52 research outputs found
Health Related Quality of Life in Life Hemodialysis Patients : A Single Center Study
Objective: This study were to identify the many factors (gender, age, education level, employment,
accessibility, income, history of disease, dialysis duration, caregiver, nutrition) that might influence QoL
scores on hemodialysis patients.
Analysis: The quality of life (QoL) has become a recognized outcome in studies of the treatment for patients
with undergoing hemodialysis (HD).
Method: This study used a cross-sectional design and was conducted in Hemodialysis Unit of dr. Soetomo
Hospital on September-October 2016. The subj of this study were 59 HD patients with HD therapy >3
months (twice a week) and used the SF-36 forms covering 8 domains of QoL, into physical composite
summary (PCS), mental composite summary (MCS) and total score.
Findings: the mean age was 44.3(±11.3), 52.5% were male. Most of participants were graduate from
senior high school (54.2%), have nondiabetes mellitus history(91.5%), has spouse as caregiver (61%). The
mean albumin scores were 3.8(±0.26). The total score mean was 65±20.1, PCS was 58.8(±19.6), MCS was
71.5(±29.4). There were significant correlation between age with RE and GH domain (s= -0.283;r=0.291),
education level with PF domain(s=0.327), HD duration with BP, VT, and SF domain (s=0.278, 0.272 and
0.309 consecutively), nutrition with GH and VT domain (s=0.420;r=0.582) and significant comparison
between history of disease with PF domain (P<0.006).
Result: Factors affecting some QoL domain in HD patients were age, education level, history of diseas
Evaluasi Aplikasi Pengolah Data Unit Hemodialisi Rumah Sakit Di Jawa Timur
Seminar Nasional Rekam Medis & Informasi Kesehatan Penguatan Pendidikan Tenaga Kesehatan Di Era Industri 4.
Visual cohort baby recording based on internet of things for maternal and child health service
Hasil cek plagiasi artikel Visual cohort baby recording based on internet of things for maternal and child health servic
Model Aplikasi Pengukuran Kualitas Pelayanan Melalui Pengukuran Kualitas Pasien Hemodialisis
Hasil cek plagiasi artikel Model Aplikasi Pengukuran Kualitas Pelayanan Melalui Pengukuran Kualitas Pasien Hemodialisi
Hasil Plagiasi Artikel Evaluasi Aplikasi Pengolah Data Unit Hemodialisis Rumah Sakit Di Jawa Timu
Kualitas Rekam medis elektronik juga berdampak pada antrian rawat jalan. Penilaian kualitas suatu sistem sangat penting dilakukan agar optimal dalam memberikan pelayanan. Tujuan yang dicapai melalui penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas aplikasi E-RM terhadap kinerja petugas poli rawat jalan dengan mengidentifikasi pengaruh antar variabel dari model teori Technology to performance chain dan berikutnya membagikan saran ataupun pedoman guna peningkatan kualitas aplikasi E-RM. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian analitik kuantitatif. Sampel yang digunakan adalah semua petugas yang menggunakan aplikasi E-RM yang diseleksi secara acak. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan PLS (Partial Least Squares) yaitu model persamaan Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) yang berbasis komponen varian. Penelitian ini akan meninjau ulang sebagian dari model TPC (Technology to performance chain) yang telah diuji oleh Goodhue & Thompson dengan menggunakan setting utilization pada aplikasi E-RM di RSUD. Dr. Wahidin sudiro husodo Mojokerto. Pada proses uji mengenai Pengaruh Kualitas Aplikasi E-RM Terhadap Kinerja Petugas Poli Rawat Jalan di RSUD DR. Wahidin SUdiro Husodo Mojokerta mengeluarkan hasil value yang signifikan 0,008 dimana jika (p) < 0,05 maka tidak memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan, dengan kata lain hasil uji yang sudah kita buat sudah signifikan.
Kata Kunci: Kualitas Rekam Medis elektronik; Kinerja; Technology to performance chai
Understanding of Students Continued to Use Electronic Medical Records In Hospital: Task Technology to Performance Chain Approach
One of the main goals of research on information systems is to help end users and organizations use information technology effectively. Fieldwork practice trains students to apply their knowledge and work skills based on the standards of the health ministry in electronic medical record regulations. This activity also prepares students to live in their health information management profession. This study examined the willingness and ability to use electronic medical records in hospitals to determine how well students understand electronic medical records and what influences their use. This study was conducted at a hospital in Mojokerto, East Java, where students practice fieldwork. An institutional-based cross-sectional study was conducted to assess the acceptability of the EMR system among students at Mojokerto Hospital from July to 1-31st, 2022. The sampling method used simple random sampling of 136. A structured questionnaire was adopted from the previous studies. The questionnaire consists of 16 questions from the TTF, the expected consequences of use (COU), Facilitating Condition (FC), utilization (UI), and Performance Impact (PI) constructs. Data were analyzed using SmartPLS version 3.0. The result is that Task-technology fit is associated with the expected consequences of use (p=0.00), Consequences of Use (COU) are associated with Utilization (p=0.000}, and the Facilitating condition is related to Utilization (P=0.00). We can conclude that task technology fit is indirectly associated with Utilization because of the Consequences of Use (COU). Task-technology fit, and Utilization do not affect the performance impact. This study can continue by testing the construct variables by the students on the field trips and by healthcare providers such as nurses and doctors
Paringan Village is located in Jetis District, Mojokerto Regency. The distance from the village to the Mojokerto Regency government is about 15 Km. Based on the results of interviews from several mothers who worked during the Covid Pandemic, their children went to online schools that demanded full assistance from parents but were unable to assist. In addition to the Gadget problem that mothers complain about, there is the growth of cafe around the village that provides wifi access which is very easy to access by children with 2 thousand rupiahs of money. They can enjoy wifi for 2 hours. The activities to be achieved in this activity include reducing the impact of using gadgets, increasing children's interest in playing other than gadgets, increasing interest in reading, and increasing parental control for the use of gadgets in children. This educational game aims to train children's concentration to reduce the impact of gadgets, one of which is a decrease in learning concentration in children. From Community Education activities, both targeting parents and children, they tend to realize that gadgets are a double-edged knife that has a double effect, namely negative and positiv
ABSTRAKSetiap pelayanan kesehatan memiliki, mengelola, dan menggunakan informasi untuk meningkatkan luaran (outcome) bagi pasien, kinerja staf dan kinerja rumah sakit secara umum. Banyak Pelayanan kesehatan merasa sulit untuk menyeimbangkan kebutuhan untuk mengakses informasi dengan cepat dengan tantangan dalam menyediakan tingkat keamanan yang tepat untuk informasi pribadi. Rekam medis yang baik dapat mengakomodir kepentingan praktisi medis serta pasiennya. Sangat penting bagi dokter yang merawat untuk mendokumentasikan manajemen pasien di bawah perawatannya dengan benar. Klinik Rawat Inap Islam Aisyiyah Pandaan berdiri pada tahun 2009 yang bermula dari BP/RB Aisyiyah Pandaan. Tenaga professional rekam medis di klinik ini tidak ada, sehingga pengelolaan rekam medis dilakukan seadanya. Untuk mendukung peralihan status dari klinik ke Rumah sakit dan juga mengantisipasi dampak dari tidak adanya pengelolaan rekam medis maka pendampingan pengelolaan rekam medis ini di fokuskan pada manajemen ruang penyimpanan rekam medis baik aktif maupun inaktif penting untuk dilakukan. Rak yang akan di buat yaitu rak statis berupa besi panjang 2 m dan lebar 40 cm dan tinggi 1,9 m. Pemilihan rak besi ini lebih hemat dan tinggi rak dapat dijangkau oleh petugas filing, sehingga mempermudah pengambilan berkas. Pengelolaan rekam medis sangat penting karena bersifat rahasia dan guna menurunkan kejadian kesalahan tindakan dan pengobatan. RM yang tersimpan sesuai penomoran dan penjajarannya mempermudah petugas dan tenaga medis melakukan pelayanan kepada pasien. Kegiatan selanjutnya adalah pendampingan proses retensi dan pemusnahan, redesain cover RM, dan memperbaiki sistem penomoran dan melakukan analisis kuantitatif dan kualitatif rekam medis. Kata kunci: pendampingan; pengelolaan rak; rekam medis; klinik. ABSTRACTHealth care service, manages, and uses information to improve patient outcomes, staff performance and hospital performance in general. Many health services find it difficult to balance the need to access information quickly with the challenge of providing the right level of security for personal information. A good medical record can accommodate the interests of medical practitioners and their patients. It is very important for the treating physician to properly document the management of the patient under his care. Aisyiyah Pandaan Islamic Inpatient Clinic was established in 2009 which started from BP/RB Aisyiyah Pandaan. There are no medical record professionals at this clinic, so the management of medical records is done minimally. To support the transition of status from clinics to hospitals and also to anticipate the impact of the absence of medical record management, this medical record management assistance is focused on the management of medical record storage rooms, both active and inactive, it is important to do. The shelf that will be made is a static shelf in the form of an iron 2 m long and 40 cm wide and 1.9 m high. The selection of this iron medical record storage is more efficient and the height of the storage can be reached by the filing clerk, making it easier to retrieve files. Management of medical records is very important because they are confidential and to reduce the incidence of errors of action and treatment. The medical record stored according to its numbering and alignment makes it easier for officers and medical personnel to provide services to patients. The next activity is assisting the retention and destruction process, redesigning the medical record cover, and improving the numbering system and conducting quantitative and qualitative analysis of medical records. Keywords: empowerment; medical record storage; clinic
Audit Kode Klinis Pasien Rawat Inap Jaminanan BPJS Kesehatan Di Rumah Sakit Tipe C Dan D Wilayah DIY
The quality of diagnosis codes is an important part of the hospital management level. The impact of a lack of quality diagnosis codes is the potential to reduce hospital income. A clinical coding audit needs to be conducted to review and analyze discovered errors and attempt to trace their source. The purpose of this research is to audit the code. The research approach was carried out through a quantitative descriptive approach. The research population was inpatient medical records of BPJS Health patients. Sample calculations use Slovin, with a margin of error of 10%. In this study, the clinical coding audit involved 3 coders in each hospital, coding experts from senior practitioners from Type B Hospitals and experts from academics. The results of the clinical code audit showed that the timeliness aspect was 100%, accuracy was 92.5%, completeness was 91.0%, relevance, and legitimacy were 87.5% each, while the lowest was in the reliability aspect at 80.0%. The results of the legibility aspect are in line with the results of relevance. This shows that determining clinical codes for case mix purposes must be supported by complete documentation of the patient's medical records.Kualitas kode diagnosis merupakan bagian penting dari tingkat manajemen rumah sakit. Dampak dari kurangnya kualitas kode diagnosis berpotensi menurunkan pendapatan rumah sakit. Audit pengkodean klinis perlu dilakukan untuk meninjau dan menganalisis kesalahan yang ditemukan dan berupaya menelusuri sumbernya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengaudit kode. Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan melalui pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif. Populasi penelitian adalah rekam medis rawat inap pasien BPJS Kesehatan. Contoh perhitungannya menggunakan Slovin, dengan margin of error 10%. Pada penelitian ini, audit coding klinis melibatkan 3 orang coder di masing-masing rumah sakit, yaitu ahli coding dari praktisi senior dari Rumah Sakit Tipe B dan ahli dari kalangan akademisi. Hasil audit kode klinis menunjukkan aspek ketepatan waktu sebesar 100%, akurasi sebesar 92,5%, kelengkapan sebesar 91,0%, relevansi, dan legitimasi masing-masing sebesar 87,5%, sedangkan yang terendah pada aspek reliabilitas sebesar 80,0%. Hasil dari aspek keterbacaan sejalan dengan hasil relevansi. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa penentuan kode klinis untuk keperluan case mix harus didukung dengan dokumentasi rekam medis pasien yang lengkap
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