49 research outputs found

    Stakesholder yang Berperan dalam Pengendalian Pencemaran Minyak di Selat Rupat

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    Industri pengolahan minyak, transportasi kapal di pelabuhan serta inputminyak dari muara sungai menyebabkan perairan Selat Rupat rawan terhadappencemaran minyak. Pada dasarnya, pencemaran minyak di perairan lautdisebabkan oleh aktivitas berbagai stakeholder meliputi pelaku industri danpelaku transportasi kapal. Metode ISM (interpretive structural modelling)digunakan untuk penentukan stakesholder yang dominan dalam pengendalianpencemaran minyak dalam upaya mencegah terjadinya kerusakan ekosistem diSelat Rupat. Pemerintah merupakan stakeholder kunci yang mampumengendalikan pencemaran minyak di perairan Selat Rupat dengan mengeluarkaninstrumen regulasi (peraturan Perundang-undangan) dalam penyelamatanlingkungan. Pemerintah juga memiliki driver-power yang besar dalam membina,mengawasi dan memberikan sanksi yang tegas (pidana dan denda) terhadapstakeholders lain yang melanggar

    Growth Rate Of (Anadara Granosa) Spat On The Natural Habitat With Different Density In Panipahan Beach Rokan Hilir Recident Riau Province

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the growth rate of A. granosa with different stocking density. This study was conducted from November 2015 to January 2016. Animals test measuring between 0.8-1.0 cm. The method used in this study is experimental method with completely randomized design (CRD), one factor with 4 treatments. To minimize errors, each treatment using 3 replicates. Treatment A (50 individuals), B (75 individuals), C (100 individuals), D (125 individuals). The variables measured were the growth rate and survival rate. The results showed that the stocking density of 50 individuals generate growth in the value of the highest average or better than stocking density 75 individuals and 100 individuals, while stocking density of 125 individuals was the lowest growth. The highest level of survival was found on a stocking density of 50 individuals with an average value of 92.7 ± 3.055%, while the lowest survival was on stocking density 125 individuals with an average value of 83.5 ± 1.222%

    Analysis of Sediment Organic Content and Macrozoobenthos Abundance in the Estuary of Batang Arau River Padang City West Sumatera Province

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    This research was conducted in April 2017 by taking samples of sediment and macrozoobenthos from Estuary of Batang Arau River of Padang City, West Sumatera Province. The aim of the study was to analyze the content of organic sediment and macrozoobenthos abundance and the relationship of organic sediment with macrozoobenthos abundance. The method used is a survey method consisting of 4 stations with 3 replications at each station. The results showed that the average content of organic sediment material in Estuary of Batang Arau River is 10.78% and the content of organic sediment material between different stations is significantly different (P0.05). The content of organic sediment material and macrozoobenthos abundance showed a weak positive relationship with the regression equation Y = 7.024 + 0.461X

    Study Between Oil Content Seawater and Diatoms Abundance in Air Hitam Strait Meranti Islands Regency Riau Province

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    The research was conducted on February until March 2017 with a goal todetermine the relationship between the oil content and the abundance of diatoms,in Air Hitam Strait Meranti Islands Regency Riau Province. The survey methodwere conducted in four stations, in which three sampling. It revealed t hat the oilcontent of water ranged (0.2687 to 0.7889 ppm) and diatom abundance between(116 to 287 cells/l) which contain of 7 species. Of research results, the oilcontent in the sea water with an abundance of diatoms have a strong relation withthe value of the correlation coefficient r = 0.727, regression equation appeared y= 337.04 – 233.71 x with a coefficient of determination (R2) = 0, 5291 and thevalue of the Sig < 0.05. It was suggested that increasing oil content will decreasethe abundance of diatoms in the Air Hitam Strait

    Antagonism Test of Probiotics Bacteria Isolated From Black Tiger Shrimp (Penaeus Monodon) Against Pathogens (Aeromonas Hydrophila, Pseudomonas SP and Vibrio Alginolyticus)

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    Probiotics is one effective strategy in an effort to cope with the disease by pathogenic bacteria. The study aims to determine the level of pathogenic bacteria were isolated from the candidate probiotic intestinal tiger shrimp against pathogenic bacteria A. hydrophila, Pseudomonas sp and V. alginolyticus. Expected candidate probiotics can be used to combat the disease in fish and shrimp farming. Antagonism using disc diffusion test. Four isolates of candidate probiotic bacteria more dominant round, milky white color and yellow, smooth or scalloped edge. Four candidate probiotic bacteria can inhibit pathogenic bacteria A. hydrophila, Pseudomonas sp and V. alginolyticus. The highest inhibition zone on the candidate probiotics P1 against A. hydrophila, Pseudomonas sp of 11.7 mm and 11.1 mm. The highest inhibition zone on V.alginolyticus the candidate probiotic bacteria P2 of 11.4 mm

    Analysis of Organic Matter in Sediments and Macrozoobenthos From Coastal Waters of Hurun Bay of Lampung

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    This study was conducted in July 2015 with the aim to observe the macrozoobenthospopulation and organic matter content in the sediment. The samples were collected from HurunBay in Lampung Province with using survey method. Samples were analyzed in the Laboratoryof Water Quality BBPPL Lampung and Chemistry Laboratory, Faculty of Fisheries and MarineSciences University of Riau. The study showed that the organic content in the sediment between22.88 - 54.91%, while the abundance of macrozoobenthos was between 20.29 - 66.67 ind / m2.Macrozoobenthos identified in Hurun Bay 8 species, 3 classes and 2 phylua. From the phylum ofMollusca there were Gastropod i.e. which had 5 species and from the classes of bivalves thestudy also found two species. From the phylum annelid there was one class, Polychaeta and onespecies, i.e. Nereis sp. The relationship between macrozoobenthos and organic content wasexpressed with the equation of Y = 9,411 + 0,6268X that the relationship of organic matter withmacrozoobenthos abundance was weak

    Analisis Fraksi Sedimen dan Bahan Organik di Perairan Muara Sungai Dumai Provinsi Riau

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    The purpose of this researched was to analize the consistency of organic material and sediment fraction on estuary in dumai river. The research was with purposive sampling on four stutions. The analysis of sediment fraction in estuary in dumai river had been dominated by mud substract. The result mean size wened very fine sand, of consistency organic material is ranging 7,37 - 24,01 mg/l. The result sorting value wered poorly kurtosis value were ektremly leptokurtic, and skewness dominant value were negative. Difference of fine grafain and type of sediment on estuary in Dumai River had effect by physics and chemical factor.Keyward: sediment fraction, sediment statistic parameter and organic material