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Homer, Lady Day and Elvis: The Postmodern Poetics of the Centers
One of the most common reactions people have when they visit the William
Paterson University Writing Center is to comment upon the décor. Who puts
up all these weird postcards? Why are characters from The Simpsons all over
the place? What is up with all the gorillas? Who takes care of the plants? And
who, pray tell, is obsessed with Elvis? He seems to be everywhere around here,
along with Groucho Marx, John Lennon, Charlie Parker, Billy Holiday, and Bob
Marley.University Writing Cente
Francis Bacon and the practice of painting
This article addresses the question about why painting continues to be relevant in our contemporary cultural climate. A key reason can be located in the means by which the material of paint can be utilized, manipulated, and perceived through entire sensory and bodily mechanisms. As the practice of Francis Bacon (1909â1992) demonstrates, it is within the elusive behaviour and handling of pigment that the full transformative potential of painting can be released. In fact it can activate a whole field of sensory responses on the part of painter and viewer. The painter can manipulate the material to achieve a variety of effects but needs also to acknowledge how the material can potentially assume an independent life of its own, an almost unruly character. The strength and enduring quality of painting which links modern to postmodern practice, lies in its potential to utilise the painter's tacit skills as well as releasing the inherent and âunrulyâ qualities of the pigment. The potential of painting practice lies within the orbit of the individual painter who can recognize implicitly how to let the paint âworkâ according to the needs of the image being constructed
Superhydrophobicity: Localized Parameters And Gradient Surfaces
The use of Cassie and Baxter's equation and that of Wenzel has been subject to some criticism of late. It has been suggested that researchers use these equations without always considering the assumptions that have been made and sometimes apply them to cases that are not suitable. This debate has prompted a reconsideration of the derivation of these equations using the concept of parameters for the Wenzel roughness and Cassie-Baxter solid surface fractions that are local to the three-phase contact lines. In such circumstances, we show the roughness and Cassie-Baxter solid fractions depend not only on the substrate material, but also on which part of the substrate is being sampled by the three-phase contact lines of a given droplet. We show that this is not simply a theoretical debate, but is one which has direct consequences for experiments on surfaces where the roughness or spatial pattern varies across the surface. We use the approach to derive formulae for the contact angle observed on a double length scale surface under the assumption that the small-scale features on the peaks of larger scale features are either wetted or non-wetted. We also discuss the case of curved and re-entrant surface features and how these bring the Young's law contact angle into the formula for roughness and the condition for suspending droplets without penetration into the surface. To illustrate the use of local parameters, we consider the case of a variation in Cassie-Baxter fraction across a surface possessing a homogeneous hydrophobic surface chemistry and discuss the conditions (droplet volume, surface hydrophobicity, gradient in superhydrophobicity and contact angle hysteresis) under which a droplet may be set into motion. We show that different contact angles on each side of a droplet of water placed on such a surface can generate sufficient lateral force for the droplet to move towards the region of the surface with the lowest contact angle. Using an electrodeposited copper surface with a radial gradient in superhydrophobicity we exemplify these ideas by showing experimentally that droplets enter into self-actuated motion and accumulate in the centre of the surface where the wettability is higher. In principle, paths can be defined and water droplets can be collected by creating such gradients in superhydrophobicity through changes in the lateral topography of the surface
Recruitment dynamics of a resident passerine: dippers Cinclus cinclus in Scotland
1. This thesis presents the results of a population ecology study of the Dipper Cinclus cinclus in the western Ochil Hills, Tayside and Central Regions, Scotland between April 1985 and May 1988.
2. Particular attention was given to factors affecting juvenile survival between fledging and recruitment to the breeding population. These included investigation of the variation and significance of body size, plumage colour. dispersal distance, home range acquisition,
dominance status and autumn body condition.
3. Overwinter survival was higher in adults than juveniles. Juvenile females had a greater
overwinter survival and recruitment rate than juvenile males. Few body size measures were consistently associated with overwinter survival,though juvenile females with longer wings and tarsi tended to survive better.
4. Males had higher plumage brightness scores than females and, within sexes, adults were brighter than juveniles. Overall, survival overwinter and recruitment were not related to plumage brightness.
5. A laboratory test arena was developed for assessing dominance relations in small groups of temporarily captive birds. Social status between age and sex classes was correlated with plumage brightness. Within age classes, plumage brightness was a significant predictor of status in adults, but body size was more important in juveniles.
6. Females settled farther from their natal sites than males; most of this dispersal was completed soon after independence. The relationship between dispersal and dominance is discussed and a model developed.
7. Autumn population density was manipulated locally in a series of experimental juvenile introductions. Numbers rapidly returned to initial levels, though earlier released individuals persisted for longer. About 20% of introduced birds recruited, mainly higher status males.
8. Body composition of a small sample of birds collected between September and April is
described. Lipid stores were greatest in winter and least in spring. A method for measuring pectoralis muscle thickness was developed using an ultrasound-based technique.
9. Condition indices derived from "ultrasound" measurements on live birds were used to evaluate the importance of protein reserves in overwinter survival. Males in good condition in autumn were more likely to recruit but no trend was apparent in females.
10. Two periods of high juvenile losses were identified: post-independence and late autumn. Predation could only be implicated in the former. The agent of late autumn losses was not proven but probably involved territorial intolerance and the consequent exclusion of subordinates to fringe habitats. It is concluded that density-dependent changes in mortality, related to dominance and mediated via dispersal, caused Dipper numbers tobe matched to available resources, principally food and breeding territories
Dependency of Businesses on Flows of Ecosystem Services: A Case Study from the County of Dorset, UK
Although it is widely assumed that business activity is dependent on flows of ecosystem services (ES), little evidence is available with which to evaluate this contention. To address this knowledge gap, we conducted a questionnaire survey of business dependencies on twenty-six different ES in the English county of Dorset, where the environment supports a significant component of the local economy. Responses were received from 212 businesses across twenty-eight sectors. While virtually all businesses (98%) were familiar with the concept of ES, dependency on ES was highly divided with 50% of businesses surveyed claiming no dependence on any ES flows. The highest businesses dependencies reported in this study were for regulating services with the ES of water quality and waste water treatment being of particular importance to businesses. The results however, advised that greater efforts are needed in highlighting the indirect benefits provided by Dorsetâs ecosystems, with eight business sectors (58% of respondents) claiming no or little dependence on supporting and habitat services including the ES of biodiversity, habitats for species and maintenance of genetic diversity. Many businesses also indicated little or no dependence on the globally important ES of pollination and soil condition, which may reflect a lack of awareness of dependencies occurring upstream of their value chains. At the sector level, businesses directly involved in protecting, extracting, or manufacturing raw materials were found to be more dependent on provisioning, regulatory and supporting ES than those operating in the service sector who favored cultural ES. These results highlight the value of assessing business dependencies on ES flows, which could usefully inform environmental management and accounting systems and improve monitoring of business performance, and thereby contribute to achievement of sustainability goals
The influence of a simulated 'pep talk' on athlete inspiration, situational motivation, and emotion
Journal ArticleCoaches routinely use pep talks to inspire and motivate athletes, but the efficacy of this strategy has not been empirically examined. Conceptually based on Thrash and Elliot's [3, 4] inspiration research this study explored the impact of a simulated pep talk on inspiration, inspiration to perform, situational autonomous motivation, and emotion. Collegiate football players (n = 151) were randomly assigned to a treatment (n = 74, viewed a movie clip of coach giving an inspirational speech) or control (n = 77, viewed a movie clip of a coach giving game instructions) group and completed assessments pre and post treatment. A one-way ANOVA revealed an overall significant group effect for the change scores, [F(6,134) = 6.53, p <.001]. The experimental group was more inspired by the movie clip [F(1,139) = 29.06, p < .001], more inspired to perform [F(1, 139) = 24.10, p =.000], and indicated greater emotional dominance [F(1,139) = 7.19, p = 008] than the control group. Motivation, pleasure, and arousal were not influenced by the movie clip
The roles of expected profitability, Tobin's Q and cash flow in econometric models of company investment
Evidence that cash flow has a significant effect on investment after controlling for Tobin's average Q has been interpreted as suggesting the importance of financing constraints. Recent work shows that the Q model may not be identified if there are `bubbles' in stock market valuations that are persistent and correlated with fundamental values. Cash flow may then provide additional information about expected profitability that is not captured by average Q. Using data on UK companies, we find severe measurement error in average Q. We find that cash flow becomes insignificant after controlling for expected profitability using analysts' earnings forecasts (I/B/E/S).panel data, investment, financing constraints, Q Model, share prices
The influence of pyrite on the oxidation of galena
In this paper are given: (1) Confirmatory evidence of the influence of pyrite on the rate of oxidation of galena under conditions approximately natural, geological conditions. (2) Detailed description of all the chemical analyses involved --page 19
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