1,634 research outputs found

    A wall shear stress measurement technique using the thermal wakes of small heated spots

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.A new thermo-optical method for the measurement of wall shear stresses is presented. The technique exploits that the surface temperature field and the near wall flow are closely linked by correlating the thermal wakes of small heated spots with the wall shear stress. Numerical as well as experimental results are presented and different correlation and design parameters are examined. In contrast to recent works, where the thermal tuft length is used for a correlation with the wall shear stress, other parameters were found to be much better suited for a skin friction calibration. It is also shown that the new method has the unique capability to not only measure the magnitude of the wall shear stress but also its direction

    Neue potentiell einschlußaktive Organosilicium-Verbindungen durch Verknüpfen von Oligosilanen und -siloxanen mit ethinylierten Aryleinheiten

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    Gegenstand der Dissertation ist die Synthese neuer Organosilicium-Verbindungen durch gezielten schrittweisen Gerüstaufbau zur Erzeugung von Hohlraumstrukturen mit Fähigkeit zur Kristalleinschlussbildung. In diesem Zusammenhang erwies sich die Kombination von Lithiierung plus Salzeliminierung als effiziente Syntheseroute zur kovalenten Verknüpfung von starren ethinylierten Aryleinheiten verschiedener Größe und Symmetrie mit methyl- und phenylsubstituierten Chloroligosilanen und -siloxanen bzw. partiell aminierten Chloroligosilanen. Die so erhaltenen linearen und trigonalen Siliciumorganyle vom triphenylsilyl-substituierten Typ bilden mit verschiedenen Gastsolvenzien ungewöhnlich stabile Einschlussverbindungen. Die trigonale Zielverbindung 1,3,5-Tris[2-(triphenylsilyl)ethinylbenzen tritt im Kristall, weitgehend unabhängig von Größe und Polarität des Gastsolvenz, zu einem starren Wirtgitter mit nahezu idealen ellipsoiden Cavitäten zusammen. Die U-förmige Molekülkonformation in solvenzfreien Kristallen der beschriebenen Organosiloxane stellt eine strukturelle Neuheit für Verbindungen dieses Typs dar

    Sensitive PCR method for the detection and real-time quantification of human cells in xenotransplantation systems

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    The sensitive detection of human cells in immunodeficient rodents is a prerequisite for the monitoring of micrometastasis of solid tumours, dissemination of leukaemic cells, or engraftment of haematological cells. We developed a universally applicable polymerase chain reaction method for the detection of a human-specific 850-bp fragment of the α-satellite DNA on human chromosome 17. The method allows the detection of one human cell in 106 murine cells and could be established as both, a conventional DNA polymerase chain reaction-assay for routine screening, and a quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction-assay using TaqMan-methodology. It was applied to the following xenotransplantation systems in SCID and NOD/SCID mice: (1) In a limiting dilution assay, cells of the MDA-MB 435 breast carcinoma were injected into the mammary fat pad of NOD/SCID mice. It could be shown that 10 cells mouse−1 were sufficient to induce a positive polymerase chain reaction signal in liver and lung tissue 30 days after transplantation as an indicator for micrometastasis. At this time a palpable tumour was not yet detectable in the mammary fat pad region. (2) Cells of a newly established human acute lymphatic leukaemia were administered intraperitoneally to SCID mice. These cells apparently disseminated and were detectable as early as day 50 in the peripheral blood of living mice, while the leukaemia manifestation was delayed by day 140. (3) In a transplantation experiment using mature human lymphocytes we wanted to standardise conditions for a successful survival of these cells in NOD/SCID mice. It was established that at least 5×107 cells given intravenously were necessary and that the mice had to be conditioned by 2 Gy body irradiation to get positive polymerase chain reaction bands in several organs. (4) Engraftment studies with blood stem cells originating from cytapheresis samples of tumour patients or from cord blood were undertaken in NOD/SCID mice in order to define conditions of successful engraftment and to use this model for further optimisation strategies. The polymerase chain reaction method presented allowed a reliable prediction of positive engraftment and agreed well with the results of immunohistochemical or FACS analysis. All together, the polymerase chain reaction method developed allows a sensitive and reliable detection of low numbers of human cells in immunodeficient hosts. In combination with real-time (TaqMan) technique it allows an exact quantification of human cells. As this method can be performed with accessible material of living animals, follow up studies for the monitoring of therapeutic interventions are possible in which the survival time of mice as evaluation criteria can be omitted

    Korn's second inequality and geometric rigidity with mixed growth conditions

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    Geometric rigidity states that a gradient field which is LpL^p-close to the set of proper rotations is necessarily LpL^p-close to a fixed rotation, and is one key estimate in nonlinear elasticity. In several applications, as for example in the theory of plasticity, energy densities with mixed growth appear. We show here that geometric rigidity holds also in Lp+LqL^p+L^q and in Lp,qL^{p,q} interpolation spaces. As a first step we prove the corresponding linear inequality, which generalizes Korn's inequality to these spaces

    Spheres and Prolate and Oblate Ellipsoids from an Analytical Solution of Spontaneous Curvature Fluid Membrane Model

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    An analytic solution for Helfrich spontaneous curvature membrane model (H. Naito, M.Okuda and Ou-Yang Zhong-Can, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 48}, 2304 (1993); {\bf 54}, 2816 (1996)), which has a conspicuous feature of representing the circular biconcave shape, is studied. Results show that the solution in fact describes a family of shapes, which can be classified as: i) the flat plane (trivial case), ii) the sphere, iii) the prolate ellipsoid, iv) the capped cylinder, v) the oblate ellipsoid, vi) the circular biconcave shape, vii) the self-intersecting inverted circular biconcave shape, and viii) the self-intersecting nodoidlike cylinder. Among the closed shapes (ii)-(vii), a circular biconcave shape is the one with the minimum of local curvature energy.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures. Phys. Rev. E (to appear in Sept. 1999

    Analysis of discontinuous Galerkin methods using mesh-dependent norms and applications to problems with rough data

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    We prove the inf-sup stability of a discontinuous Galerkin scheme for second order elliptic operators in (unbalanced) mesh-dependent norms for quasi-uniform meshes for all spatial dimensions. This results in a priori error bounds in these norms. As an application we examine some problems with rough source term where the solution can not be characterised as a weak solution and show quasi-optimal error control

    Decomposition of semigroup algebras

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    Let A \subseteq B be cancellative abelian semigroups, and let R be an integral domain. We show that the semigroup ring R[B] can be decomposed, as an R[A]-module, into a direct sum of R[A]-submodules of the quotient ring of R[A]. In the case of a finite extension of positive affine semigroup rings we obtain an algorithm computing the decomposition. When R[A] is a polynomial ring over a field we explain how to compute many ring-theoretic properties of R[B] in terms of this decomposition. In particular we obtain a fast algorithm to compute the Castelnuovo-Mumford regularity of homogeneous semigroup rings. As an application we confirm the Eisenbud-Goto conjecture in a range of new cases. Our algorithms are implemented in the Macaulay2 package MonomialAlgebras.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, minor revisions. Package may be downloaded at http://www.math.uni-sb.de/ag/schreyer/jb/Macaulay2/MonomialAlgebras/html

    Gas chemical investigation of hafnium and zirconium complexes with hexafluoroacetylacetone using preseparated short-lived radioisotopes

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    Volatile metal complexes of the group 4 elements Zr and Hf with hexafluoroacetylacetonate (hfa) have been studied using short-lived radioisotopes of the metals. The new technique of physical preseparation has been employed where reaction products from heavy-ion induced fusion reactions are isolated in a physical recoil separator - the Berkeley Gas-filled Separator in our work - and made available for chemistry experiments. Formation and decomposition of M(hfa)4 (M=Zr, Hf) has been observed and the interaction strength with a fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) Teflon surface has been studied. From the results of isothermal chromatography experiments, an adsorption enthalpy of -ΔHa=(57±3)kJ/mol was deduced. In optimization experiments, the time for formation of the complex and its transport to a counting setup installed outside of the irradiation cave was minimized and values of roughly one minute have been reached. The half-life of 165Hf, for which conflicting values appear in the literature, was measured to be (73.9±0.8)s. Provided that samples suitable for α-spectroscopy can be prepared, the investigation of rutherfordium (Rf), the transactinide member of group 4, appears possible. In the future, based on the studies presented here, it appears possible to investigate short-lived single atoms produced with low rates ( e.g. , transactinide isotopes) in completely new chemical systems, e.g. , as metal complexes with organic ligands as used here or as organometallic compound