362,673 research outputs found
Quantum Holonomies in (2+1)-Dimensional Gravity
We describe an approach to the quantisation of (2+1)-dimensional gravity with
topology R x T^2 and negative cosmological constant, which uses two quantum
holonomy matrices satisfying a q-commutation relation. Solutions of diagonal
and upper-triangular form are constructed, which in the latter case exhibit
additional, non-trivial internal relations for each holonomy matrix.
Representations are constructed and a group of transformations - a
quasi-modular group - which preserves this structure, is presented.Comment: 10 pages Latex no figure
Invariants of 2+1 Quantum Gravity
In [1,2] we established and discussed the algebra of observables for 2+1
gravity at both the classical and quantum level. Here our treatment broadens
and extends previous results to any genus with a systematic discussion of
the centre of the algebra. The reduction of the number of independent
observables to is treated in detail with a precise
classification for and .Comment: 10 pages, plain TEX, no figures, DFTT 46/9
Use of W-Boson Longitudinal-Transverse Interference in Top Quark Spin-Correlation Functions: II
This continuation of the derivation of general beam-referenced stage-two
spin-correlation functions is for the analysis of top-antitop pair-production
at the Tevatron and at the Large Hadron Collider. Both the gluon-production and
the quark-production contributions are included for the
charged-lepton-plus-jets reaction p p or p bar{p} --> t bar{t} --> (W^+ b)(W^-
bar{b}) --> (l^{+} nu b)(W^- bar{b}). There is a simple 4-angle beam-referenced
spin-correlation function for determination of the relative sign of, or for
measurement of a possible non-trivial phase between the two dominant helicity
amplitudes for t --> W^{+} b decay. There is an analogous function and tests
for bar{t} --> W^{-} bar{b} decay. This signature requires use of the (t
bar{t}) c.m.-energy of the hadronically decaying W-boson, or the kinematically
equivalent cosine of the polar-angle of W-boson emission in the anti-top (top)
decay frame. Spinors and their outer-products are constructed so that the
helicity-amplitude phase convention of Jacob & Wick can be used throughout for
the fixing of the signs associated with this large W-boson
longitudinal-transverse interference effect.Comment: Continuation of hep-ph/0506240 to include gluon-production
contribution; 3 "postscript" figures. Equation numbers as in
published-on-line EPJ
A hydrodynamic approach to the Bose-Glass transition
Nonlinear hydrodynamics is used to evaluate disorder-induced corrections to
the vortex liquid tilt modulus for finite screening length and arbitrary
disorder geometry. Explicit results for aligned columnar defects yield a
criterion for locating the Bose glass transition line at all fields.Comment: 8 pages, 2 figures. Contributed talk at the First ESF-Vortex Matter
Conference in Agia Pelagia, Crete, September 199
Quantum geometry from 2+1 AdS quantum gravity on the torus
Wilson observables for 2+1 quantum gravity with negative cosmological
constant, when the spatial manifold is a torus, exhibit several novel features:
signed area phases relate the observables assigned to homotopic loops, and
their commutators describe loop intersections, with properties that are not yet
fully understood. We describe progress in our study of this bracket, which can
be interpreted as a q-deformed Goldman bracket, and provide a geometrical
interpretation in terms of a quantum version of Pick's formula for the area of
a polygon with integer vertices.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, revised with more explanations, improved
figures and extra figures. To appear GER
On the possibility of Dark Energy from corrections to the Wheeler-De Witt equation
We present a method for approximating the effective consequence of generic
quantum gravity corrections to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. We show that in
many cases these corrections can produce departures from classical physics at
large scales and that this behaviour can be interpreted as additional matter
components. This opens up the possibility that dark energy (and possible dark
matter) could be large scale manifestations of quantum gravity corrections to
classical general relativity. As a specific example we examine the first order
corrections to the Wheeler-De Witt equation arising from loop quantum cosmology
in the absence of lattice refinement and show how the ultimate breakdown in
large scale physics occurs.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Minor modifications to match version to appear in
Phys. Let.
Semiquandles and flat virtual knots
We introduce an algebraic structure we call semiquandles whose axioms are
derived from flat Reidemeister moves. Finite semiquandles have associated
counting invariants and enhanced invariants defined for flat virtual knots and
links. We also introduce singular semiquandles and virtual singular
semiquandles which define invariants of flat singular virtual knots and links.
As an application, we use semiquandle invariants to compare two Vassiliev
invariants.Comment: 14 page
Stellar Absorption Lines in the Spectra of Seyfert Galaxies
We have measured the strengths of Ca II Triplet and Mgb stellar absorption
lines in the nuclear and off-nuclear spectra of Seyfert galaxies. These
features are diluted to varying degrees by continuum emission from the active
nucleus and from young stars. Ca II Triplet strengths can be enhanced if
late-type supergiant stars dominate the near-IR light. Thus, objects with
strong Ca II Triplet and weak Mgb lines may be objects with strong bursts of
star formation. We find that for most of our sample the line strengths are at
least consistent with dilution of a normal galaxy spectrum by a power law
continuum, in accord with the standard model for AGN. However, for several
Seyferts in our sample, it appears that dilution by a power law continuum
cannot simultaneously explain strong Ca II Triplet and relatively weak Mgb.
Also, these objects occupy the region of the IRAS color-color diagram
characteristic of starburst galaxies. In these objects it appears that the
optical to near-IR emission is dominated by late-type supergiants produced in a
circumnuclear burst of star formation.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, to appear in Advances in Space Research,
presented at "The AGN/Host Galaxy Connection" as part of the Scientific
Assembly of COSPAR, July 12-18 Nagoya, Japa
In Memory of the Holocaust: We Have Come a Long Way
Sermon delivered at the 18th Annual Christian Service in Memory of the Holocaust, St Peter\u27s (Erindale) Anglican Church, Mississauga, Ont, April 26, 1998
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