13 research outputs found

    The Effectiveness of Supplementary Feeding of Snack Based on Local Food and F100 on Improving Nutritional Status of Moderately Underweight 6-35 Month-Old Rural South Tangerang Children

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    BACKGROUND - Children with moderately underweight  have an increased risk of morbidity, mortality  and impaired physical and cognitive development compared to well-nourished children.Formula 100 and its modifications, as it are recommended by the WHO, is a nutritional therapy for severe underweight status, but has not been tested as a nutritional support for underweight children.OBJECTIVE -The aim of this study is to evaluate the growth and recovery from undernutrition among moderately underweight children receiving snacks based on local food and F100 (MD).METHODS - Method applied a Quasi experiment on 76 underweight toddlers with 36 treatment group and 30 controlled group. The treatment group will be given 2 cups of snack or creamy food  made of  local flour and F100  (320 kcal, protein 4.6 g), while the control  group will be given 2 sachets of F100 (200 kcal, protein 6 g). The experiment will be conducted for 4 weeks. Weight, height, and obedience will be monitored every week, while the energy intake and vitamins will only be counted twice, before and after the intervention. This data will be implemented to measure the increasing of anthropometry and nutritional improvement.RESULTS - Results indicated that at the end of the study , the children in  the intervention group had a higher mean weight 27 g  than the control group (p <0.05), while an increase in height has not been seen in both groups. The average value of the z-score of weight for age increased by 0:23 in the treatment group and 0:24 in the control group,  the average value of z scores of weight for height increased from 0:28 in the treatment group and 0.39 in the control group. Both interventions are equally giving change thin nutritional status (underweight), and poor nutritional status (wasting) to be normal, but the proportion of the increase is higher in the intervention group than the control group.CONCLUSION - In conclusion modified F100 and F100 with local flour can be used as an alternative snack as a form of nutritional support for underweight children


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    Background: The prevalence of undernutrition is relatively higher than malnutrition. undernutrition is a combination between inadequate nutrition intakes and infectious diseases. Problems of undernutrition can be overcome through the provision of a proper diet to increase weight. WHO has recommended F100 formula as complementary feeding for a quick weight gain in toddlers suffering from acute malnutrition. Objective: The aim of this study was to know the influence of consumption F100 that be applied by adding carbohydrates food from local ingredients modifications as complementary feeding for underweight toddlers. Methods: This research adopts quasi experimental pre-post test with control group design. It was conducted in 3 districts in South Tangerang Regency, Banten, Indonesia. There were 2 groups divided in research which were 40 as a treatment/experimental group and 33 as a control group. Data processing and data analysis were carried out using paired t test, and changes in treatment and control groups were tested using T-test independent. Results: The results showed, there was difference with Weight changes (p0.00), Height changes (p0.00) and Z score index W/A (p0.15), W/H (p0.01), and H/A (p0.02) between the treatment group and the control group. Conclusion: F100( liquid) or Modified F 100 with locally made flour are used as a complementary feeding for solve the acute malnutrition in childrenKeywords : underweight toddlers, consumption F100, complementary feeding, locally made flour, z score inde

    Stimulation of Children Growth as a Result of Tsunami Impact South Sunda Pandeglang Banten

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    The cause of malnutrition is not only caused by lack of food intake but also because of infection. Another factor that is&nbsp;estimated to influence nutritional status is parenting. This study aims to find out the effect of mother class programs and child&nbsp;preschool&nbsp;toward mother's knowledge, parenting, children's nutritional intake, and children&nbsp;nutritional status. The hypothesis of this study is the intervention of the mother class program and pre-school plays better than the intervention of the mother class only or&nbsp;toward the mother's knowledge and nutritional status of the child. The chosen sample was children aged 2-6 years&nbsp;the inclusion and exclusion criterias. This study uses a quasi-experimental design. The sample was divided into 3 groups, mother group class, pre-school and mother and child play class. The results showed 73.3% of female research subjects, an average age of 55.84 months, 13.3% diarrhea, 2.2%&nbsp;ARI, 66.7%, coughs, 86.7% colds/flu, and 55.6% of children were permissively care. At the end of the treatment an in body weight increase, height of the child, the greatest nutritional status occurred in pre-&nbsp;school. At the end of the treatment the intake of nutrients in energy, protein, the fast is greatest fast is pre school group for the greatest intake of carbohydrates in the maternal class group.&nbsp;Health and nutrition education needs to be carried out on an ongoing basis to maintain the spirit of the mother to carry out health care for children and other families. It is necessary to find a form of playing patterns that can make a child enthusiasm for learning

    Kandungan Asam Lemak Dan Karakteristik Fisiko-kimia Minyak Ikan Lele Dan Minyak Ikan Lele Terfermentasi (Fatty Acid Contents and Physico-chemical Characteristics of Catfish Oil and Fermented Catfish Oil)

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    Catfish oil and fermented catfish oil have not been developed and commercially produced as catfish derived products. Various processing of catfish oil will change both the composition and physico-chemical characteristics. The objective of this study was to identify the composition of fatty acids and physico-chemical characteristics of both catfish oil (MIL) and fermented catfish oil (MILT). Results showed that fatty acid composition of catfish oil was MUFA (36.12%)&gt; PUFA&gt; (32.43%)&gt; SFA (31.45%), while the composition of fermented catfish oil was MUFA (42.96%)&gt; SFA (42.32%)&gt; PUFA (15.39%). The fermentation process with lactic acid bacteria increased the content of stearic acid but decreased the content of linoleic acid and linolenic acid. Physical and chemical characteristics of MIL and MILT were almost similar, they indicated oxidation process, based on melting point, viscosity, and thiobarbituric acid values. Therefore, in the production of catfish oil or fermented cat fish oil, it is necessary to add spices and/or nutrient as antioxidants sources

    Uji Organoleptik, Analisis Kandungan Zat Gizi, Dan Skrining Fitokimia Minuman Campuran Daun Katuk (Saorpus androgynus (L.)Merr), Daun Pepaya (Carica papaya L.), Dan Kacang Hijau (Vigna radiata L.) Sebagai Peningkat Produksi ASI

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    Latar Belakang : Pemberian ASI eksklusif masih ditetapkan sebagai salah satu indikator meningkatnya kesehatan ibu dan anak, pembuatan minuman campuran sebagai peningkat produksi ASI dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan bahan pangan lokal. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui formulasi minuman dengan penambahan daun katuk dan daun pepaya terhadap mutu organoleptik, menganalisis kandungan zat gizi dan skrining fitokimia pada formulasi terpilih Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen dengan rancangan&nbsp; acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 3 pengulangan. Penelitian ini melibatkan 30 panelis konsumen yang merupakan dosen atau pegawai di Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta II dan sudah pernah menyusui terhadap karakteristik warna, aroma, tekstur, rasa, dan tingkat kesukaan. Hasil : Hasil analisis uji statistik non parametrik Friedman dengan tingkat kemaknaan sebesar 95% menunjukkan adanya pengaruh penambahan daun katuk dan daun pepaya terhadap rasa dan tingkat kesukaan minuman campuran. Sedangkan untuk kriteria warna, aroma, dan konsistensi tidak memiliki pengaruh terhadap minuman campuran. Hasil uji mutu kesukaan yang paling disukai adalah minuman daun katuk 100%. Kesimpulan : Ada pengaruh penambahan daun katuk terhadap rasa dan tingkat kesukaan minuman campuran, formula yang terpilih adalah F1 yaitu dengan minuman daun katuk 100%. Kandungan zat gizi minuman campuran terpilih per 100 ml adalah energi 57 kkal, protein 0,87g, Karbohidrat 13,5g, kadar air 85,5 % dan kadar abu 0,29 mg serta mengandung polipenol sebesar 574 mg/kg

    Modifikasi Minuman Fungsional ‘Keloja’ Berbasis Bahan Pangan Lokal sebagai Makanan Tambahan pada Anak Usia 24-59 Bulan

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    One solution to overcome the problem of malnutrition in Indonesia is to provide nutritional interventions by adding micronutrient supplementation to food or beverages. This study aims to develop functional drinks from local food (Moringa leaves, tolo beans, and corn) as additional food ingredients for children aged 2-5 years. The first stage of the research carried out tolo bean germination, while in the second stage the study determined the formulation of a local food-based functional drink with four levels of treatment, namely 0% (T1), 5% (T2), 7.5% (T3), 10% (T4). ) Moringa leaves to total formula drinks. Organoleptic tests were carried out by 30 somewhat trained panelists from level 2 students of the DIII and DIV Nutrition study programs. Formulations that were acceptable to the panelists were the T2 formulation with a composition of 50% corn, 50% tolo beans, 5% Moringa leaves, 5% powdered milk, and 10% granulated sugar. The nutritional value of the tolo bean-based functional drink (T2) is 245,95kcal of energy, 8,57gr of protein, 5,25gr of fat, and 41,1 gr of carbohydrates, and 458,71ppm of phenol content per 250ml. With the addition of 5%, Moringa leaves it produces color, aroma, taste, consistency, and acceptance that is most liked by panelists and resembles a drink without the addition of Moringa leaves. It is necessary to carry out further studies related to microbiological tests on functional drinks made from local food so that they can meet the applicable SNI

    Sauropus androgynus, Papaya Leaves, and Mung Beans as Mixed Galactagogue Drink for Urban Postpartum Mothers

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    This study explored the effect of Sauropus androgynus, papaya leaves, and mung beans as mixed galactagogue drinks on breastmilk volume, frequency, and duration among urban postpartum mothers in Jakarta. A quasi-experimental study with 60 postpartum mothers divided in intervention and control groups was conducted. The intervention group was administered with a 400-cc traditional galactagogue drink daily within 4 weeks of postpartum, while the control group received 3 times breastfeeding counselling. The breastmilk volume was measured using the evaporative water loss method on mothers’ weight at the first, second, third-, and fourth-week consumption. The mean difference of breastmilk volume, breastfeeding frequency, and duration between the intervention and control groups was calculated by bivariate analysis using an independent sample t-test. The breastmilk volume was not different between both groups on the first and second week (1st:622.93±289.24 and 507.68±231.28, p=0.094; 2nd:683.00±252.42 and 582.58±225.42, p=0.110), however, the intervention group had higher volume than the control group in the third and fourth week (3rd:801.43±273.35 and 656.24±214.43, p=0.026; 4th=908.52±271.27 and 756.69±196.29, p=0.016). No significant difference was observed in the breastfeeding frequency and duration among the groups. In conclusion, the new galactagogue mixed drink consumption has the potential to increase breastmilk production and enhance a mother’s confidence to continue breastfeeding

    Effects of Catfi sh Oil Intervention on Lipid Profi le in Female Aged Cynomolgous Monkey (Macaca fascicularis)

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    Degenerative process is an accumulation of free radicals that can lead to a variety of changes in the cell. This aim of the study to see the effects of different dietary lipid intervention on lipid profi le and lipid peroxidation in female aged cynomolgus monkey. Twelve female Cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis) were randomly divided into 4 dietary groups of three animals. Animals were held in individual cages and placed in the position where they can interact individually. They were given a normal fat diet with 2% cholesterol and 3% of fat from soybean oil and 9% of lipid as beef tallow (BFT), catfi sh oil (CFO), fermented catfi sh oil (FCFO) and soybean oil (SBO). Evaluation of their body weights, serum lipid profi le and cholesterol content consumption were done monthly except an index of lipid peroxidation were performed before and after 12 weeks intervention. Animal group that consumed the feed more than 82% has body weight gain, such as CFO and BFT. On the other side, animal group that consumed less than 70% has body weight loss, such as FCFO. There was no effect (p > 0.05) of the experimental diets on decreasing triglyceride levels and increasing HDL cholesterol level. Cynomolgous given BFT, CFO, and FCFO diet for 3 months showed signifi cantly increased (p < 0.05) in total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol level, but the monkeys fed with SBO showed lower levels. Statistically, All of diet interventions do not signifi cantly affect on lipid peroxidation in LDL (p < 0.05). In general it can be concluded that catfi sh oil signifi cantly cause elevated levels of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in blood serum, but not in the HDL plasma

    Pendampingan Keluarga pada Ibu Hamil, Ibu Menyusui, dan Anak Usia di Bawah Dua Tahun (Baduta) di Wilayah Puskesmas Cipadu Kota Tangerang: Family Assistance for Pregnant Women, Breastfeeding Mothers, and Children Under Two Years Old (Baduta) in the Cipadu Community Health Center, Tangerang City

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    Nutrition is one of the factors that play a role in the rate of growth and development of infants as a superior generation in the future. Family mentoring activities are a form of community empowerment by studying existing problems and efforts to overcome them so that families can be free from nutritional problems. This mentoring program aims to help families improve knowledge, feeding practices, and nutritional status before and after family mentoring for pregnant women, breastfeeding mothers, and children under two years old. This activity was carried out using lecture and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) methods, then continued with assistance in feeding practices. Eight respondents comprised three pregnant women, three breastfeeding mothers, and two children under two years old. The implementation began with strengthening cadres regarding child and maternal feeding practices and how to conduct monitoring and evaluation. The mentoring was carried out for two months with weekly monitoring and evaluation. Based on the mentoring results, there was an increase in knowledge among mothers of toddlers, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers. In addition, feeding practices also improved, and the weight of children, pregnant women, and breastfeeding mothers also increased. It can be concluded that mentoring focused on feeding practices can improve the nutritional conditions of children and pregnant/breastfeeding mothers who are malnourished