1,440 research outputs found

    Competition between Superconductivity and Charge Density Wave Ordering in the Lu5_5Ir4_4(Si1x_{1-x}Gex_x)10_{10} Alloy System

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    We have performed bulk measurements such as dc magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity and heat capacity on the pseudo-ternary alloys Lu5_5Ir4_4(Si1x_{1-x}Gex_x)10_{10} to study the interplay and competition between superconductivity and the charge density wave (CDW) ordering transition. We track the evolution of the superconducting transition temperature TSC_{SC} and the CDW ordering temperature TCDW_{CDW} as a function of x (concentration of Ge) (0.0x 1.00.0 \leq x\leq~1.0). We find that increasing x (increasing disorder) suppresses the TCDW_{CDW} rapidly with the concomitant increase in TSC_{SC}. We present a temperature-concentration (or volume) phase diagram for this system and compare our results with earlier work on substitution at the Lu or Ir site to show how dilution at the Si site presents a different situation from these other works. The heat capacity data in the vicinity of the CDW transition has been analyzed using a model of critical fluctuations in addition to a mean-field contribution and a smooth lattice background. We find that the critical exponents change appreciably with increasing disorder. This analysis suggests that the strong-coupling and non mean-field like CDW transition in the parent compound Lu5_5Ir4_4Si10_{10} changes to a mean-field like transition with increasing Ge concentration.Comment: 14 pages and 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Adsorpsi Ion Tembaga (Cu) dan Ion Besi (Fe) dengan Menggunakan Arang Hayati (Biocharcoal) Kulit Pisang Raja (Musa Sapientum)

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    This study determine the contact time, pH, and the optimum concentration of the solution of copper (Cu) and iron (Fe) from skin the plantain (musa sapientum). Advances in the industry today resulted in many human activities that caused increasing impact of the pollution on surrounding of the environment. Environmental pollution by heavy metals being a serious problem along with increasing the use of heavy metals in the industry. The method used in this study was a laboratory experiment using colorimeter. The results showed that the adsorption of copper and iron on the plantain bark influence a time variation of Cu and Fe occurred in the 60 minute and 30 minute (99.64% and 99.54%); variation of pH for Cu and Fe occurrs in pH 4 and pH 3 (99.62% and 99.58%) and variation of concentration for Cu and Fe occurred at 20 ppm and 1 ppm (80.74% and 96.81%), respectively

    “Capital Structure” Determinants: A Conceptual and Empirical Review

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    Choosing the right kind of financing is considered essential and critical in the world of business finance. It is the combination of debt and equity financing that a company uses to sustain its funding patterns that is referred to as the “capital structure” of a company. For this project, we will examine theoretical and empirical research on capital structure, as well as the primary elements that influence how organisations choose their capital structure. The present study looks at the main competing “capital structure” theories, as well as the assumptions that drive each of them. The examination highlights the factors that impact a company's “capital structure” decision. Factors of “capital structure” determinants discovered via empirical study on “capital structure” determinants so far. Research Methodology: The nature of Present Research study is descriptive based and conceptual, Empirical review paper. The data has been collected from various repute journals such as Elsevier Science direct, articles published in peer-reviewed journals, textbooks etc. The review is based on various research works that were selected through well defined inclusion and exclusion criteria. Results: Many research studies on large organisations have been done using secondary data and regression models, and many of these studies have been conducted on large organisations utilising primary data. It was discovered that the impact of leverage differs by industry, which should be examined further in future study. The present research examines ““capital structure” theories” and factors that impact “capital structure” selection in the financial industry. When it comes to “capital structure” choices, firms have been demonstrated to follow the pecking order theory

    The Production of Striped Catfish (Pangasius Hypophthalmus) in Intensive Cultivation Reviewed Water Quality Parameters of Red Yellow Podzolic in Different Age

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    This study aims to determine the striped catfish production intensive cultivation reviewed from parameters of water quality pond with a red-yellow podzolic in different ages. The method used in this study is the experimental method using a completely randomized design (CRD) using 1 factor, 4 levels of treatment and 3 replications, , with the treatment are: P1 (intensive pond of catfish aquaculture aged 0-5 years), P2 (intensive pond of catfish aquaculture aged 6-10 years), P3 (intensive pond of catfish aquaculture aged 11-15 years) and P4 (intensive pond of catfish aquaculture aged 16-20 years). The results showed that the striped catfish production in P4 (pond aged 16-20 years) is the best treatment which has a high production of 6.4 kg/m2, with the survival rate of 66,7% and low feed conversion ratio of 1.9%, and supported by water quality parameters were classified as good, namely: temperature between 27,600C, the brightness of 24.03 cm, 6.4 to 7.3 of pH, 3.74 mg/L of oxygen demand, ammonia of 0.21 mg/L, orthophosphate 1.05 mg/L, nitrate 1.03 mg/L, alkalinity total 100.5 mg/L, free carbon dioxide of 9.49 mg/L, and total organic material of 7.23 mg/L. Parameter water quality is relatively good for striped catfish farming

    Averting Expenditure - Measure of Willingness to Pay

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    This paper makes estimation on demand for quality water.  In the absence of an explicit market, individuals are able to value changes in water quality.  When the consumers believe to keep up good health they need quality water there will be willingness to pay for improved water.  This willingness to pay (WTP) explains economic valuation of improved water quality. Spending power of households and educational background are important determinant factors of WTP.  The decision is through income distribution pattern and ability to pay. Keywords: WTP, Averting Expenditure,Quality of wate

    Inverter current control for reactive power compensation in solar grid system using Self-Tuned Fuzzy Logic Controller

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    The solar photovoltaic (PV) systems have gained more attention in renewable energy production due to their cost efficiency and reliability. Typically, reactive power compensation and harmonics elimination are challenging and demanding tasks for improving the efficacy of grid-connected solar PV systems. For this purpose, many research works developed different converter and controller topologies for solving the power quality issues in grid-PV systems. But, it limits the problems of increased harmonics, computation complexity, inefficiency and reduced performance outcomes. Thus, this research aims to develop an integrated hysteresis current controller and Self-Tuned Fuzzy Logic (SFLC) based MPPT controllers for eliminating the harmonics and unbalanced current in single-phase grid systems. Also, it helps to extract the maximum amount of power from the solar PV array. The LUO converter is deployed to reduce ripple contents. The Phased Locked Loop (PLL) based synchronization is performed to maintain the phase angle, frequency and magnitude levels of source power. Moreover, the hysteresis current controller for the inverter has been specifically designed to reduce the THD of the system under IEEE519_1992 regulations. During experiments, both the simulation and hardware results have been evaluated for validating the performance of the proposed controller design