564 research outputs found

    A bivariate two-state Markov modulated Poisson process for failure modelling

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    Motivated by a real failure dataset in a two-dimensional context, this paper presents an extension of the Markov modulated Poisson process (MMPP) to two dimensions. The one-dimensional MMPP has been proposed for the modeling of dependent and non-exponential inter-failure times (in contexts as queuing, risk or reliability, among others). The novel two-dimensional MMPP allows for dependence between the two sequences of inter-failure times, while at the same time preserves the MMPP properties, marginally. The generalization is based on the Marshall-Olkin exponential distribution. Inference is undertaken for the new model through a method combining a matching moments approach with an Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC) algorithm. The performance of the method is shown on simulated and real datasets representing times and distances covered between consecutive failures in a public transport company. For the real dataset, some quantities of importance associated with the reliability of the system are estimated as the probabilities and expected number of failures at different times and distances covered by trains until the occurrence of a failure

    Entanglement and quantum phase transition in quantum mixed spin chains

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    The ground entanglement and thermal entanglement in quantum mixed spin chains consisting of two integer spins 1 and two half integer spins 1/2 arrayed as 1/2−1/2−1−1{1/2}-{1/2}-1-1 in a unit cell with antiferromagnetic nearest-neighbor couplings J1J_1(J2J_2) between the spins of equal (different) magnitudes, are investigated by adopting the log-negativity. The ground entanglement transition found here is closely related with the valence bond state transition, and the thermal entanglement near the critical point is calculated and shown that two distinct behaviors exist in the nearest neighbor same kind of spins and different kind of spins, respectively. The potential application of our results on the quantum information processing is also discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, RevTex4, A minor correction is added into the figure captio

    Approximate square-root-time relaxation in glass-forming liquids

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    We present data for the dielectric relaxation of 43 glass-forming organic liquids, showing that the primary (alpha) relaxation is often close to square-root-time relaxation. The better an inverse power-law description of the high-frequency loss applies, the more accurately is square-root-time relaxation obeyed. These findings suggest that square-root-time relaxation is generic to the alpha process, once a common view, but since long believed to be incorrect. Only liquids with very large dielectric losses deviate from this picture by having consistently narrower loss peaks. As a further challenge to the prevailing opinion, we find that liquids with accurate square-root-time relaxation cover a wide range of fragilities

    Incidence of Free of Charge Physiotherapy in a Danish National Cohort of Stroke, Parkinson’s Disease, Multiple Sclerosis and Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

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    Background: Denmark is a welfare state with a publically funded healthcare system that includes the right to free of charge physiotherapy (FCP) for patients with chronic or progressive disease who fulfill strict criteria. The aim of this study was to investigate the incidence of referral to FCP in patients with a hospital diagnosis of stroke, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease (PD) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) between 2007 and 2016. Methods: The study was register-based and included data from The Danish National Patient Registry and The National Health Service Registry. The study population included the four largest disease groups receiving FCP in Denmark. The incidence of receiving FCP was reported as the cumulated incidence proportion (CIP). Results: The study showed that FCP was mainly initiated within the first 2 years after diagnosis. The 2-year CIP was 8% for stroke patients, 53% for PD patients, 49% for MS patients, and 16% for RA patients. The proportion of patients referred to FCP generally increased over the period of the study due to more patients being referred from medical specialists in primary care. Conclusion: This study found substantial differences in the incidence of referral to FCP in a Danish population of stroke, PD, MS and RA patients

    Control the entanglement of two atoms in an optical cavity via white noise

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    Two two-level atoms within a leaky optical cavity is driven by two independent external optical white noise fields. We investigate how entanglement between two atoms arises in such a situation. The steady state entanglement of two atoms is also investigated. A stochastic-resonance-like behavior of entanglement is revealed. Finally, the Bell violation between atoms is discussed.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figure
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