2 research outputs found

    Pengelompokan Produksi Daging Sapi Menurut Provinsi di Indonesia Tahun 2017-2022 dengan Menggunakan Metode K-Means

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    Demand for beef is a commodity that will continue to increase. In addition to nutritious milk and protein-rich meat, cows are very beneficial to humans. The consumption trend of Indonesians which continues to increase every year also shows this. However, adequate beef production, both in terms of quality and quantity, has not been sufficient to meet the increasing demand for beef. As a result, beef production has not been evenly distributed in all Indonesian provinces. This study aims to apply the K-Means Cluster method to group provinces and determine the characteristics of the clusters formed based on the level of beef production in Indonesia in 2017-2022. With this research, it can be input to the government and the people of Indonesia so that they can handle policies for regions that are included in the low cluster as an increase in the equity of beef production. This study clustered 3 groups. The results obtained were 10 provinces included in the low cluster, 21 provinces included in the medium cluster and 3 provinces included in the high cluster

    Pemodelan Tindak Pidana Kriminalitas di Kota Tangerang Menggunakan Metode Regresi Lasso

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    Criminal acts are one indicator of social welfare for a sense of security. The higher the reporting of criminal cases by the public, it indicates that the level of security in the area is getting worse. Crime acts in Tangerang City can be influenced by several factors, namely the poverty factor, the population factor and the population growth rate factor. If the rate of population growth experiences rapid growth, the population will increase and it is undeniable that poverty will increase in the city of Tangerang. This can trigger criminal acts to meet unsatisfied needs. The purpose of this study is to determine the variables that influence criminal acts in Tangerang City and to overcome the variables that occur multicollinearity. It can be concluded that all variables influence crime and the LASSO (Least Absolute Shrinkage And Selection Operator) regression can simplify the model and indirectly overcome the problem of multicollinearity in this study. So that the government can make more efforts to overcome the population and poverty problems that occur and the police to increase security in the City of Tangerang in order to create even better security and minimize crime