1,073 research outputs found
Reintegrating the Homeless Family
This thesis explores the question: how can architecture reintegrate the homeless family back into the community? Shelters are stigmatized because they are often associated with crime, filth, and danger. The shelter should create an environment mutually beneficial to the homeless and the surrounding community; my project seeks to reintegrate the shelter into the city to facilitate healthier and stable lifestyles. This project delves into psychology and sociology; homelessness is a social issue affecting all groups of people. The shelter must instill a sense of stability and safety for families, as it is the first step towards rebuilding a steady life. Redesigning the shelter to serve the entire community allows new socialization patterns to be introduced that will aim to better support homeless families to expedite their transitional process out of homelessness
Unemployment Among Young Adults: Exploring Employer-Led Solutions
Younger workers consistently experience higher unemployment and less job stability than older workers. Yet the dramatic deterioration in employment outcomes among younger workers during and since the Great Recession creates new urgency about developing more effective bridges into full-time employment for young people, especially those with less than a bachelor's degree. Improving the employment status of young adults and helping employers meet workforce needs are complementary goals. Designing strategies to achieve them requires insight into the supply and demand sides of the labor market: both the characteristics of young people and their typical routes into employment as well as the demand for entry-level orkers and the market forces that shape employer decisions about hiring and investing in skill development. A quantitative and qualitative inquiry focused on the metropolitan areas of Chicago, Ill. and Louisville, Ky
Faculty and resident perspectives on ambulatory care education: A collective case study of family medicine, psychiatry, and surgery
Background: Ambulatory care (AC) experiences within medical education are garnering increasing attention. We sought to understand how faculty and residents’ describe their experiences of AC and ambulatory care education (ACEduc) within, between, and across disciplinary contexts.Methods: We designed a Stakian collective case study, applying constructivist grounded theory analytic methods. Using purposive and snowball sampling, we interviewed 17 faculty and residents across three instrumental cases: family medicine, psychiatry, surgery. Through constant comparative analysis, we identified patterns within, between, and across cases.Results: Family medicine and psychiatry saw AC as an inherent part of continuous, longitudinal care; surgery equated AC with episodic experiences in clinic, differentiating it from operating. Across cases, faculty and residents cautiously valued ACEduc, and in particular, considered it important to develop non-medical expert competencies (e.g., communication). However, surgery residents described AC and ACEduc as less interesting and a lower priority than operating. Educational structures mediated these views.Conclusion: Differences between cases highlight a need for further study, as universal assumptions about ACEduc’s purposes and approaches may need to be tempered by situated, contextually-rich perspectives. How disciplinary culture, program structure, and systemic structure influence ACEduc warrant further consideration as does the educational potential for explicitly framing learners’ perspectives
Congressional Oversight of Modern Warfare: History, Pathologies, and Proposals for Reform
Despite significant developments in the nature of twenty-first century warfare, Congress continues to employ a twentieth century oversight structure. Modern warfare tactics, including cyber operations, drone strikes, and special operations, do not neatly fall into congressional committee jurisdictions. Counterterrorism and cyber operations, which are inherently multi-jurisdictional and highly classified, illustrate the problem. In both contexts, over the past several years Congress has addressed oversight shortcomings by strengthening its reporting requirements, developing relatively robust oversight regimes. But in solving one problem, Congress has created another: deeply entrenched information silos that inhibit the sharing of information about modern warfare across committees. This has real consequences. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee and House Foreign Affairs Committee may have to vote on an authorization for the use of military force against a country without a full understanding of options for covert operations that might achieve the same purpose with less risk. The House and Senate Armed Services Committees may be asked to approve a train-and-equip program for a partner force in a nation without knowing that the CIA is already operating essentially the same program. And the House and Senate Intelligence Committees may support a proposed covert operation without understanding the broader foreign policy context, and therefore, the reaction that it might provoke if it were discovered.
But there is good news with the bad. If Congress is to blame for this information siloing, Congress is also able to fix it. This Article’s discussion of solutions begins with a proposal made by the 9/11 Commission to address information sharing failures—the formation of a super committee to address national security matters. After explaining why this is not the right answer, this Article offers four concrete proposals to remedy the problem. First, Congress should promote inter-committee information sharing by expanding cross-committee membership. Second, Congress should require joint briefings to committees when matters cut across jurisdictional boundaries. Third, Congress should permit members to share classified information with other members under limited, clearly defined circumstances. And fourth, Congress should create a Congressional National Security Council to coordinate cross-cutting national security matters and share mutually relevant information
Written and spoken corpus of real and fake social media postings about COVID-19
This study investigates the linguistic traits of fake news and real news.
There are two parts to this study: text data and speech data. The text data for
this study consisted of 6420 COVID-19 related tweets re-filtered from Patwa et
al. (2021). After cleaning, the dataset contained 3049 tweets, with 2161
labeled as 'real' and 888 as 'fake'. The speech data for this study was
collected from TikTok, focusing on COVID-19 related videos. Research assistants
fact-checked each video's content using credible sources and labeled them as
'Real', 'Fake', or 'Questionable', resulting in a dataset of 91 real entries
and 109 fake entries from 200 TikTok videos with a total word count of 53,710
words. The data was analysed using the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC)
software to detect patterns in linguistic data. The results indicate a set of
linguistic features that distinguish fake news from real news in both written
and speech data. This offers valuable insights into the role of language in
shaping trust, social media interactions, and the propagation of fake news.Comment: 9 pages, 3 table
Robust Arm Impedocardiography Signal Quality Enhancement Using Recursive Signal Averaging and Multi-Stage Wavelet Denoising Methods for Long-Term Cardiac Contractility Monitoring Armbands
Impedance cardiography (ICG) is a low-cost, non-invasive technique that enables the clinical assessment of haemodynamic parameters, such as cardiac output and stroke volume (SV). Conventional ICG recordings are taken from the patient’s thorax. However, access to ICG vital signs from the upper-arm brachial artery (as an associated surrogate) can enable user-convenient wearable armband sensor devices to provide an attractive option for gathering ICG trend-based indicators of general health, which offers particular advantages in ambulatory long-term monitoring settings. This study considered the upper arm ICG and control Thorax-ICG recordings data from 15 healthy subject cases. A prefiltering stage included a third-order Savitzky–Golay finite impulse response (FIR) filter, which was applied to the raw ICG signals. Then, a multi-stage wavelet-based denoising strategy on a beat-by-beat (BbyB) basis, which was supported by a recursive signal-averaging optimal thresholding adaptation algorithm for Arm-ICG signals, was investigated for robust signal quality enhancement. The performance of the BbyB ICG denoising was evaluated for each case using a 700 ms frame centred on the heartbeat ICG pulse. This frame was extracted from a 600-beat ensemble signal-averaged ICG and was used as the noiseless signal reference vector (gold standard frame). Furthermore, in each subject case, enhanced Arm-ICG and Thorax-ICG above a threshold of correlation of 0.95 with the noiseless vector enabled the analysis of beat inclusion rate (BIR%), yielding an average of 80.9% for Arm-ICG and 100% for Thorax-ICG, and BbyB values of the ICG waveform feature metrics A, B, C and VET accuracy and precision, yielding respective error rates (ER%) of 0.83%, 11.1%, 3.99% and 5.2% for Arm-IG, and 0.41%, 3.82%, 1.66% and 1.25% for Thorax-ICG, respectively. Hence, the functional relationship between ICG metrics within and between the arm and thorax recording modes could be characterised and the linear regression (Arm-ICG vs. Thorax-ICG) trends could be analysed. Overall, it was found in this study that recursive averaging, set with a 36 ICG beats buffer size, was the best Arm-ICG BbyB denoising process, with an average of less than 3.3% in the Arm-ICG time metrics error rate. It was also found that the arm SV versus thorax SV had a linear regression coefficient of determination (R2) of 0.84
Food Policy Council Self-Assessment Tool: Development, Testing, and Results
A large number of food policy councils (FPCs) exist in the United States, Canada, and Tribal Nations (N = 278), yet there are no tools designed to measure their members' perceptions of organizational capacity, social capital, and council effectiveness. Without such tools, it is challenging to determine best practices for FPCs and to measure change within and across councils over time. This study describes the development, testing, and findings from the Food Policy Council Self-Assessment Tool (FPC-SAT). The assessment measures council practices and council members' perceptions of the following concepts: leadership, breadth of active membership, council climate, formality of council structure, knowledge sharing, relationships, member empowerment, community context, synergy, and impacts on the food system. All 278 FPCs listed on the Food Policy Network's Online Directory were recruited to complete the FPC-SAT. Internal reliability (Cronbach's α) and inter-rater reliability (AD, rWG(J), ICC [intraclass correlations][1], ICC[2]) were calculated, and exploratory and a confirmatory factor analyses were conducted. Responses from 354 FPC members from 94 councils were used to test the assessment. Cronbach's α ranged from 0.79 to 0.93 for the scales. FPC members reported the lowest mean scores on the breadth of active membership scale (2.49; standard deviation [SD], 0.62), indicating room for improvement, and highest on the leadership scale (3.45; SD, 0.45). The valid FPC-SAT can be used to identify FPC strengths and areas for improvement, measure differences across FPCs, and measure change in FPCs over time
The clinical, biochemical and genetic features associated with RMND1-related mitochondrial disease.
BACKGROUND: Mutations in the RMND1 (Required for Meiotic Nuclear Division protein 1) gene have recently been linked to infantile onset mitochondrial disease characterised by multiple mitochondrial respiratory chain defects.
METHODS: We summarised the clinical, biochemical and molecular genetic investigation of an international cohort of affected individuals with RMND1 mutations. In addition, we reviewed all the previously published cases to determine the genotype-phenotype correlates and performed survival analysis to identify prognostic factors.
RESULTS: We identified 14 new cases from 11 pedigrees that harbour recessive RMND1 mutations, including 6 novel variants: c.533C\u3eA, p.(Thr178Lys); c.565C\u3eT, p.(Gln189*); c.631G\u3eA, p.(Val211Met); c.1303C\u3eT, p.(Leu435Phe); c.830+1G\u3eA and c.1317+1G\u3eT. Together with all previously published cases (n=32), we show that congenital sensorineural deafness, hypotonia, developmental delay and lactic acidaemia are common clinical manifestations with disease onset under 2 years. Renal involvement is more prevalent than seizures (66% vs 44%). In addition, median survival time was longer in patients with renal involvement compared with those without renal disease (6 years vs 8 months, p=0.009). The neurological phenotype also appears milder in patients with renal involvement.
CONCLUSIONS: The clinical phenotypes and prognosis associated with RMND1 mutations are more heterogeneous than that were initially described. Regular monitoring of kidney function is imperative in the clinical practice in light of nephropathy being present in over 60% of cases. Furthermore, renal replacement therapy should be considered particularly in those patients with mild neurological manifestation as shown in our study that four recipients of kidney transplant demonstrate good clinical outcome to date
Evaluating the health-related quality of life of the rare disease population in Hong Kong using EQ-5D 3-level
Objectives This study aimed to establish a normative profile of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of the rare disease (RD) population in Hong Kong (HK) and identify potential predictors. Methods Between March 2020 and October 2020, patients with RD and caregivers were recruited through Rare Disease Hong Kong, the largest RD patient group alliance in HK. HRQOL was derived using the EQ-5D 3-Level with reference to the established HK value set. Utility scores were stratified according to demographics and disease-related information. Multiple linear regression was performed to explore the associations between patient characteristics and HRQOL. Results A total of 286 patients, covering 107 unique RDs, reported a mean utility score of 0.53 (SD 0.36). Thirty patients (10.5%) reported negative utility scores, indicating worse-than-death health states. More problems were recorded in the “usual activities” and “self-care” dimensions. Univariate analyses revealed that neurologic diseases, high out-of-pocket expenditure, home modification, and living in public housing or subdivided flats/units were significantly associated with lower HRQOL. A total of 99 caregivers reported a mean utility score of 0.78 (SD 0.17), which was significantly associated with the utility score of patients they took care of (r = 0.32; P = .001). Conclusions The normative profile of the RD population was established, which revealed lower HRQOL in the RD population than other chronic disease groups and general population in HK. Findings were corroborated by evidence from other cohorts using EQ-5D, combined as part of a meta-analysis. Identifying predictors highlight areas that should be prioritized to improve HRQOL of RD population through clinical and psychosocial dimensions
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