148,733 research outputs found
Zero-Temperature Dynamics of Ising Spin Systems Following a Deep Quench: Results and Open Problems
We consider zero-temperature, stochastic Ising models with nearest-neighbor
interactions and an initial spin configuration chosen from a symmetric
Bernoulli distribution (corresponding physically to a deep quench). Whether a
final state exists, i.e., whether each spin flips only finitely many times as
time goes to infinity (for almost every initial spin configuration and
realization of the dynamics), or if not, whether every spin - or only a
fraction strictly less than one - flips infinitely often, depends on the nature
of the couplings, the dimension, and the lattice type. We review results,
examine open questions, and discuss related topics.Comment: 10 pages (LaTeX); to appear in Physica
Large-scale structure of time evolving citation networks
In this paper we examine a number of methods for probing and understanding
the large-scale structure of networks that evolve over time. We focus in
particular on citation networks, networks of references between documents such
as papers, patents, or court cases. We describe three different methods of
analysis, one based on an expectation-maximization algorithm, one based on
modularity optimization, and one based on eigenvector centrality. Using the
network of citations between opinions of the United States Supreme Court as an
example, we demonstrate how each of these methods can reveal significant
structural divisions in the network, and how, ultimately, the combination of
all three can help us develop a coherent overall picture of the network's
shape.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figures; journal names for 4 references fixe
Concentric Characterization and Classification of Complex Network Nodes: Theory and Application to Institutional Collaboration
Differently from theoretical scale-free networks, most of real networks
present multi-scale behavior with nodes structured in different types of
functional groups and communities. While the majority of approaches for
classification of nodes in a complex network has relied on local measurements
of the topology/connectivity around each node, valuable information about node
functionality can be obtained by Concentric (or Hierarchical) Measurements. In
this paper we explore the possibility of using a set of Concentric Measurements
and agglomerative clustering methods in order to obtain a set of functional
groups of nodes. Concentric clustering coefficient and convergence ratio are
chosen as segregation parameters for the analysis of a institutional
collaboration network including various known communities (departments of the
University of S\~ao Paulo). A dendogram is obtained and the results are
analyzed and discussed. Among the interesting obtained findings, we emphasize
the scale-free nature of the obtained network, as well as the identification of
different patterns of authorship emerging from different areas (e.g. human and
exact sciences). Another interesting result concerns the relatively uniform
distribution of hubs along the concentric levels, contrariwise to the
non-uniform pattern found in theoretical scale free networks such as the BA
model.Comment: 15 pages, 13 figure
Deterministic Modularity Optimization
We study community structure of networks. We have developed a scheme for
maximizing the modularity Q based on mean field methods. Further, we have
defined a simple family of random networks with community structure; we
understand the behavior of these networks analytically. Using these networks,
we show how the mean field methods display better performance than previously
known deterministic methods for optimization of Q.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, minor change
Stations, trains and small-world networks
The clustering coefficient, path length and average vertex degree of two
urban train line networks have been calculated. The results are compared with
theoretical predictions for appropriate random bipartite graphs. They have also
been compared with one another to investigate the effect of architecture on the
small-world properties.Comment: 6 pages, prepared in RevTe
Uniqueness of Ground States for Short-Range Spin Glasses in the Half-Plane
We consider the Edwards-Anderson Ising spin glass model on the half-plane with zero external field and a wide range of choices, including
mean zero Gaussian, for the common distribution of the collection J of i.i.d.
nearest neighbor couplings. The infinite-volume joint distribution
of couplings J and ground state pairs with periodic
(respectively, free) boundary conditions in the horizontal (respectively,
vertical) coordinate is shown to exist without need for subsequence limits. Our
main result is that for almost every J, the conditional distribution
is supported on a single ground state pair.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure
Electromagnetic Dipole Radiation Fields, Shear-Free Congruences and Complex Center of Charge World Lines
We show that for asymptotically vanishing Maxwell fields in Minkowski space
with non-vanishing total charge, one can find a unique geometric structure, a
null direction field, at null infinity. From this structure a unique complex
analytic world-line in complex Minkowski space that can be found and then
identified as the complex center of charge. By ''sitting'' - in an imaginary
sense, on this world-line both the (intrinsic) electric and magnetic dipole
moments vanish. The (intrinsic) magnetic dipole moment is (in some sense)
obtained from the `distance' the complex the world line is from the real space
(times the charge). This point of view unifies the asymptotic treatment of the
dipole moments For electromagnetic fields with vanishing magnetic dipole
moments the world line is real and defines the real (ordinary center of
charge). We illustrate these ideas with the Lienard-Wiechert Maxwell field. In
the conclusion we discuss its generalization to general relativity where the
complex center of charge world-line has its analogue in a complex center of
mass allowing a definition of the spin and orbital angular momentum - the
analogues of the magnetic and electric dipole moments.Comment: 17 page
Spatial relationships between polymers in Sitka spruce: proton spin-diffusion studies
The spatial arrangement of polymers in Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) was investigated by NMR proton spin-diffusion studies, supplemented by deuterium-exchange experiments monitored by FTIR spectroscopy. The FTIR spectra of earlywood sections after vapour-phase exchange with deuterium oxide showed that 43% of the hydroxyl groups were accessible to deuteration. This value is lower than predicted in the absence of aggregation of cellulose microfibrils into larger units, but greater than the predicted level of deuteration if 3.5-nm microfibrils surrounded by hemicellulose sheaths were aggregated into 4×4 arrays without space for deuterium oxide to penetrate between the microfibrils. The rate of proton spin diffusion between lignin and cellulose was consistent with the presence of microfibril arrays with approximately these dimensions and with lignin located outside them, in both earlywood and latewood. Proton spin-diffusion data for hemicelluloses were complicated by difficulties in assigning signals to glucomannans and xylans, but there was evidence for the spatial association of one group of hemicelluloses, including acetylated glucomannans, with cellulose surfaces, while another group of hemicelluloses was in spatial proximity to lignin. These data are consistent with a number of nanoscale models for the Sitka spruce cell wall, including a model in which glucomannans are associated with microfibril surfaces within the aggregate and water can penetrate partially between these surfaces, and one in which all non-cellulosic polymers and water are excluded from the interior of each microfibril aggregate
On a Classical, Geometric Origin of Magnetic Moments, Spin-Angular Momentum and the Dirac Gyromagnetic Ratio
By treating the real Maxwell Field and real linearized Einstein equations as
being imbedded in complex Minkowski space, one can interpret magnetic moments
and spin-angular momentum as arising from a charge and mass monopole source
moving along a complex world line in the complex Minkowski space. In the
circumstances where the complex center of mass world-line coincides with the
complex center of charge world-line, the gyromagnetic ratio is that of the
Dirac electron.Comment: 17 page
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