183 research outputs found
Grain sedimentation inside giant planet embryos
In the context of massive fragmenting protoplanetary discs, Boss (1998)
suggested that grains can grow and sediment inside giant planet embryos formed
at R ~ 5 AU away from the star. Several authors since then criticised the
suggestion. Convection may prevent grain sedimentation, and the embryos cannot
even form so close to the parent star as cooling is too inefficient at these
distances. Here we reconsider the grain sedimentation process suggested by Boss
(1998) but inside an embryo formed, as expected in the light of the cooling
constraints, at R ~ 100 AU. Such embryos are much less dense and are also
cooler. We make analytical estimates of the process and also perform simple
spherically symmetric radiation hydrodynamics simulations to test these ideas.
We find that convection in our models does not become important before a
somewhat massive (~ an Earth mass, this is clarified in a followup paper) solid
core is built. Turbulent mixing slows down dust sedimentation but is
overwhelmed by grain sedimentation when the latter grow to a centimetres size.
The minimum time required for dust sedimentation to occur is a few thousand
years, and is a strong function of the embryo's mass, dust content and opacity.
An approximate analytical criterion is given to delineate conditions in which a
giant embryo contracts and heats up faster than dust can sediment. As Boss et
al (2002), we argue that core formation through grain sedimentation inside the
giant planet embryos may yield an unexplored route to form giant gas and giant
ice planets. The present model also stands at the basis of paper III, where we
study the possibility of forming terrestrial planet cores by tidal disruption
and photoevaporation of the planetary envelope.Comment: To appear in MNRAS, referred to as "paper I" in serie
Massive stars in sub-parsec rings around galactic centers
We consider the structure of self-gravitating marginally stable accretion
disks in galactic centers in which a small fraction of the disk mass has been
converted into proto-stars. We find that proto-stars accrete gaseous disk
matter at prodigious rates. Mainly due to the stellar accretion luminosity, the
disk heats up and geometrically thickens, shutting off further disk
fragmentation. The existing proto-stars however continue to gain mass by gas
accretion. As a results, the initial mass function for disk-born stars at
distances R ~ 0.03-3 parsec from the super-massive black hole should be
top-heavy. The effect is most pronounced at around R ~ 0.1 parsec. We suggest
that this result explains observations of rings of young massive stars in our
Galaxy and in M31, and predict that more of such rings will be discovered.Comment: Figure 1 replaced (the one supplied in the previous version was for a
different SMBH mass than intended
Tidal Downsizing Model. IV. Destructive feedback in planets
I argue that feedback is as important to formation of planets as it is to
formation of stars and galaxies. Energy released by massive solid cores puffs
up pre-collapse gas giant planets, making them vulnerable to tidal disruptions
by their host stars. I find that feedback is the ultimate reason for some of
the most robust properties of the observed exoplanet populations: the rarity of
gas giants at all separations from to ~AU, the abundance
of cores but dearth of planets more massive than . Feedback effects can also explain (i) rapid assembly of massive
cores at large separations as needed for Uranus, Neptune and the suspected HL
Tau planets; (ii) the small core in Jupiter yet large cores in Uranus and
Neptune; (iii) the existence of rare "metal monster" planets such as CoRoT-20b,
a gas giant made of heavy elements by up to \%.Comment: 17 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS (version significantly
expanded to address referee's report
Two-phase model for Black Hole feeding and feedback
We study effects of AGN feedback outflows on multi-phase inter stellar medium
(ISM) of the host galaxy. We argue that SMBH growth is dominated by accretion
of dense cold clumps and filaments. AGN feedback outflows overtake the cold
medium, compress it, and trigger a powerful starburst -- a positive AGN
feedback. This predicts a statistical correlation between AGN luminosity and
star formation rate at high luminosities. Most of the outflow's kinetic energy
escapes from the bulge via low density voids. The cold phase is pushed outward
only by the ram pressure (momentum) of the outflow. The combination of the
negative and positive forms of AGN feedback leads to an relation
similar to the result of King (2003). Due to porosity of cold ISM in the bulge,
SMBH influence on the low density medium of the host galaxy is significant even
for SMBH well below the mass. The role of SMBH feedback in our model
evolves in space and time with the ISM structure. In the early gas rich phase,
SMBH accelerates star formation in the bulge. During later gas poor
(red-and-dead) phases, SMBH feedback is mostly negative everywhere due to
scarcity of the cold ISM.Comment: to appear in MNRAS. 9 page
Tidal Downsizing model. I. Numerical methods: saving giant planets from tidal disruptions
Tidal Downsizing (TD) is a recently developed planet formation theory that
supplements the classical Gravitational disc Instability (GI) model with planet
migration inward and tidal disruptions of GI fragments in the inner regions of
the disc. Numerical methods for a detailed population synthesis of TD planets
are presented here. As an example application, the conditions under which GI
fragments collapse faster than they migrate into the inner few AU disc
are considered. It is found that most gas fragments are tidally or thermally
disrupted unless (a) their opacity is orders of magnitude less than
the interstellar dust opacity at metallicities typical of the observed giant
planets, or (b) the opacity is high but the fragments accrete large dust grains
(pebbles) from the disc. Case (a) models produce very low mass solid cores
( Earth masses) and follow a negative correlation of giant
planet frequency with host star metallicity. In contrast, case (b) models
produce massive solid cores, correlate positively with host metallicity and
explain naturally while giant gas planets are over-abundant in metals.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS November 19 2014. Comments welcom
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