixing must transport material near the hydrogen-burning shell to the
convective envelope. Recently, it was suggested that buoyant magnetic flux
tubes could supply the necessary transport rate (Busso et al. 2007). The fields
are assumed to originate from a dynamo operating in the stellar interior. Here,
we show what is required of an dynamo in the envelope of an AGB
star to maintain these fields. Differential rotation and rotation drain via
turbulent dissipation and Poynting flux, so if shear can be resupplied by
convection, then large-scale toroidal field strengths of
\left\simeq3\times10^4 G can be sustained at the base of the
convection zone.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures. To appear in AIP Proceedings of the IXth Torino
Workshop on AGB Nucleosynthesi
The Formation of Crystalline Dust in AGB Winds from Binary Induced Spiral Shocks
As stars evolve along the Asymptotic Giant Branch, strong winds are driven
from the outer envelope. These winds form a shell, which may ultimately become
a planetary nebula. Many planetary nebulae are highly asymmetric, hinting at
the presence of a binary companion. Some post-Asymptotic Giant Branch objects
are surrounded by torii of crystalline dust, but there is no generally accepted
mechanism for annealing the amorphous grains in the wind to crystals. In this
Letter, we show that the shaping of the wind by a binary companion is likely to
lead to the formation of crystalline dust in the orbital plane of the binary.Comment: Submitted to ApJ
The formation of high-field magnetic white dwarfs from common envelopes
The origin of highly-magnetized white dwarfs has remained a mystery since
their initial discovery. Recent observations indicate that the formation of
high-field magnetic white dwarfs is intimately related to strong binary
interactions during post-main-sequence phases of stellar evolution. If a
low-mass companion, such as a planet, brown dwarf, or low-mass star is engulfed
by a post-main-sequence giant, the hydrodynamic drag in the envelope of the
giant leads to a reduction of the companion's orbit. Sufficiently low-mass
companions in-spiral until they are shredded by the strong gravitational tides
near the white dwarf core. Subsequent formation of a super-Eddington accretion
disk from the disrupted companion inside a common envelope can dramatically
amplify magnetic fields via a dynamo. Here, we show that these disk-generated
fields are sufficiently strong to explain the observed range of magnetic field
strengths for isolated, high-field magnetic white dwarfs. A higher-mass binary
analogue may also contribute to the origin of magnetar fields.Comment: Accepted to Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Under
PNAS embargo until time of publicatio
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