82 research outputs found
Anatomy of Exotic Higgs Decays in 2HDM
Large mass splittings between new scalars in two-Higgs-doublet models (2HDM)
open a key avenue to search for these new states via exotic heavy Higgs decays.
We discuss in detail the different search channels for these new scalars at the
LHC in the presence of a sizable mass splitting, i.e. a hierarchical 2HDM
scenario, taking into account the theoretical and experimental constraints. We
provide benchmark planes to exploit the complementarity among these searches,
analyzing their potential to probe the hierarchical 2HDM parameter space during
LHC Run 2
Cosmological signatures of a UV-conformal standard model
Quantum scale invariance in the UV has been recently advocated as an attractive way of solving the gauge hierarchy problem arising in the Standard Model. We explore the cosmological signatures at the electroweak scale when the breaking of scale invariance originates from a hidden sector and is mediated to the Standard Model by gauge interactions (Gauge Mediation). These scenarios, while being hard to distinguish from the Standard Model at LHC, can give rise to a strong electroweak phase transition leading to the generation of a large stochastic gravitational wave background in possible reach of future space-based detectors such as eLISA and BBO. This relic would be the cosmological imprint of the breaking of scale invariance in Nature
Dark Matter with Topological Defects in the Inert Doublet Model
We examine the production of dark matter by decaying topological defects in
the high mass region of the Inert Doublet Model,
extended with an extra U(1) gauge symmetry. The density of dark matter states
(the neutral Higgs states of the inert doublet) is determined by the interplay
of the freeze-out mechanism and the additional production of dark matter states
from the decays of topological defects, in this case cosmic strings. These
decays increase the predicted relic abundance compared to the standard
freeze-out only case, and as a consequence the viable parameter space of the
Inert Doublet Model can be widened substantially. In particular, for a given
dark matter annihilation rate lower dark matter masses become viable. We
investigate the allowed mass range taking into account constraints on the
energy injection rate from the diffuse -ray background and Big Bang
Nucleosynthesis, together with constraints on the dark matter properties coming
from direct and indirect detection limits. For the Inert Doublet Model
high-mass region, an inert Higgs mass as low as GeV is permitted.
There is also an upper limit on string mass per unit length, and hence the
symmetry breaking scale, from the relic abundance in this scenario. Depending
on assumptions made about the string decays, the limits are in the range
GeV to GeV.Comment: 27 pages, 3 figures. V2: Published version with references adde
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