46 research outputs found
Contamination Analysis of Escherichia coli on Broiler Chicken Meat in Traditional Markets of Medan City
Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a gram-negative bacteria that can reduce meat quality and cause diarrhea if the amount is too much. This study investigates the presence of E. coli contamination in chicken meat sold in traditional markets in Medan. This research was conducted using the purposive sampling method and collected samples from 30% of each nine traditional markets with 32 samples. The traditional markets in Medan, namely Petisah, Central, Sei Kambing, Kampung Lalang, Kwala Bekala, Helvetia, Kampung Baru, Kemiri and Padang Bulan. Research was conducted by using the CFU / ml method with chromocult media. Samples were analyzed in the laboratory of the Regional Veterinary Disease Investigation Center Region 1 Medan. The results showed 32 samples of chicken meat had exceeded the maximum limit of microbial contamination. The highest total microbial average was in the Kampung Lalang market, 3.49 Log CFU / g, and the lowest was in the Kemiri market of 2.79 Log CFU / g. Based on the research results, it was found that the meat in the traditional markets of Medan was all contaminated with E. coli and had passed the maximum limit of bacterial contamination
Free Choice Feeding on the Quality of Quail Eggs (Coturnix coturnix-japonica)
Quail is one of the potential sources of animal protein from poultry as egg producers. An egg contains complete nutrients, namely protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals. As food, eggs must be maintained both physically and chemically to be safe for consumption. This study aimeds to examine the effect of selective feeding on the quality of quail eggs. This research was carried out at Percut Sei Tuan Subdistrict, Deli Serdang Regency, North Sumatra, which had been implemented from August to November in 2018. The study used a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 5 plots. The study used egg samples from quail aged five (5) months. The treatment consists of Commercial feed (T0), 2 energy source feed (rice bran, corn) with 2 (T1), 3 (T2), 4 (T3) protein source feeds (fish meal, soybean meal, coconut meal, Poultry Meat Meal). The results showed that the treatment gave a significant effect (P<0.05) on egg weight, albumen, and eggshell weight, commercial feed showed eggs weight higher than free choice feeding treatments, while among free choice feeding treatment did not show significant effect. The free choice feeding treatment has a significant effect on the yolk weight, where T2 has the lowest yield. Percentage of yolk, albumen, quail eggshell and egg index, egg yolk index, albumen index, haugh unit and quail yolk color did not show significantly different (P>0.05) among treatment. It can be concluded that the commercial feed showed higher egg weight but had no significant effect (P>0.05) on the proportion of eggs and the interior quality of quail eggs, while among free choicee feeding treatment has no effect
Legume Plant Growth at Various Levels of Drought Stress Treatment
A strategic alternative step for the development of cultivation of feed crops is to optimize the use of dry land that has the potential for agricultural and livestock business. One of the forage plants that has good adaptation to less good soil condition and is a pioneer plant, Pueraria javanica legume, so it can be considered as a potential alternative forage as animal feed. The research aims at determining the effect of various levels of drought stress treatment on the plant hight, fresh matter production, dry matter production and root biomass of Pueraria javanica legume. The experiment was conducted in the Greenhouse of the Agriculture Faculty of Universitas Sumatera Utara. The experiment was carried out using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments and 4 replications. The treatments were A1 (25% field capacity (FC)=144 ml/polybag, A2 (50% FC)=288 ml/polybag and A3 (100% FC)=576 ml/polybag. The results show that Pueraria javanica legume can survive and grow up to severe drought stress (25% FC) but the crop production does not increase when compared to the field capacity condition; besides, the legume cannot survive longer in drought condition. The volume of water supplied corresponding to the field capacity makes the plant growth better
KECERNAAN LEMAK KASAR DAN TDN (Total Digestible Nutrient) RANSUM YANG MENGANDUNG PELEPAH DAUN KELAPA SAWIT DENGAN PERLAKUAN FISIK, KIMIA, BIOLOGIS DAN KOMBINASINYA PADA DOMBA: Crude Fat Digestibility and TDN (Total Digestible Nutrient) of Diet Containing Oil Palm Frond Treated by Physical, Chemical, Biological and Their Combination on Sheep
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penggunaan ransum yang mengandung pelepah daun kelapasawit dengan perlakuan fisik, kimia, biologis dan kombinasinya terhadap kecernaan lemak kasar dan TDN padadomba. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Biologi Ternak, Program Studi Peternakan, Fakultas Pertanian,USU, Medan dimulai dari bulan Juni – Agustus 2013, menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) denganempat perlakuan dan empat ulangan. Domba lokal jantan sebanyak 16 ekor dengan rataan bobot badan awal 10± 1,16 kg. Perlakuan diuji meliputi: P0 (konsentrat + pelepah kelapa sawit diolah secara fisik); P1 (konsentrat +pelepah kelapa sawit diolah secara biologi); P2 (konsentrat + pelepah kelapa sawit diolah secara kimia); P3(konsentrat + pelepah kelapa sawit diolah secara kombinasi). Parameter yang diamati adalah konsumsi lemakkasar, kecernaan lemak kasar dan TDN. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ransum yang mengandungpelepah daun kelapa sawit diolah secara fisik, kimia, biologis dan kombinasinya pada domba adalah berbedasangat nyata (P < 0,01) terhadap kecernaan lemak kasar, tetapi tidak berbeda nyata (P > 0,05) terhadapparameter yaitu Total Digestible Nutrient (TDN). Kesimpulan hasil penelitian ini adalah perlakuan biologimenurunkan kecernaan lemak kasar, tetapi tidak memberikan pengaruh terhadap TDN ransum
Marketing Analisys of Localchicken Egg (Gallus Domesticus) in Pematangsiantar, North Sumatera
Abstract. The purpose of this research was to analyze the marketing system and marketing channel of chicken eggs and to analyze marketing efficiency based on marketing margin, price share and profit ratio of chicken egg cost in Pematangsiantar Municipality of Simalungun District. This research was conducted for two months, from July to August 2017. The methods used in data collection were: sampling of breeders and other marketing institutions selected by snowballing sampling technique and data collection methods was done by interviewing techniques using questionnaire. Data analysis included: marketing costs, marketing margin,farmer share and profit cost ratio of each marketing channel. The results of this study indicated that there were four marketing channels. The marketing margin on the Channel II showed the smallest cost margin and the largest profit margin so that it showed the largest cost-benefit ratio. The largest farmer share was obtained on the Channel IV but this channel used only the retailers as an intermediate channel (one level) and relatively few exchanged eggs. So it was concluded that the Channel II was the most efficient channel becauseof the smallest cost and that the profits were spread evenly among all the marketing institutions that play a role. The need for chicken eggs in Pematangsiantar Municipality was supplied from outside the city (63.33%) and filled by breeders from within the city(36.66%).
Keyword:localchicken egg, marketing channel, marketing efisiens
Analysis of Consumer Behavior on Purchasing Meat Pork at Traditional Markets in Pematang Siantar City
Pork consumers prefer it because it has a unique taste. This study aims to determine the factors that influence meat pork consumer behavior and determine the potential segmentation of consumers in traditional markets. The study was conducted in the traditional markets of Pematangsiantar City, namely Horas and Dwikora Parluasan traditional market. It lasted from September 2020 until November 2020. In this study, primary data was obtained from observations and interviews with 70 consumers of meat pork buyers in traditional markets. Secondary data were obtained from related agencies such as the Central Bureau of Statistics and Animal Husbandary Department. The results showed that the characteristics of consumers influenced the potential segment of consumers in meat pork purchasing decisions. The variables of quality and number of families show a relationship of partial influence with the amount of consumption in the analysis of consumer behavior. However, the variables of age, occupation, education, income, and price of pork do not show a partial relationship with consumption
The Use of Various Media on Hatchability, Hatching Time and The Vitality of Honey Cricket Tillers (Gryllus mitratus)
Crickets are the most demanded commodity because there have the most interest in ornamental livestock such as birds, while the presence of crickets in nature has diminwashed because their natural habitat has been increasingly eroded by city development. The important thing to consider in cricket farms was when incubating cricket eggs which requires special treatment to maintain their temperature and humidity. Thwas study aims toknow the hatching ability of cricket, egg hatching duration and the vitality of honey cricket age 0-10 days, in different media. The research was conducted at the Biology Laboratory of Animal Husbandry Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Jl. A. Sofyan No. 3 Medan, which started from November 2018 until December 2018. The design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) 4 treatments (Q0: river sand hatch media; Q1: sand hatch media; Q2: kapok hatch media; Q3: rice straw hatch, and 5 replications (each conswasting of 100 honey cricket eggs Grylus mitratus).The use of various media for honey cricket hatching eggs has a positive influence on the hatchability of eggs, the duration of hatching eggs and the vitality of honey crickets tillers. River sand hatching media (P0) is the best hatching media for the parameters of hatching eggs of honey cricket and the vitality of honey crickets tillers
PENGGUNAAN PROBIOTIK LOKAL TERHADAP KECERNAAN SERAT KASAR DAN PROTEIN KASAR TONGKOL JAGUNG INVITRO: Utilization of Local Probiotics on Crude Fiber and Crude Proteins Digestibility of Corn Cobs in Vitro
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji kemampuan probiotik lokal dalam meningkatkan kecernaanserat kasar dan kecernaan protein kasar tongkol jagung in vitro. Rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian iniadalah rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 4 perlakuan dan 4 ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri dari R0=Tongkoljagung tanpa perlakuan (kontrol); R1=Tongkol jagung dengan penambahan Aspergillus niger danSaccharomyces cerevisiae; R2=R1 + isolat bakteri rumen kerbau; R3=R1 + isolat bakteri rumen domba adaptif.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rataan kecernaan serat kasar (%) pada perlakuan R0, R1, R2, R3 berturut-turut =60.29; 68.56; 76.76; dan R3 76.38, sedangkan kecernaan protein kasar (%) 56.12; 62.60; 71.66; dan 73.26. Hasilanalisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi dengan probiotik local nyata (P <0.05) meningkatkan kecernaanserat kasar dan kecernaan protein kasar in vitro. Penggunaan probiotik lokal (R1, R2, R3) menunjukkan hasilyang lebih tinggi dibanding R0, sedangkan R2 dan R3 menunjukkan hasil terbaik dibandingkan denganperlakuan lainnya. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan penggunaan probiotik lokal seperti Aspergillus nigerdan Saccharomicess cerevisiae ditambah isolat bakteri rumen kebau/domba menunjukan kecernaan yang palingtinggi dibandingkan perlakuan lainnya
ESTIMASI JARAK GENETIK DAN FAKTOR PEUBAH PEMBEDA RUMPUN KELINCI MELALUI ANALISIS MORFOMETRIK: Genetic Distance Estimation and Variable Differential Factor Through Analysis of Morphometrics on Rabbit
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menduga jarak genetik mahalonobis diantara rumpunkelinci. Penelitian dilakukan di kelompok tani Rehna Latersia Berastagi (Sumatera Utara) menggunakan 227ekor dari 20 rumpun kelinci yaitu kelinci Rex, English Spot (ES), Angora Inggris (AI), Angora Francis (AF),Vlaamse Reus (VR), Lyon, Lop, Dwarfth, Lilo (Lyon x Lop), Loplylo (Lokal Lop x Lilo), Lyplyp (F1 Lilo),Anglolylo (Anggora Lokal x Lilo), Loes (Lokal x ES), Lela (Loes x Lyang), Lorex (Lokal x Rex), Lovla (Lokalx VR), Lilolop (Lilo x Lop), Lyalya (F1 Lyang), Angrexlya ((Anggora x Rex) x Lyang), dan Lyang (Lyon xAnggora). Pengambilan data dilakukan pada kepala (panjang, lebar), telinga (panjang, lebar), dada (lingkar,dalam, lebar), panjang tulang (radius-ulna, humerus, tibia, femoris, punggung), lebar pinggul, panjang bulu(punggung, pinggul, kepala diantara telinga, kepala diantara mata dan perut). Hasil penelitian menunjukkanbahwa kelinci ES, VR, Lovla dan Loes memiliki ukuran tubuh lebih besar sedangkan AI dan AF memilikirambut yang lebih panjang dibandingkan dengan galur kelinci lainnya, pohon fenogram membentuk empatkelompok kekerabatan, jarak genetik paling jauh ditunjukkan antara kelinci VR dengan Dwarfth (8,24), ESdengan Dwarfth (8,28), jarak genetik dekat ditunjukkan Loplylo dengan Lilo (1,31), dan Loplylo dengan Lop(1,66). Hasil analisis kanonik memperlihatkan bahwa peubah fenotipik pembeda jenis kelinci adalah panjangbulu (perut, pinggul,diantara mata, punggung) pada kanonik pertama dan panjang (kepala, tulang humerus dantelinga) pada kanonik kedua. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah kelinci dengan tujuan produksi yang samamenunjukkan nilai campuran antar rumpun relatif tinggi dan ukuran fenotipik yang relatif sama
EFEKTIVITAS BENTUK FISIK RANSUM DAN POD KAKAO (Theobrama cacao L.) YANG DIFERMENTASI DENGAN Aspergillus niger TERHADAP KARKAS KELINCI REX LEPAS SAPIH: Effectiveness of Physical Form Rations and Cocoa Pod (Theobrama cacao L.) Fermented by Aspergillus niger on Carcass of Weaning Rex Rabbit
Pakan merupakan faktor penting dalam usaha peternakan kelinci. Nutrisi yang seimbang akanmenghasilkan produksi karkas yang baik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengukur nilai keefektifanbentuk fisik ransum yang mengandung pod kakao (Theobroma cacao L,.) fermentasi (Aspergillus niger)terhadap karkas kelinci. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Compos Centre Jalan Bioteknologi Universitas SumateraUtara, dimulai dari bulan Juli sampai Sebtember 2012. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah RancanganAcak Kelompok Faktorial, perlakuan terdiri dari 2 faktor yaitu sifat fisik pakan (mash dan Pellet) dan persentasepod kakao fermentasi (0%,5%,10%). Parameter penelitian adalah bobot potong, bobot karkas, persentase bobotkarkas, dan irisan komersil (bobot kaki depan, bobot dada-leher, bobot pinggang dan bobot kaki belakang).Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dengan tidak terdapatnya interaksi (P>0,05) antara bentuk fisik ransum danpemberian berbagai level pod kakao fermentasi. Bentuk fisik ransum dan pemberian berbagai level pod kakaofermentasi juga tidak menunjukkan pengaruh yang nyata (P>0,05) terhadap keseluruhan peubah. Dapatdisimpulkan bahwa pod kakao fermentasi dapat digunakan sebagai pakan kelinci Rex