4 research outputs found
Insights into Electrochemical Sodium Metal Deposition as Probed with <i>in Situ</i> <sup>23</sup>Na NMR
batteries have seen a resurgence of interest from researchers
in recent years, owing to numerous favorable properties including
cost and abundance. Here we examine the feasibility of studying this
battery chemistry with <i>in situ</i> NMR, focusing on Na
metal anodes. Quantification of the NMR signal indicates that Na metal
deposits with a morphology associated with an extremely high surface
area, the deposits continually accumulating, even in the case of galvanostatic
cycling. Two regimes for the electrochemical cycling of Na metal are
apparent that have implications for the use of Na anodes: at low currents,
the Na deposits are partially removed on reversing the current, while
at high currents, there is essentially no removal of the deposits
in the initial stages. At longer times, high currents show a significantly
greater accumulation of deposits during cycling, again indicating
a much lower efficiency of removal of these structures when the current
is reversed
Correlating Microstructural Lithium Metal Growth with Electrolyte Salt Depletion in Lithium Batteries Using <sup>7</sup>Li MRI
dendrite growth in lithium ion and lithium rechargeable
batteries is associated with severe safety concerns. To overcome these
problems, a fundamental understanding of the growth mechanism of dendrites
under working conditions is needed. In this work, in situ <sup>7</sup>Li magnetic resonance (MRI) is performed on both the electrolyte
and lithium metal electrodes in symmetric lithium cells, allowing
the behavior of the electrolyte concentration gradient to be studied
and correlated with the type and rate of microstructure growth on
the Li metal electrode. For this purpose, chemical shift (CS) imaging
of the metal electrodes is a particularly sensitive diagnostic method,
enabling a clear distinction to be made between different types of
microstructural growth occurring at the electrode surface and the
eventual dendrite growth between the electrodes. The CS imaging shows
that mossy types of microstructure grow close to the surface of the
anode from the beginning of charge in every cell studied, while dendritic
growth is triggered much later. Simple metrics have been developed
to interpret the MRI data sets and to compare results from a series
of cells charged at different current densities. The results show
that at high charge rates, there is a strong correlation between the
onset time of dendrite growth and the local depletion of the electrolyte
at the surface of the electrode observed both experimentally and predicted
theoretical (via the Sand’s time model). A separate mechanism
of dendrite growth is observed at low currents, which is not governed
by salt depletion in the bulk liquid electrolyte. The MRI approach
presented here allows the rate and nature of a process that occurs
in the solid electrode to be correlated with the concentrations of
components in the electrolyte
Characterizing Oxygen Local Environments in Paramagnetic Battery Materials via <sup>17</sup>O NMR and DFT Calculations
techniques that probe the local environment around
O in paramagnetic Li-ion cathode materials are essential in order
to understand the complex phase transformations and O redox processes
that can occur during electrochemical delithiation. While Li NMR is
a well-established technique for studying the local environment of
Li ions in paramagnetic battery materials, the use of <sup>17</sup>O NMR in the same materials has not yet been reported. In this work,
we present a combined <sup>17</sup>O NMR and hybrid density functional
theory study of the local O environments in Li<sub>2</sub>MnO<sub>3</sub>, a model compound for layered Li-ion batteries. After a simple <sup>17</sup>O enrichment procedure, we observed five resonances with
large <sup>17</sup>O shifts ascribed to the Fermi contact interaction
with directly bonded Mn<sup>4+</sup> ions. The five peaks were separated
into two groups with shifts at 1600 to 1950 ppm and 2100 to 2450 ppm,
which, with the aid of first-principles calculations, were assigned
to the <sup>17</sup>O shifts of environments similar to the 4i and
8j sites in pristine Li<sub>2</sub>MnO<sub>3</sub>, respectively.
The multiple O environments in each region were ascribed to the presence
of stacking faults within the Li<sub>2</sub>MnO<sub>3</sub> structure.
From the ratio of the intensities of the different <sup>17</sup>O
environments, the percentage of stacking faults was found to be ca.
10%. The methodology for studying <sup>17</sup>O shifts in paramagnetic
solids described in this work will be useful for studying the local
environments of O in a range of technologically interesting transition
metal oxides
In Situ NMR Spectroscopy of Supercapacitors: Insight into the Charge Storage Mechanism
Electrochemical capacitors, commonly
known as supercapacitors,
are important energy storage devices with high power capabilities
and long cycle lives. Here we report the development and application
of in situ nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) methodologies to study
changes at the electrode–electrolyte interface in working devices
as they charge and discharge. For a supercapacitor comprising activated
carbon electrodes and an organic electrolyte, NMR experiments carried
out at different charge states allow quantification of the number
of charge storing species and show that there are at least two distinct
charge storage regimes. At cell voltages below 0.75 V, electrolyte
anions are increasingly desorbed from the carbon micropores at the
negative electrode, while at the positive electrode there is little
change in the number of anions that are adsorbed as the voltage is
increased. However, above a cell voltage of 0.75 V, dramatic increases
in the amount of adsorbed anions in the positive electrode are observed
while anions continue to be desorbed at the negative electrode. NMR
experiments with simultaneous cyclic voltammetry show that supercapacitor
charging causes marked changes to the local environments of charge
storing species, with periodic changes of their chemical shift observed.
NMR calculations on a model carbon fragment show that the addition
and removal of electrons from a delocalized system should lead to
considerable increases in the nucleus-independent chemical shift of
nearby species, in agreement with our experimental observations