13 research outputs found
Pre-service Teachers as Curriculum Makers: What Could Social Justice Look Like in a Middle School Curriculum?
In this article, we answer the questions 1) What could social justice look like in the middle school curriculum; 2) How do we help young adolescents recognize and repudiate racism and other forms of social injustice; and 3) What are some lessons learned from a middle level teacher preparation with a focus on social justice ? By presenting three examples of social justice curriculum created by pre-service teachers in their teacher leadership education course, we argue for spaces that allow pre-service teachers to be curriculum-makers if we are truly seeking social justice educators in schools. We conclude, through the perspective of the pre-service teachers, effective practices they believe should be a part of teacher preparation that focus on social justice education
PhillydotMap: The Shape of Philadelphia
This book is the outgrowth of a working group entitled, “Modeling Urban Environmental Impacts on Health, Development, and Behavior sponsored by the University of Pennsylvania Institute for Urban Research. The purpose of the working gropu was to engage faculty from across campus and to encourage their collaborative use of GIS technology in the modeling of urban form and function. These ten chapters represent a wide range of GIS applications, from community-based social services to public history to social science research
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Best Practices for Queer Metadata
This document is the result of two years of work by a group of nearly one hundred knowledge organisers, cataloguers, librarians, archivists, scholars, and information professionals with a concerted interest in improving the metadata treatment of queer people, communities, and items in GLAMS (Galleries, Libraries, Archives, Museums, and Special Collections) and other informational institutions. Their work has been supported by over 800 peer reviewers; combined, these groups make up the Queer Metadata Collective (QMDC).
The QMDC builds upon earlier work done by the Trans Metadata Collective (TMDC), a similarly-organised group of metadata workers and information professionals with a concerted interest in improving the metadata representation of trans and gender-diverse people. The work of the TMDC culminated in Metadata Best Practices for Trans and Gender Diverse Resources, focusing on the description, cataloguing, and classification of information resources as well as the creation of metadata about trans and gender-diverse people, including authors, communities, and other creators. Following the publication of the Best Practices, several TMDC members founded and developed the QMDC over the summer of 2022.
This document focuses on metadata by and about queer people, communities, and resources. While there is significant overlap between queer metadata and trans and gender diverse metadata, QMDC’s recommendations should not be seen as excluding or superseding TMDC’s, as trans and gender diverse people, communities, and resources have specific needs. For best practices and recommendations about trans and gender-diverse resources, please consult the TMDC document. If the TMDC and QMDC recommendations conflict (we are not aware of any instances in which they do), prefer the TMDC document for trans and gender diverse resources and the QMDC for other types of queer resources.UT Librarie
Psychosocial impact of undergoing prostate cancer screening for men with BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations.
OBJECTIVES: To report the baseline results of a longitudinal psychosocial study that forms part of the IMPACT study, a multi-national investigation of targeted prostate cancer (PCa) screening among men with a known pathogenic germline mutation in the BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. PARTICPANTS AND METHODS: Men enrolled in the IMPACT study were invited to complete a questionnaire at collaborating sites prior to each annual screening visit. The questionnaire included sociodemographic characteristics and the following measures: the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), Impact of Event Scale (IES), 36-item short-form health survey (SF-36), Memorial Anxiety Scale for Prostate Cancer, Cancer Worry Scale-Revised, risk perception and knowledge. The results of the baseline questionnaire are presented. RESULTS: A total of 432 men completed questionnaires: 98 and 160 had mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes, respectively, and 174 were controls (familial mutation negative). Participants' perception of PCa risk was influenced by genetic status. Knowledge levels were high and unrelated to genetic status. Mean scores for the HADS and SF-36 were within reported general population norms and mean IES scores were within normal range. IES mean intrusion and avoidance scores were significantly higher in BRCA1/BRCA2 carriers than in controls and were higher in men with increased PCa risk perception. At the multivariate level, risk perception contributed more significantly to variance in IES scores than genetic status. CONCLUSION: This is the first study to report the psychosocial profile of men with BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations undergoing PCa screening. No clinically concerning levels of general or cancer-specific distress or poor quality of life were detected in the cohort as a whole. A small subset of participants reported higher levels of distress, suggesting the need for healthcare professionals offering PCa screening to identify these risk factors and offer additional information and support to men seeking PCa screening
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College or the Trades: Analyzing the Perception of High School Vocational Education
As of April 5, 2022, there was almost $1.75 trillion of student debt in the US (Hahn & Tarver). The student debt crisis, combined with the COVID-19 pandemic, has led many American young people to seek alternatives to 4-year colleges (Dickler, 2021). One possible alternative path is vocational education, in which a young person learns a trade like welding or cosmetology instead of or in addition to academic subjects. This can occur at the high school and/or postsecondary level. Historically, there has been a stigma against vocational education in favor of 4-year colleges (Gauthier, 2020). This study seeks to examine vocational education in American high schools. Specifically, the perception of various aspects of vocational education (perceived intelligence of vocational students, how much vocational tertiary education should be promoted over academic tertiary education, etc.) from people who were on the academic track and people who were on the vocational track in high school. These perceptions were collected via online survey of 90 American high school graduates, ranging in age from 18 to 94. Data show that the vast majority of academic track and vocational track individuals support vocational education being promoted as much or more than college prep courses in high schools. In addition, statistically significant findings include the fact that academic track students who had friends on the vocational track in high school had higher opinions of vocational track students' intelligence than academic track students who did not. Although this newfound acceptance of vocational education has many positive implications, steps must be taken to ensure that Black, Latine, and low-income students are not the only ones encouraged to take this route, but rather that all high school students receive the same level of encouragement
Henkilöstön vaihtuvuus ja siihen liittyvät tekijät telemarkkinointialalla : case: Gainer Oy
Tämä opinnäytetyö toteutettiin toimeksiantosopimuksena Gainer Oy:lle, joka on toiminut telemarkkinoinnin alalla jo vuodesta 1984. Opinnäytetyön tutkimusstrategiaksi valittiin case study eli tapaustutkimus. Käytimme tutkimusmenetelmänä kvalitatiivista eli laadullista tutkimusta.
Tavoitteenamme oli tutkia ja selvittää henkilöstön vaihtuvuutta ja siihen liittyviä tekijöitä alalla, jossa henkilöstön vaihtuvuus koetaan ongelmaksi.
Teoriaosuudessa käsittelemme teoreettisen viitekehyksen liittyen työnantajan keinoihin vaikuttaa työntekijän sitouttamiseen. Tämä on jaettu kahteen osa-alueeseen, jotka ovat rekrytointi sekä työhyvinvointi ja osaamisen kehittäminen.
Empiirisessä osiossa päädyimme käyttämään puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelua, joka toteutettiin suurimmaksi osaksi puhelimitse sekä muutama haastattelu tehtiin kasvotusten. Teemahaastattelu valikoitui parhaimmaksi menetelmäksi johtuen aiheen moniulotteisuudesta. Avoimella haastattelulla emme olisi välttämättä saaneet merkittävää tietoa samassa mittakaavassa kuin puolistrukturoidulla mallilla.
Opinnäytetyön tuloksena päädyimme esittämään toimeksiantajalle muutamia kehitysehdotuksia. Haastatteluista johdetuilla päätelmillä saatettaisiin parantaa rekrytoinnin onnistumista, joka osaltaan parantaa kannattavuutta niin tuloksellisesti, kuin henkilöstön resurssejakin säästäen. Kehitysehdotuksia muodostui myös muihin osa-alueisiin liittyen. Näillä on myös vaikutusta henkilöstön yleiseen työhyvinvointiin ja työssä jaksamiseen.This thesis was carried out as a commission agreement for Gainer Oy, which has operated in the field of telemarketing since 1984. Our study was carried out as a case study using qualitative approach as our research method. Our objective was to study personnel turnover and matters relating to it in a field where personnel turnover is seen as a problem.
In the theoretical section of the study we deal with the theoretical frame of reference related to the employer's means to influence employee engagement. This is divided into two sections that are recruiting, and occupational health and development of skills.
In the empirical part of our study, we ended up using half-structured theme interviews, which were mainly carried out by telephone. A few interviews were carried out face-to-face. Theme interview was selected to be the best method because of the multidimensionality of the subject. By using open interviews, we would not necessarily have received as much significant information as by using the half-structured model.
As a result of our study, we presented a few development proposals for our client/commissioner. The conclusions drawn from the interviews may lead to more successful recruiting, which in turn improves viability both in terms of productivity and by saving the resources of the personnel. There were also other development proposals concerning other areas. The results of the study may also help to improve the general well-being at work and coping with one’s workload
Promoting Dual Language Immersion
Advanced Spanish students at BSU (SP305, SP404, SP340) collaborated with elementary schools at two community school districts to promote their dual language immersion (DLI) programs. BSU students explored the state of bilingualism in the U.S. and the benefits of programs such as DLI that enable students to develop proficiency in both Spanish and English, strengthen academic learning and achievement, and cultivate intercultural sensitivity.Files associated with this immersive learning project include the brochures "Why Bilingual Education Is Right For Your Child" and "Por Qué La Educación Bilingüe Mejore El Aprendizaje De Su Hijo" to promote the program within Muncie Community Schools
Promoting Dual Language Immersion
Advanced Spanish students at BSU (SP305, SP404, SP340) collaborated with elementary schools at two community school districts to promote their dual language immersion (DLI) programs. BSU students explored the state of bilingualism in the U.S. and the benefits of programs such as DLI that enable students to develop proficiency in both Spanish and English, strengthen academic learning and achievement, and cultivate intercultural sensitivity.Files associated with this immersive learning project include the brochures "Why Bilingual Education Is Right For Your Child" and "Por Qué La Educación Bilingüe Mejore El Aprendizaje De Su Hijo" to promote the program within Muncie Community Schools