4 research outputs found
Design And Build A Practicum Equipment For The Law Of Conservation Of Mechanical Energy Of Rolling Objects
Using photo gate sensor technology and digital displays, the research team created a legal practicum for energy conservation. This study aims to replace manual practicum equipment that is prone to measurement errors during practicum. This practicum equipment is used to prove the law of conservation of mechanical energy in rolling objects. Practicum equipment is developed using a development research process that starts with identifying needs and continues through design, manufacturing, and testing. At the design stage, validation of design results is carried out, while at the manufacturing and testing stages, design specifications and performance (measurement of accuracy and precision) are carried out. Based on the results of design validation, a value of 0.85 with a valid category was obtained, while accuracy was 90.7%, with an average accuracy of 97.46%, and a relative error of 8.33%. The thoroughness of the practicum equipment for the law of conservation of mechanical energy of rolling objects is quite good. We are currently developing several pieces of practicum equipment with IoT-assisted smartphone displays
Low Cost Simulator Gempa Menggunakan Konsep Vibrating Table Terkarakterisasi Sensor MPU6050
Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara dengan wilayah berpotensi gempa terbanyak. Gempa bumi merupakan tugas yang kritis dalam ranah penelitian dikarenakan kerugian yang ditimbulkan bencana gempa sangat tinggi. Simulasi gempa bumi yang tepat telah menjadi tantangan serius bagi para peneliti dan pengujian meja goyang semakin banyak digunakan di pusat penelitian teknik gempa di seluruh dunia. Dalam pengembangan instrumen bencana gempa dibutuhkan sistem yang dapat menjadi simulator terjadinya gempa. Biaya yang terjangkau sangat diperlukan dalam pengembangan intrumen bencana gempa. Dalam penelitian ini, kami mengembangan suatu simulator gempa menggunakan konsep vibrating table yang telah terkarakterisasi oleh sensor MPU6050 dan terkalibrasi dengan alat ukur standart yaitu vibration meter. Sistem menggunakan motor DC sebagai sumber getaran. Sensor MPU6050 digunakan untuk mendeteksi getaran yang terjadi saat simulator diujikan. Sistem yang dikembangkan sangat sensitif, hemat biaya, dan mudah digunakan. Pada penelitian ini ditemukan bahwa variasi kecepatan putar motor (rpm) mempengaruhi hasil respon dari percepatan getaran (m/s2) pada prototipe simulator gempa dan memiliki hubungan berbanding lurus. Sistem memiliki ketepatan 96,1 % setelah dilakukan kalibrasi dengan alat ukur standart dan ketelitian 99,6 %. Total jumlah biaya produksi kurang dari $ 20. Detail tentang penelitian ini dijelaskan dalam makalah ini
Design And Build A Practicum Equipment For The Law Of Conservation Of Mechanical Energy Of Rolling Objects
Using photo gate sensor technology and digital displays, the research team created a legal practicum for energy conservation. This study aims to replace manual practicum equipment that is prone to measurement errors during practicum. This practicum equipment is used to prove the law of conservation of mechanical energy in rolling objects. Practicum equipment is developed using a development research process that starts with identifying needs and continues through design, manufacturing, and testing. At the design stage, validation of design results is carried out, while at the manufacturing and testing stages, design specifications and performance (measurement of accuracy and precision) are carried out. Based on the results of design validation, a value of 0.85 with a valid category was obtained, while accuracy was 90.7%, with an average accuracy of 97.46%, and a relative error of 8.33%. The thoroughness of the practicum equipment for the law of conservation of mechanical energy of rolling objects is quite good. We are currently developing several pieces of practicum equipment with IoT-assisted smartphone displays
Optimization of Soil Temperature and Humidity Measurement System at Climatology Stations with IoT-Based Equipment
Temperature and humidity are important weather parameters that require close observation due to their importance across various fields, including agriculture. Apart from the use of automatic weather system (AWS), the station of meteorology and climatology also relies on conventional devices to observe these parameters, but they have been proven to be inefficient, imprecise, and prone to systematic errors. The alternative AWS consists of several sensors with different functions, allowing for more accurate measurements, but it also has one major limitation. This includes its inability to carry out measurements with the sensors when one of them is damaged. Therefore, this study aims to develop high-precision soil temperature and humidity (STH) monitoring equipment using the DHT11 sensor module. The equipment consisted of a box containing a series of device builder electronics. The building electronics circuit contained a DHT11 sensor, NodeMCU ESP8266 microcontroller, an on/off switch, and a reset button. The results of measurements of temperature and humidity often appeared on the smartphone. The DHT11 sensor detected the soil parameters, which were processed by the NodeMCU ESP8266. The data obtained were then sent to the Thingspeak server, where they could be accessed on a smartphone. The developed equipment showed good performance with accuracies of 98.201%, 97.330%, 98.982%, 98.973%, and 99.649% in measuring STH at each depth, while values of 98.487% and 98.587% were obtained for humidity measurement. Furthermore, precision values of 99.93% and 99.95 were recorded for the measurement of temperature and humidit