85,483 research outputs found

    Book Review: Indian Critiques of Gandhi

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    A review of Indian Critiques of Gandhi edited by Harold Coward

    Book Review: No Other Gods: Christian Belief in Dialogue with Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam

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    A review of No Other Gods: Christian Belief in Dialogue with Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam by Hendrik Vroom

    Book Review: Loving God: Krsna and Christ, A Christian Commentary on the Narada Sutras

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    A review of Loving God: Krsna and Christ, A Christian Commentary on the Narada Sutras by Daniel P. Sheridan

    Dynamical Electroweak Superconductivity from a Composite Little Higgs

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    I describe, from the bottom up, a sequence of natural effective field theories. Below a TeV we have the minimal standard model with a light Higgs, and an extra neutral scalar. In the 1-10 TeV region these scalars are part of a multiplet of pseudo Nambu-Goldstone Bosons. Interactions with additional TeV mass scalars, gauge bosons, and vector-like charge 2/3 quarks stabilize the Higgs mass squared parameter without finetuning. Electroweak superconductivity may be determined in this effective theory as a UV insensitive vacuum alignment problem. Above the 10 TeV scale we have strongly coupled new gauge interactions.Comment: 16 pages, no figures, writeup of talk given at "Strong Coupling Gauge Theories and Effective Field Theories" conference in Nagoya, Japan, Dec 200

    Cruise Report 71-S-8: Crab

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    Mounting method improves electrical and vibrational characteristics of screen electrodes

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    Electrical characteristics of the mesh or screen electrodes used in electron tubes are improved by decreasing the shunt capacitance of the tube while retaining the close spacing needed for the required resolution. Vibrational characteristics are enhanced by raising the natural resonant frequency