4 research outputs found
Balutan luka primer dari film yang mengandung kolagen kulit ikan gabus (Channa striata) dapat menciptakan lingkungan luka dengan kelembapan seimbang (moisture balance) dikenal sebagai metode modern dressing, sehingga akan mempercepat fibrinolisis, mempercepat angiogenesis, menurunkan risiko infeksi, mempercepat pembentukan growth factor, mempercepat pembentukan sel aktif. Kolagen mempunyai peranan penting dalam proses penyembuhan luka karena kolagen mempunyai kemampuan dalam hemostasis, interaksi dengan trombosit, interaksi dengan fibronektin dan meningkatkan eksudasi cairan, meningkatkan komponen selular, meningkatkan faktor pertumbuhan dan mendorong proses fibroplasia.
Kolagen yang diisolasi dari kulit ikan gabus (Channa striana) dengan metoda yang mengunakan kombinasi asam asetat dan getah pepaya (Carica papaya) segar tanpa mengunakan proses sentrifus berkecepatan sangat tinggi selama proses. Film kolagen ditujukan sebagai balutan primer luka bakar untuk melihat pengaruh film kolagen terhadap penyembuhan luka bakar dengan mengukur kadar Transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) dalam serum mencit putih, melihat penyembuhan luka secara makroskopik dan hasil histologi secara mikroskopik.
Diperoleh rendemen kolagen 8,74 % (w/w) sebanyak 69,9 gram, kadar lemak 2,05 % (w/w), kadar abu 0,63 % (w/w), kadar air 4,28 % (w/w), kadungan protein 92,4625 % (w/w) dan pH kolagen 1% (w/v) dalam air suling pH 6,675, viskosita kolagen 2,5 % (w/w) dalam 0,5 M asam asetat adalah 9,273 Poise. Spektrum FTIR amida A pada bilangan gelombang 3290 (cm-1) menunjukkan vibrasi stretching N-H, amida B pada 2928-2930 (cm-1) menunjukkan asimetrikal stretching CH2, amida I pada1636-1638 (cm-1) menunjukkan vibrasi stretching C=O, amida II pada1546-1550 (cm-1) dan amida III pada 1241-1249 (cm-1) sama menunjukkan CN stretching, NH bending. Komposisi asam amino tertinggi glisina 24.82%, asam glutamat 11.95%, prolina 11.76%, alanina 10.29%, yang terendah tirosina 0,55% dan histidina 1,1%. Sifat kristalin kolagen Suhu transisi gelas (Tg) 42,93oC, Suhu kristalisasi (Tc) atau Tmax 70,11oC, suhu leleh (Tm) 191,52oC, delta H atau entalpi transisi 38,6188 J/g dan konstanta kolorimetrik 0,148588. Hasil evaluasi gel dan film kolagen diperoleh pH gel 5,44, viskosita gel 1,0378 Poise, tebal film 0,7378 mm, berat jenis film 0,6427 g/cm3 dan water uptake film 47, 41 % (w/w). Setelah dilakukan pengukuran terhadap kadar TGF- β untuk kelompok yang menggunakan film kolagen pada hari ke 1, 2, 3, 5 dan 7 diperoleh secara berurutan (rata-rata), 31,2908 Pg/ml, 31,2908 Pg/ml, 30,2107 Pg/ml, 27,9473 Pg/mldan 24,5353 Pg/ml sedangkan yang tidak diberi film kolagen adalah 34,9898 Pg/ml, 35,4073 Pg/ml, 43,0387 Pg/ml, 33,8017 Pg/ml dan 32,9892 Pg/ml.
Dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan hasil karakterisasi kolagen yang diperoleh sesuai dengan literatur, hasil evaluasi gel dan film memenuhi syarat dan pada mencit yang mengalami luka bakar setelah menggunakan film kolagen terjadi penurunan konsentrasi TGF-β, hasil ini didukung oleh hasil uji secara makroskopik dan mikroskopik, dapat menghambat efek kerusakan panas dan mempercepat penyembuhan luka pada kulit mencit putih yang mengalami luka bakar.
Kata kunci: Kolagen, Luka bakar, TGF-β, Kulit ikan Canna sriata, Sifat kolagen
Objective: Liquid crystals are special state of matters which have regularity of solid arrangement but had a liquid-like flow characteristics. Collagen is a biopolymer that qualified for requirements as the system of a liquid crystal because it is mesogenic and rigid in a triple-helix section. There are various sources of collagen that have been used; one of them is snakehead fish skin (Channa striata).
Methods: The stages of research were collagen isolation, collagen identification, liquid crystals formation, and characterization. Collagen liquid crystals were formed by lyotropic method using 0.5 M acetic acid and treated with and without sonication at 30, 60, and 80 mg/ml concentrations. The formation of Liquid crystal phase characterized by using Polarization Ligh microscopy.
Results: Mesophase analysis using polarized light microscope showed the presence of cholesteric phase (fingerprint pattern) which seen from the lowest concentration used in this study (30 mg/ml). The increasing of collagen concentration and sonication treatment can trigger the formation of clearly liquid crystal cholesteric phase under polarized light microscope. Infrared spectra of collagen liquid crystals both sonicated or not, showed no change in triple-helix.
Conclusion: The formation of lyotropic liquid crystal of collagen from snakehead fish skin showed the cholesteric pattern without changing the triple-helix collagen structure
Karakterisasi Fisikokimia Dan Laju Disolusi Dispersi Padat Ibuprofen Dengan Pembawa Polietilenglikol 6000
Solid dispersions of the antiinflamation drug ibuprofen and polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG6000) were prepared by the melting method in order to increase the dissolution rates of this poorlywater-soluble compound. The temperature/composition phase diagram of binary system wasanalyzed by termal analysis hot-stage microscopy, showing an eutectic formation. Polarized lighthot stage microscopy and X-ray-powder diffraction confirmed, that solid dispersion techniquedecrease the crystalliny of ibuprofen after melting and solidifying of a 4/6 (w/w) mixture of ibuprofenand polyethylene glycol 6000 respectively, which the results enhanced dissolution rates comparedto the physical mixtures and ibuprofen intact. However, no such chemical interactions in the solidstate were confirmed by FTIR spectra which showed the presence of ibuprofen crystalline in soliddispersion
Formulation of Ylang-Ylang Oil Transparent Soap and Antibacterial Test Against Acne-Causing Bacteria
Ylang-ylang oil transparent soaps in three concentration i.e. 3.1 %, 3.85 % and 4.58 % have been formulated using virgin coconut oil (VCO), olive oil and stearic acid as a base soap reacted with NaOH as alkalin base. Transparent soap were tested for its identification, pH, wetting test, the foam on distilled water, the foam on hard water, skin irritation consumen preference test and micobiology test using the agar diffusion technique against bacterium cause of acnes like Staphylococcus epidermidis. The results showed that all formulas were stable for six weeks during storage conditions. Ylang-ylang transparent soap had medium antimicrobial activity (12-16 mm) against S. epidermidis. Statistical evaluation of pH, wetting test and micobiology test from formulas against control by using one way ANOVA had significant difference (p<0,05)