893 research outputs found
Logarithmically modified scaling of temperature structure functions in thermal convection
Using experimental data on thermal convection, obtained at a Rayleigh number
of 1.5 , it is shown that the temperature structure functions
, where is the absolute value of the temperature
increment over a distance , can be well represented in an intermediate range
of scales by , where the are the scaling
exponents appropriate to the passive scalar problem in hydrodynamic turbulence
and the function . Measurements are made in the
midplane of the apparatus near the sidewall, but outside the boundary layer
Multiscale SOC in turbulent convection
Using data obtained in a laboratory thermal convection experiment at high
Rayleigh numbers, it is shown that the multiscaling properties of the observed
mean wind reversals are quantitatively consistent with analogous multiscaling
properties of the Bak-Tang-Wiesenfeld prototype model of self-organized
criticality in two dimensions
Fluctuations of temperature gradients in turbulent thermal convection
Broad theoretical arguments are proposed to show, formally, that the
magnitude G of the temperature gradients in turbulent thermal convection at
high Rayleigh numbers obeys the same advection-diffusion equation that governs
the temperature fluctuation T, except that the velocity field in the new
equation is substantially smoothed. This smoothed field leads to a -1 scaling
of the spectrum of G in the same range of scales for which the spectral
exponent of T lies between -7/5 and -5/3. This result is confirmed by
measurements in a confined container with cryogenic helium gas as the working
fluid for Rayleigh number Ra=1.5x10^{11}. Also confirmed is the logarithmic
form of the autocorrelation function of G. The anomalous scaling of
dissipation-like quantities of T and G are identical in the inertial range,
showing that the analogy between the two fields is quite deep
Turbulent convection at very high Rayleigh numbers and the weakly nonlinear theory
To provide insights into the challenging problem of turbulent convection,
Jack Herring used a greatly truncated version of the complete Boussinesq
equations containing only one horizontal wavenumber. In light of later
observations of a robust large scale circulation sweeping through convecting
enclosures at high Rayleigh numbers, it is perhaps not an implausible point of
view from which to reexamine high-Rayleigh-number data. Here we compare past
experimental data on convective heat transport at high Rayleigh numbers with
predictions from Herring's model and, in fact, find excellent agreement. The
model has only one unknown parameter compared to the two free parameters
present in the lowest order least-squares power-law fit. We discuss why the
underlying simplistic physical picture, meant to work at Rayleigh numbers
slightly past the critical value of a few thousands, is consistent with the
data, when the single free parameter in it is revised, over some eleven decades
of the Rayleigh number -- stretching from about a million to about
Critical Fluctuation of Wind Reversals in Convective Turbulence
The irregular reversals of wind direction in convective turbulence are found
to have fluctuating intervals that can be related to critical behavior. It is
shown that the net magnetization of a 2D Ising lattice of finite size
fluctuates in the same way. Detrended fluctuation analysis of the wind reversal
time series results in a scaling behavior that agrees with that of the Ising
problem. The properties found suggest that the wind reversal phenomenon
exhibits signs of self-organized criticality.Comment: 4 RevTeX pages + 3 figures in ep
Can a charged ring levitate a neutral, polarizable object? Can Earnshaw's Theorem be extended to such objects?
Stable electrostatic levitation and trapping of a neutral, polarizable object
by a charged ring is shown to be theoretically impossible. Earnshaw's Theorem
precludes the existence of such a stable, neutral particle trap.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figur
Optical Spectroscopy of X-Mega targets in the Carina Nebula - VI. FO 15: a new O-Type double-lined eclipsing binary
We report the discovery of a new O-type double-lined spectroscopic binary
with a short orbital period of 1.4 days. We find the primary component of this
binary, FO 15, to have an approximate spectral type O5.5Vz, i.e. a
Zero-Age-Main-Sequence star. The secondary appears to be of spectral type
O9.5V. We have performed a numerical model fit to the public ASAS photometry,
which shows that FO 15 is also an eclipsing binary. We find an orbital
inclination of ~ 80 deg. From a simultaneous light-curve and radial velocity
solution we find the masses and radii of the two components to be 30 +/- 1 and
16 +/- 1 solar masses and 7.5 +/- 0.5 and 5.3 +/- 0.5 solar radii. These radii,
and hence also the luminosities, are smaller than those of normal O-type stars,
but similar to recently born ZAMS O-type stars. The absolute magnitudes derived
from our analysis locate FO 15 at the same distance as Eta Carinae. From
Chandra and XMM X-ray images we also find that there are two close X-ray
sources, one coincident with FO 15 and another one without optical counterpart.
This latter seems to be a highly variable source, presumably due to a
pre-main-sequence stellar neighbour of FO 15.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, 3 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRAS.
Higher resolution version available at
Analysis of 37-kW Converter-Fed Induction Motor Losses
This paper presents an energy efficiency analysis of a 37-kW standard squirrel-cage induction motor under sinusoidal and nonsinusoidal supply. The motor losses are analyzed using the conventional IEC loss segregation method and also numerically modeled using finite-element simulations. The measured and simulated loss components are compared with three different modulation methods. The overall simulated losses are in good agreement with the measured ones, but there exist differences in the loss components
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