5 research outputs found

    Board Size and Corporate Performance in the Industrial Property Sector in Malaysia

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    This research investigates the relationship between the size of the board of directors and the financial performance of publicly listed industrial property firms in Malaysia. The study examines secondary data from annual reports, financial statements, and corporate governance disclosures, focusing on key financial performance indicators such as Return on Assets (ROA), Return on Equity (ROE), and Net Profit Margin (NPM). The study reveals significant correlations between board size and financial performance using correlation analysis and multiple regression. The findings provide valuable insights for regulators, investors, and business leaders, emphasizing the importance of refining corporate governance standards to ensure long-term financial success in Malaysia's industrial property sector

    Attitudes towards plagiarism among undergraduate accounting students: Malaysian evidence

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    Purpose – The purpose of this study is to examine undergraduate accounting students' perceptions of factors contributing to plagiarism activities. Design/methodology/approach – Survey methods were used to investigate the prominence of different factors, and any differences associated with student characteristics. Findings – The results suggested that factors contributing to plagiarism include lack of awareness, lack of understanding, lack of competence, and personal attitudes. No evidence was found to support the suggestion that either pressure or the availability of internet facilities had increased the incidence of plagiarism. The study provided evidence that a significant proportion of Malaysian undergraduate accounting students in the study had engaged in plagiarism activities to a limited degree; the observed profile was consistent with the incidence of plagiarism activities being associated with academically weaker, male students with a negative attitude to their studies. Originality/value – The findings have significant implications for educators if they are to improve the detection and punishment of plagiarism activity, and educate potential perpetrators.Accounting education, Malaysia, Undergraduates

    Acceptance of Hibah as an Alternative Mechanism in Muslims Asset Management

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    This study is aimed to identify the acceptance of hibah by beneficiaries based on cases registered in Melaka. Using secondary data collected from the Melaka Syariah Court and Amanah Raya Berhad Melaka, a number of hibah cases were identified from 2013-2015 and highlighted for further discussion in the paper. Interviews, telephone and email correspondences were conducted to further understand the issues concerning hibah cases and their reasoning. The findings indicated that the highest number of registered on hibah cases was recorded in 2015, increasing from 2013. The data result shows that there are more than 20 cases recorded in Melaka except only 12 cases in 2013. Due to increasing number of cases regarding hibah, it shows that citizen of Melaka is still low in understanding the concept and implementation of hibah. Therefore, it is a need to have a standard guideline regarding hibah to avoid any dispute about this matter in the future. Besides that, the dissemination of knowledge about hibah should be done in order to increase the awareness about the acceptable procedure of hibah because it is considered as the best alternative of asset management and to avoid unclaimed Muslim asset