11 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Mediasi Work-Family Conflik Terhadap Hubungan Antara Faktor Penentu Work Domain Dan Work Domain Outcomes

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    The current study suggest that some job insecurity, poor leadership relations, and poor influence at work may also have importance determinant. The relationship between work domain and work outcome domain was analysed on basis of the model in which work domain have an indirect effect on burnout, mediated by work-family coflict This study attempted to look at the influence of determinants and impacts of conflik family and work, taking into account the negative aspects of each of the variables, such as job insecurity, poor leadership relations, and poor influence at work. The implication of the finding and some future research for work-family conflict were also discussed


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    Contemporary career research is characterized by the concepts of boundaryless and protean careers. The concepts of boundaryless and protean careers are compared in this review. The boundaryless career concept is profiled according to Sullivan and Arthur's categories of physical and psychological limitations. The protean career concept is discussed based on the degree of self-directed and value-oriented career orientation exhibited by a career actor. The researcher combined the protean and boundaryless career descriptions to produce eight career profiles based on a combination of boundaryless and protean career orientations. These eight profiles were examined in terms of the challenges to career actors and individuals that assist them in individual career development

    The effect analysis of mediation variable of task productivity on the self-efficacy and employees’ performance

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    This research was conducted for analyzing the effect of mediating variable that is individual task proactivity as one of the proactivities of behavior towards the relationship between self-efficacy and the employees’ performance in the logistics companies of shipping the goods. It uses convenience sampling, which is a non-probability sampling method for getting the sample of 52 employees. They were divided into two divisions, namely infrastructure and quality assurance. The questionnaire consists of two parts, in which some were assessed by themselves and others that were assessed by the supervisor. They were analyzed using path analysis using analytical tools developed by Hayes, Preacher-Hayes with the simple mediation models. It was found that employees have self-efficacy, individual task proactivity, and relatively high performance, in which individual task proactivity can be a mediating variable on the effect self-efficacy on performance


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    Artikel ini menganalisis definisi konseptual dan pengembangan pengukuran sikap karier protean. Beragam definisi dan alat ukur yang diperkenalkan para peneliti sering kali menimbulkan kebingungan. Akibatnya pemahaman dan kebijakan yang dikembangkan terkait karier protean menimbulkan kerancuan. Masing-masing definisi dan alat ukur fokus pada bidang tertentu, sehingga meninggalkan lubang yang harus mendapat perhatian dari peneliti lainnya. Artikel ini menawarkan alternatif definisi karier protean yang lebih komprehensif berdasarkan studi literatur atas 118 artikel. Studi literatur secara sistematis dan komprehensif menghasilkan 34 artikel konseptual yang mengerucut pada tiga pendekatan pengukuran karier protean, yaitu orientasi, sikap, dan konsep karier protean. Penulis merumuskan definisi konseptual karier protean sebagai sikap individu terhadap karier yang melibatkan nilai-nilai diri individu sebagai komponen kognitif dan perilaku pengarahan diri sendiri sebagai komponen perilaku. Artikel ini menawarkan pengembangan pengukuran sikap karier protean, yang mengeksplorasi kecintaan terhadap pekerjaan sebagai bagian dari proses afeksi. Ketiadaan komponen afeksi dalam mendefinisikan dan mengukur sikap karier protean yang selama ini terjadi dapat menyesatkan dan memberikan arah kebijakan operasional yang keliru. Teori kognisi social karier menjadi dasar analisis literatur untuk menyusun artikel ini. Penelitian mendatang perlu mengeksplorasi pengembangan pengukuran dengan menguji kegunaan sikap karier protean dalam kaitannya dengan faktor penentu dan konsekuensi sikap karier protean


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    Artikel ini menganalisis definisi konseptual dan pengembangan pengukuran sikap karier protean. Beragam definisi dan alat ukur yang diperkenalkan para peneliti sering kali menimbulkan kebingungan. Akibatnya pemahaman dan kebijakan yang dikembangkan terkait karier protean menimbulkan kerancuan. Masing-masing definisi dan alat ukur fokus pada bidang tertentu, sehingga meninggalkan lubang yang harus mendapat perhatian dari peneliti lainnya. Artikel ini menawarkan alternatif definisi karier protean yang lebih komprehensif berdasarkan studi literatur atas 118 artikel. Studi literatur secara sistematis dan komprehensif menghasilkan 34 artikel konseptual yang mengerucut pada tiga pendekatan pengukuran karier protean, yaitu orientasi, sikap, dan konsep karier protean. Penulis merumuskan definisi konseptual karier protean sebagai sikap individu terhadap karier yang melibatkan nilai-nilai diri individu sebagai komponen kognitif dan perilaku pengarahan diri sendiri sebagai komponen perilaku. Artikel ini menawarkan pengembangan pengukuran sikap karier protean, yang mengeksplorasi kecintaan terhadap pekerjaan sebagai bagian dari proses afeksi. Ketiadaan komponen afeksi dalam mendefinisikan dan mengukur sikap karier protean yang selama ini terjadi dapat menyesatkan dan memberikan arah kebijakan operasional yang keliru. Teori kognisi social karier menjadi dasar analisis literatur untuk menyusun artikel ini. Penelitian mendatang perlu mengeksplorasi pengembangan pengukuran dengan menguji kegunaan sikap karier protean dalam kaitannya dengan faktor penentu dan konsekuensi sikap karier protean

    Studi Tentang Work Life Balance dan Kepuasan Karir Pekerja Wanita di Jakarta [A Study of Work-Life Balance and Career Satisfaction of Working Women in Jakarta]

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    This research proposes to find out the influence of availability of career information on career satisfaction of career woman in Jakarta, Participants in this study are 199 women, consist of lecturers, doctors, police women, bank employees, etc. Work-life balance, awareness of organizational plans for self, and match between individual and organizational career plans are used as mediating variables on the impact of availability of career information toward career satisfaction. Research finding shows that work-life balance and awareness of organizational plans have no significant effects as mediating variables on the impact of the availability of career information toward career satisfaction. Meanwhile, the match between individual and organizational career plans have a significant effect as a weak mediating variable. Work-life balance issues seem not to be a concern informing career satisfaction among career women in Indonesia

    The effect analysis of mediation variable of task productivity on the self-efficacy and employees’ performance

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    This research was conducted for analyzing the effect of mediating variable that is individual task proactivity as one of the proactivities of behavior towards the relationship between self-efficacy and the employees’ performance in the logistics companies of shipping the goods. It uses convenience sampling, which is a non-probability sampling method for getting the sample of 52 employees. They were divided into two divisions, namely infrastructure and quality assurance. The questionnaire consists of two parts, in which some were assessed by themselves and others that were assessed by the supervisor. They were analyzed using path analysis using analytical tools developed by Hayes, Preacher-Hayes with the simple mediation models. It was found that employees have self-efficacy, individual task proactivity, and relatively high performance, in which individual task proactivity can be a mediating variable on the effect self-efficacy on performance


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    This research examines influence of work-life balance in individual and organizational career model. Respondents are female workers that consists of some professions like bank employee, service provider, lecturer, consultant, police, doctor, nurse, pers and insurance employee (n =230). Research found that work-life balance have no moderating effect at the relationship between available of career information toward participation management career program both with flexi time female workers and non flexi time. Meanwhile, work-life balance was confirmed as mediating variable at the influence of life complexity and dynamic toward management career program. Implications of this finding are presented