802 research outputs found
Understanding Parton Distributions from Lattice QCD: Present Limitations and Future Promise
This talk will explain how ground state matrix elements specifying moments of
quark density and spin distributions in the nucleon have been calculated in
full QCD, show how physical extrapolation to the chiral limit including the
physics of the pion cloud resolves previous apparent conflicts with experiment,
and describe the computational resources required for a definitive comparison
with experiment.Comment: Proceedings of Ferrara Workshop on the QCD Structure of the Nucleon
10 pages, 6 figure
Understanding Hadron Structure Using Lattice QCD
Numerical evaluation of the path integral for QCD on a discrete space-time
lattice has been used to calculate ground state matrix elements specifying
moments of quark density and spin distributions. This talk will explain how
these matrix elements have been calculated in full QCD using dynamical quarks,
show how physical extrapolation to the chiral limit including the physics of
the pion cloud resolves previous apparent conflicts with experiment, and
describe the computational resources required for a definitive comparison with
experiment.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures, using BoxedEPS and espcrc1 macros; Invited Talk
at Third International Conference on Perspectives in Hadronic Physics,
Trieste; email correspondenc to [email protected]
Incommensurate nematic fluctuations in the two-dimensional Hubbard model
We analyze effective d-wave interactions in the two-dimensional extended
Hubbard model at weak coupling and small to moderate doping. The interactions
are computed from a renormalization group flow. Attractive d-wave interactions
are generated via antiferromagnetic spin fluctuations in the pairing and charge
channels. Above Van Hove filling, the d-wave charge interaction is maximal at
incommensurate diagonal wave vectors, corresponding to nematic fluctuations
with a diagonal modulation. Below Van Hove filling a modulation along the
crystal axes can be favored. The nematic fluctuations are enhanced by the
nearest-neighbor interaction in the extended Hubbard model, but they always
remain smaller than the dominant antiferromagnetic, pairing, or charge density
wave fluctuations.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures; figures improve
Insight into Hadron Structure from Lattice QCD
A variety of evidence from lattice QCD is presented revealing the dominant role of instantons in the propagation of light quarks in the QCD vacuum and in light hadron structure. The instanton content of lattice gluon configurations is extracted, and observables calculated from the instantons alone are shown to agree well with those calculated using all gluons. The lowest 128 eigenfunctions of the Dirac operator are calculated and shown to exhibit zero modes localized at the instantons. Finally, the zero mode contributions to the quark propagator alone are shown to account for essentially the full strength of the rho and pion resonances in the vector and pseudoscalar correlation functions
Particle number fluctuations and correlations in transfer reactions obtained using the Balian-V\'en\'eroni variational principle
The Balian-V\'en\'eroni (BV) variational principle, which optimizes the
evolution of the state according to the relevant observable in a given
variational space, is used at the mean-field level to determine the particle
number fluctuations in fragments of many-body systems. For fermions, the
numerical evaluation of such fluctuations requires the use of a time-dependent
Hartree-Fock (TDHF) code. Proton, neutron and total nucleon number fluctuations
in fragments produced in collisions of two 40Ca are computed for a large range
of angular momenta at a center of mass energy E_cm=128 MeV, well above the
fusion barrier. For deep-inelastic collisions, the fluctuations calculated from
the BV variational principle are much larger than standard TDHF results, and
closer to mass and charge experimental fluctuations. For the first time,
correlations between proton and neutron numbers are determined within a quantum
microscopic approach. These correlations are shown to be larger with exotic
systems where charge equilibration occurs.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Lett. New version with more
detailed comparison with experimental data and prediction for exotic beam
Interplay between spin density wave and phase shifted superconductivity in the Fe pnictide superconductors
We explore if the phase separation or coexistence of the spin density wave
(SDW) and superconductivity (SC) states has any relation to the
incommensurability of the SDW in the Fe pnictide superconductors. A systematic
method of determining the phase separation or coexistence was employed by
computing the anisotropy coefficient from the the 4th order terms of
the Ginzburg--Landau (GL) expansion of the free energy close to the
tricritical/tetracritical point. It was complemented by the self-consistent
numerical iterations of the gap equations to map out the boundaries between the
phase separation and coexistence of the SDW and SC phases, and between
commensurate (C) and incommensurate (IC) SDW in the temperature--doping plane.
Our principal results for the sign reversed -wave pairing SC, in terms of
the multicritical temperature, , the phase separation/coexistence boundary
between the SDW and SC, , and the boundary between C/IC SDW, , are:
(a) IC-SDW and SC coexist for and phase separate otherwise, (b) SDW
takes the C form for and IC form for , and (c) the
thermodynamic first order phase transition intervenes in between the C-SDW and
IC-SDW boundary for large , where is the SDW transition
temperature at zero doping, and . The
intervention makes the phase diagram more complicated than previously reported.
By contrast no coexistence was found for the equal sign pairing SC. These
results will be compared with the experimental reports in the Fe pnictide
superconductors.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to Phys.Rev.
Spontaneous-Symmetry-Breaking Mechanism of Adiabatic Pumping
We consider heterostructures consisting of regions with a continuous symmetry
in contact with regions wherein the symmetry is spontaneously broken. The
low-frequency dynamics of the corresponding order parameter are shown to induce
nonequilibrium transport, a ``pumping,'' out of the symmetry-broken regions,
which is governed by the generator of the broken-symmetry operator. This
pumping damps Goldstone-mode excitations and transfers them beyond traditional
(static) proximity length scales. Our general conclusions are discussed for
specific examples of order parameters in helimagnets, charge/spin-density
waves, superconductors, and ferromagnets. We carry out a detailed calculation
of such pumping for spiral magnetic orders in helimagnets possessing a duality
in the representation of its symmetry-broken states.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure
The eta ' signal from partially quenched Wilson fermions
We present new results from our ongoing study of flavor singlet pseudoscalar
mesons in QCD. Our approach is based on (a) performing truncated eigenmode
expansions for the hairpin diagram and (b) incorporating the ground state
contribution for the connected meson propagator. First, we explain how the
computations can be substantially improved by even-odd preconditioning. We
extend previous results on early mass plateauing in the eta' channel of
two-flavor full QCD with degenerate sea and valence quarks to the partially
quenched situation. We find that early mass plateau formation persists in the
partially quenched situation.Comment: Lattice2002(spectrum), 3 pages, 5 figure
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