29 research outputs found

    Causative Constructions in Woirata, Kisar Island (Southwest Maluku, Indonesia)

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    Woirata (or Oirata, see Van Engelenhoven in this volume) is closely related to Fataluku (Timor-Leste) and belongs to the Timor-Leste subgroup of the Timor-Alor-Pantar language family (TAP) together with Makalero and Makasai (Schapper, Huber, and Van Engelenhoven 2012). It has about 1,566 speakers. Taber (1993) suggests that there are 24 languages in Southwest Maluku of which 23 are Austronesian; Woirata is the only non-Austronesian language in the area. It is interesting to research in how far Woirata has been influenced by Austronesian languages. Because the Woirata and other people who live on Kisar Island, like the Meher, are using Melayu Tenggara Jauh (MTJ) as their lingua franca, one may expect deep language contact between Woirata and MTJ. This multilingual situation suggests a contact induced language change of Woirata, imposed by MTJ. This contribution aims to describe the causative constructions in Woirata and compare them with the counterpart constructions in MTJ and Meher

    A Tale of Narrative Annexation Stories From Kisar Island (Southwest Maluku, Indonesia)

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    This paper discusses strategies of appropriation of narrative heritage in literate and narrative histories on the island of Kisar. It shows that notwithstanding their sometimes literate characteristics, storytelling in competitive contexts still follows strategies that are typical for oral performances. This paper questions in how far literate and narrative historiographies can and ought to be separated from each other in Southwest Maluku

    Kewajiban Keterbukaan dan Prinsip Rahasia Bank di Pasar Modal

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    As one of the alternative for supporting the strong hold and adding the bank capital, it can be taken through public bargaining at the stock exchange. In the public bargaining, every bank must pay attention for two basic principles, namely transparency and secrecy principles. But the instrument of the act, like number 23, 1964, The act of number 14,1967,and the act of Number?, 1992 as well as the act of number 10,1998 are unadequate of protection certainty in supporting activities

    Introgresi Gen CsNitr1-L dari Transgenik Nipponbare ke Ciherang dan Analisis Pewarisannya pada Generasi BC3F4

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    CsNitr1-L gene is a gene encoding nitrites transporter and is included in the group of proton oligopeptide transporter (POT) gene family. The absorption of nitrites by plants expressing this transporter becomes efficient. The gene encoding this protein (CsNitr1-L) under the control of 35S CaMV Promoter had been introduced into rice plants (Oryza sativa L.) subspecies japonica cv. Nipponbare to transfer this gene. The japonica transgenic rice had been crossed with Ciherang variety followed by back-cross and self polination until BC3F4 generation. The aim of this study was to analyse introgression of CsNitr1-L gene in the transgenic rice BC3F4 generation. The transgenic rice plants in BC3F4 generation were selected based on the resistance to hygromicin. More than 90% population of BC3F4 are putative introgression rice lines carriying the transgene. The introgression of the transgene were indirectly confirmed by PCR analaysis using primer corresponding to hpt gene. The yield of introgression line was higher than these of original Ciherang cultivar. Four introgression lines (G3, G7, G8 and G11) that had higher yield were analysed by PCR. Result of the analysis showed that these four transgenic plants carried the introgression

    Sistem Pakar Diagnosa Kerusakan Mesin Sepeda Motor Yamaha di Compion Motor Dumai

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    Sistem pakar adalah aplikasi berbasis komputer yang digunakan untuk menyelesaikan masalah sebagaimana yang dipikirkan oleh pakar. Pakar yang dimaksud disini adalah orang yang mempunyai keahlian khusus yang dapat menyelesaikan masalah yang tidak dapat diselesaikan oleh orang awam. Namun masalah yang sering muncul adalah bagaimana cara untuk merepresentasikan pengetahuan di antaranya adalah menerapkan sistem pakar yang telah terkomputerisasi sehingga dapat digunakan dalam mendianogsa kerusakan mesin sepeda motor Yamaha Mio J 110cc di bengkel Chompion motor.sehingga dapat memdahkan kinerja mekanik dalam perbaikan motor. Dengan metode Forward Chaining diharapakan dapat membatu sistem dalam mengambil suatu keputusan dalam mendianogsa kerusakan mesin sepeda motor Yamaha Mio J 110 cc. sehingga dengan adanya aplikasi sistem pakar kerusakan mesin sepeda motor ini dapat dengan mudah meyelesaikan permasalahan dalam medianogsa kerusakan mesin sepeda motor Yamaha Mio J 110 cc

    Pengaruh Anomali Pasar Terhadap Return Saham Perusahaan Lq-45

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    The debate about the concept of efficient markets are still common among experts until now. However emerged a number of new studies which suggested market anomaly which is a deviation from the concept of efficient markets. One kind of market anomalies is most often observed seasonal anomalies in this study consisted of the day of the week effect, week four effect, and the January effect. This research aims to determine whether there are significant market anomalies on stock return. The unit of analysis in this study is the daily stock return data LQ-45 from the date of July 1st, 2013 to June 30th, 2014. The sample in this research is secondary data and selected by using purposive sampling method. The sample of this research consist of 37 companies listed in index LQ-45 consistently in the period July 1st, 2013 to June 30th, 2014. The analysis method of this research used regression analysis with dummy variable.The result of this research showed that the day of the week effect didn't have negative significant effect to stock return, week four effect didn't have negative significant effect to stocks return, and Jauary effect didn't have positive significant effect to stock retur

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Desa Tangkit Kecamatan Sungai Gelam dengan Mengupayakan Komersialisasi Benih Bayam

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    Potensi benih bayam cukup tinggi di Desa Tangkit Kecamatan Sungai Gelam Muaro Jambi tetapi penguasaan teknologi di bidang produksinya oleh petani masih rendah. Penerapan teknik produksi dan pengelolaan yang baik diyakini dapat menghasilkan benih bayam unggul komersial sehingga bisa menjadi sumber pendapatan baru bagi petani bayam. Permasalahan berupa rendahnya pengetahuan, penguasaan teknologi, dan ketrampilan berusaha diatasi dengan cara (1) transfer ilmu dan teknologi produksi benih bayam unggul bernilai ekonomis tinggi; (2) meningkatkan minat masyarakat berwirausaha benih bayam; (3) melakukan komersialisasi terhadap benih bayam unggul yang berhasil dikembangkan, (4) memberdayakan kelompok tani melalui kegiatan berwirausaha; (5) memantapkan bentuk dan disain grafis kemasan menjadi lebih menarik dan berorientasi pasar sehingga dapat meningkatkan nilai dan harga jual produk; dan (6) melakukan promosi melalui internet dengan menyertakan unsur edukatif kebaikan produk dietary fiberberbasis sayur bayam bagi kesehatan. Setelah dilakukan penyuluhan dan pelatihan, pengembangan produksi benih bayam unggul menjadi suatu keniscayaan bagi masyarakat dan petani di Desa Tangkit yang memang merupakan sentra produksi bayam. Produksi benih bayam unggul merupakan alternatif jalan keluar bagi persoalan jenuhnya pasar dan tekanan hukum permintaan dan penawaran komoditas bayam segar. Pengembangan usaha ini telah menciptakan lapangan kerja baru bagi mitra dan masyarakat sasaran