1,300 research outputs found

    Methods to Determine Node Centrality and Clustering in Graphs with Uncertain Structure

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    Much of the past work in network analysis has focused on analyzing discrete graphs, where binary edges represent the "presence" or "absence" of a relationship. Since traditional network measures (e.g., betweenness centrality) utilize a discrete link structure, complex systems must be transformed to this representation in order to investigate network properties. However, in many domains there may be uncertainty about the relationship structure and any uncertainty information would be lost in translation to a discrete representation. Uncertainty may arise in domains where there is moderating link information that cannot be easily observed, i.e., links become inactive over time but may not be dropped or observed links may not always corresponds to a valid relationship. In order to represent and reason with these types of uncertainty, we move beyond the discrete graph framework and develop social network measures based on a probabilistic graph representation. More specifically, we develop measures of path length, betweenness centrality, and clustering coefficient---one set based on sampling and one based on probabilistic paths. We evaluate our methods on three real-world networks from Enron, Facebook, and DBLP, showing that our proposed methods more accurately capture salient effects without being susceptible to local noise, and that the resulting analysis produces a better understanding of the graph structure and the uncertainty resulting from its change over time.Comment: Longer version of paper appearing in Fifth International AAAI Conference on Weblogs and Social Media. 9 pages, 4 Figure

    Network Sampling: From Static to Streaming Graphs

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    Network sampling is integral to the analysis of social, information, and biological networks. Since many real-world networks are massive in size, continuously evolving, and/or distributed in nature, the network structure is often sampled in order to facilitate study. For these reasons, a more thorough and complete understanding of network sampling is critical to support the field of network science. In this paper, we outline a framework for the general problem of network sampling, by highlighting the different objectives, population and units of interest, and classes of network sampling methods. In addition, we propose a spectrum of computational models for network sampling methods, ranging from the traditionally studied model based on the assumption of a static domain to a more challenging model that is appropriate for streaming domains. We design a family of sampling methods based on the concept of graph induction that generalize across the full spectrum of computational models (from static to streaming) while efficiently preserving many of the topological properties of the input graphs. Furthermore, we demonstrate how traditional static sampling algorithms can be modified for graph streams for each of the three main classes of sampling methods: node, edge, and topology-based sampling. Our experimental results indicate that our proposed family of sampling methods more accurately preserves the underlying properties of the graph for both static and streaming graphs. Finally, we study the impact of network sampling algorithms on the parameter estimation and performance evaluation of relational classification algorithms

    Tolkien's Women

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