9,581 research outputs found
Ranked nodes: A simple and effective way to model qualitative judgements in large-scale Bayesian Networks
Assessing the contribution of ecosystem services to human wellbeing: A disaggregated study in western Rwanda
AbstractLack of attention to social complexity has created a gap between current ecosystem service research and the kind of insights needed to inform ecosystem management in the tropics. To contribute to closing this gap, this study applies a methodology for exploring complex linkages between ecosystem services and human wellbeing. This builds on emerging frameworks for studying multiple dimensions of human wellbeing, drawing on Amartya Sen's capabilities approach to human development. The approach is applied to an empirical case study of three sites adjacent to native tropical forest in western Rwanda. The value of exploring social complexity in ecosystem services research is illustrated through its contribution to understanding a) different types of values; b) disaggregation of people; c) power relations and their influence on trade-offs; d) the importance of multiple land use types in the landscape; and e) changes and their drivers at multiple scales. The analysis reveals that the majority of services valued by forest-adjacent Rwandan inhabitants are not provided by tropical forests but by other habitats. We suggest that more integrated landscape governance may offer synergistic opportunities for conservation and development
Comment: Expert Elicitation for Reliable System Design
Comment: Expert Elicitation for Reliable System Design [arXiv:0708.0279]Comment: Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/088342306000000529 in the
Statistical Science (http://www.imstat.org/sts/) by the Institute of
Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org
Pennsylvanian emergence of anabranching fluvial deposits: the parallel rise of arborescent vegetation and fixed-channel floodplains
Early Cambrian metazoans in fluvial environments, evidence of the non-marine Cambrian radiation: comment
Economic Policy Following the Terrorist Attacks
America has shown its best side in recent weeks in the efforts to help the victims of September 11. And it is showing its strength as it moves to strike back and tighten security at home. Dealing with the economic impact of these horrendous crimes has, appropriately, not been the first priority.
The Productivity Growth Slowdown by Industry
macroeconomics, financial crisis, crises, U.S. markets, international markets
Contract Theory and the Moderation for Inflation by Recession and by Controls
macroeconomics, contract theory, inflation, recession
What Does International Experience Tell Us About Regulatory Consolidation?
Describes the integrated, twin peaks, functional, and institutional approaches to financial regulation and draws lessons from how Canada's, the United Kingdom's, Australia's, and other countries' regulatory structures have fared in the financial crisis
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